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Trouble maintaining semi-erect state


Trouble maintaining semi-erect state

Today I’ve had trouble maintaining a semi-erect penis whilst jelqing. This is the first time I have gotten this. I just stopped using Vig-RX today since I am suspecting this is the cause of my current hair loss near my bangs and 1-3 inches in. Is this normal or what? Is this because my body got so accustomed to the Vig-RX that I forgot how to adapt?

This is the first time I’ve ever got this since I’ve always had real hard erection in the drop of a dime.
Man is it depressing!! First hair loss, now I can’t maintain a semi-erect state. I’m content people in this forum know how I feel because I had a poor jelqing workout today and those who are really into PE know this is really aggravating.

First, try not to worry about it too much. There’s some things you can do to keep your semi going during jelqing:

A. Visualization - Sexually stimulating thoughts can kick it up.

B. As you jelq forward, use the other hand to play with the head and other feel-good parts.

Hope this helps a little bit.

Hi,…been lurking for a while, this is my first post.

I have exactly the same problem.

We may be in a minority, but like LonerJ, mine will not stay semi-erect.
It doesn’t matter how much porn I look at,….my mind still decides that I’m jelqing, and not masturbating.

It’s like, I have to concentrate on what I’m doing, e.g. making sure I’ve got a good grip, making sure I keep a rythmn, keeping the pressure constant, making sure my fingers avoid my scrotum etc. ……while doing all this, it kind of prevents sexual stimulation.

I have to regularly stop and get reasonably hard again, every three minutes or so.

I do find it worrying because I’m after girth over length. And from what I hear here, you need to work with a reasonable erection to gain girth.

I’m concerned because I’m not looking enormously pumped as some people say they are after a jelqing session.

I started about two and a half weeks ago, and I think I’m starting to grow lengthwise. EG 8 in to start with,…..8.25 right now.
but,……my EG hasn’t changed at all,…still 5 inches.

The girth isn’t even bigger if I get hard after a jelq session. So I’m wondering if this is down with not being able to maintain semi-hardness while I jelq.
With all the start——stopping, is that maybe interrupting my session in a negative way?
As soon as I start jelqing, the erection state immediately starts diminishing.

Last edited by mercuryrex : 04-04-2003 at .

Hey Mercuryrex, nice to meet you!

When you’re jelqing, stimulate yourself with the hand that isn’t in use. Although it may not work for you, it certainly works for me. Are you using a palms up or palms down jelqing technique?

Also, give it time. You say that you gained 1/4” in two and a half weeks? Most don’t even see those kind of gains for months. Some people get quick girth results, some don’t. So try not to get discouraged. This is a long-term project we are engaged in, and the gains will come.

LonerJ, are you not able to work yourself back up to a semi-erect state by way of masturbating? Are you saying that you’re unresponsive in your ability to get an erection when you try to get him going?

You could use several methods to maintain your semi-erect state. You could use your other hand, for instance, or use visual aids.

An unresponsive penis might be an indication that you have done too much working out in the session.

Make sure to accentuate your sessions with PC exercises, too!

I have found, since beginning PE a while back, that a developed PC muscle can help you to maintain an erection, semi or otherwise as well.



thank you all for the replies. Yea I’ve tried porn but no use. I think it might be indication that I’ve done two tough excersize two days in a row. I’ll see about it tomorrow. Anyway I’m done with Vig-Rx. I’m not sure if it helped in my gains either but there are alot of people who haven’t used penis pills as a supplement and still have made good gains. By the way, does L-Argenine help alot?? Does it effect hair loss or anything?



I think that the problem with trying to stimulate yourself with your free hand, is that you only have three seconds to work with, i.e. time of the jelq.
Swapping hands constantly just makes it awkward for me to create stimulation while I jelq.
As I jelq with one hand, the other hand is moving into position for the next jelq stroke, and in that time I need to pull the skin back a bit before I grip, no time to stimulate.

I will feel disappointed if I find out my problem with having to jelq in a stop—-starting way means I will never be able to gain girth.

Thanks for the encouragement though, I’ll be patient.

If I can get a good pumped size after jelqing, I’ll have a feeling that I’m getting a good workout.

I’ll post my stats after a month if I have any gains in either girth or width.

