Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Trouble Quitting Smoking


Trouble Quitting Smoking

I feel like Cher in the Bally’s commercial, “The hardest part is getting started.” No shit sister!

I promised myself to quit smoking before I started because I doubt I’d gain anything with my peripheral circulation so poor. I have done some dry jelqing casually but haven’t started the newbie program because I can’t quit the fucking cigarettes. Damnit! I really do need the length and girth. I really am small. Don’t tell me I’m not; when only one particular model of condom fits you (Yes, the Lifestyles SnuggerFit) then you need to do this. I am SO pissed at myself because I can’t seem to do it.

I so desperately want to do PE because I know it works, I really, really do (you LIKE me! You really LIKE me!). I know that when the one outweighs the other (along with all the other health benefits of quitting), that I’ll do it.

I don’t know. I’m not looking for pity posts, just want to vent my frustration. Look how long I’ve been here for heaven’s sake!

Ugh. Just being disgusted with myself.

Thank you all, however, for keeping my hope alive. :D

P.S. - I put this in the main forum because it’s about PE more than about smoking, from my perspective. Anyway, it’ll get moved if the mod gods don’t agree. I dunno. I’ll shut-up now.

Ah, Yes I know the feeling.

I quit 2 years ago. I tried patches, gum and neither owrked for me. I read Ian Carr’s book on giving up, but never finished it. So decided to get hypnotised.

And it worked!! If you really want to quit I would totally recommend it.

Good luck & Hope it helps


i think getting started is hard for you and continuing is just as hard. Most people really dont want to give up the behavior so that is why it is hard. Giving up jacking off for me would be hard because i like it. Giving up jacking off for maybe a week is possible but i look into the future without jacking off and it gets hard. I think the future usually plays a bigger role for smokers than the present. They look into the future without the enjoyment of cigarettes and they dont want to quit. Most non smokers look into the future with cigarettes and see lung cancer, bad breath, bad health and things like that, smokers enjoy the cigarette and ignore the pain. Go luck in your smoking, whether you smoke or not, it is not the smoking that is the problem, it is the pleasure you attach to the smoking

One word: wellbutrin.

damnant quod non intelligunt

(they condemn what they do not understand)

I have never smoked but I chew tobacco and I have quit. I too tried everything out there and none of it worked. so I just stoped buying it and I take it one day at a time . I have been stopped now for 3 months. The first 3 weeks were the hardest but it does get easier as the more time passes.

Things to avoid while quiting: Stress and anger. I found that when I start to stress out I want a chew or if I am angered I want a chew. Also change up your schedule. meaning if the first thing you do every morning is shower and shave then eat breakfast then have a smoke change it eat first then straight to the shower then shave then head to work. change the things that trigger your wanting to smoke. change the times you do things that you would have a smoke afterwards.

and lastly be strong in your will power to stay stopped.

I can’t help with the smoking part since I’ve never been hooked on cigs. But don’t let this prevent you from starting PE, if for nothing else but the penile health benefits. A smoker’s body may not be the optimal environment for PE gains but there are many many smokers here who have made some gains. Just go ahead and start the newbie routine.


I smoked a pack a day for 12 years, tried quitting about four times.

The fifth time was with my ex-wife when we were in our dating phase. I told her I wanted to quit, she said she wanted to help. We agreed on having sex every time I wanted a cigarette.

Worked like a charm.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

Originally Posted by johnjk
I think getting started is hard for you and continuing is just as hard. Most people really don’t want to give up the behavior so that is why it is hard. Giving up jacking off for me would be hard because I like it. Giving up jacking off for maybe a week is possible but I look into the future without jacking off and it gets hard. I think the future usually plays a bigger role for smokers than the present. They look into the future without the enjoyment of cigarettes and they don’t want to quit. Most non smokers look into the future with cigarettes and see lung cancer, bad breath, bad health and things like that, smokers enjoy the cigarette and ignore the pain. Go luck in your smoking, whether you smoke or not, it is not the smoking that is the problem, it is the pleasure you attach to the smoking

Philosophical. Fuck man everything you say in that post is so true! Inspiring almost. These are your views? I wish I had this outlook, but exactly like you say, I’m in the “present” frame of mind, thinking about not smoking in the future etc.

JasonEls: I smoke a pack a day easily when I’m not smoking weed - which I also smoke perhaps on average 5-6grams a week. In bongs. Although I have only been doing these exercises like 2 weeks, I have grown! Don’t let the thought/belief that smoking may inhibit your growth stop you, instead just go forth and do those exercises and stay positive.
If your not going to give up on the ciggies - and it is only you who can make that decision, just do the PE anyway. Motivation to quit the ciggies will come later - either when you get sick, or sick of the ciggies. That’s my view good luck- I’m kind of in the same boat!

This sounds really silly but I really suggest buying a large pack of those plastic party straws and whenever you feel the craving for a cigerette put that in your mouth and chew and play with it. Some reason the gnawing of the plastic stimulates the brain and what I believe sends cooling transmissions that eliminate stress. This worked for me! and I use to smoke a 10 pack a day, now I only smoke on weekends.

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzsche My Journey Start(march 24th 2005): 6.5"BPEL-5.0"EG. Now(Feb 1st