LonerJ, I have tried L-arginine. What it did for me was my erections felt like I was going to split wide open, the feeling was so hard and skin-tight like. It also had the effect of increasing my ejaculation volume. And last time I looked, I still have all my hair, in fact, just a little more blonder, actually! :D

Seriously, no side effects for me on L-arginine.

Mercuryrex, you can still stimulate yourself with your jelq hand. Just lightly brush over your glans after the jelq, creating a slight excitemental penile reaction of becoming a bit more erect when combined with a PC flex for infusing blood into your penis. I find this method to help me whenever I need to bring up my softening penis to jelq standards.


Sometimes you have to look at jelqing as a warmup to other exercises. In other words, the stress that you are putting on your dick now with jelqing will allow you in the future to do more advanced techniques that will (hopefully) be more likely to give you the results that you are looking for. Give your current routine a couple of months and see what happens. Just think, if you gain 1/8” in girth every 3 months, you’ll be 1/2” thicker in one year.

overtraining the unit a bit Lonerj?

The simple solution is sometimes so close to you that you don’t see it.

I would suggest that you are overtraining your penis in some way.

If you will post your exact routine leading up to the problem we may be able to help a little better.

Suffice it to say you are most likely exhausting your unit to the point that it is not recovering enough before your next PE session. Are you hanging or stretching before your jelq as well?

I have never lived this long before. - Dash

LJ, the mind can be very powerful in a positive or negative way. Visualization I feel is very important to having a good PE workout but I don’t think that is your whole problem. Let me try to describe it this way: If I had a bad night sleep last night it becomes easy to be pre-disposed to have it happen again. This cycle of past bad experience influencing future goals can become vicious and eventually it become very easy to fall into this way of thinking. Yesterday I had a very similar situation. I went off to train, for whatever reason I was not able to have a great session. I can allow that to dictate todays session if I want or I could see yesterday as a once in great while thing and chalk it up to the phrase “nobody is perfect.” The point I am trying to make is before working out clear your mind of past experience and concentrate on today. Visualization can be valuable pre-workout but I think you may also want to try some physical means to improve your workout.

Hear are 2 physical things I do to help with this problem:

1. Head Stimulation: The glan is the most sensitive part of the penis. In a normal jelq session we are taught to stop before the glan and go to our next stroke. If I am having difficulty remaining erect or in you case partially erect I like to drag my palm over the glan on every other stroke. The stimulation helps to keep me at optimum workout density but it also does something else for me. It makes the experience sexual which brings me to the second thing I do.

2. Sexual PE: A very important thing to me is viewing my workouts at sexual. I do this in alot of ways. I like to hand sexy pictures around the bathroom where I train. I like to imagine the Jen is the one who’s hands are doing the work. I like to look around the room then close my eyes and make it highly sexual. Masturbation never seems to be a problem for men as far as getting it up, the reason being it is sexual. If PE is viewed as a workout it becomes difficult to make a solid connection between the penis and the mind. Once I bring this to a sexual level I am able to change my complete way of thinking and have the session mimic masturbation in a sense instead of exercise. Keep It Sexy:)

I have an extensive study I did on this that I will post in the main members forum.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

I’ve got a question for “6Gofor10” or anybody who has experience with L-Arginine;

- how much L-Arginine do you take,and when?Do you take it every day in addition to prior to having sex?

January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Originally posted by ahund

- how much L-Arginine do you take,and when?Do you take it every day in addition to prior to having sex?

I was up to 7.5 grams a day. I cycle L-Arginine, that is, once a bottle is used, I take a week off, then resume with a new bottle.

I self-administered three times a day, on an empty stomach, or at least 30 minutes prior to eating. Have never ingested L-Arginine prior to sex, though, so wouldn’t know about it.


7.5 grams a day?! That’s a lot of Arginine!I take 500mg a day, and have tried 1500mg 2 hours before sex a couple of times, but I haven’t really noticed any difference in either erection og increased ejaculate. So maybe I should try to increase the intake. I don’t know for how long it stays in the body, but I’ll experiment. Thanks for sharing your experience.

January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Hey thanks for all the reply guys.

What was weird was that it was so hard for me to maintain semi-erect whilst using the power-jelq. When I tried jelqing with my hand I was able to maintain my semi-erect state with no trouble at all. Hmm what could this mean.

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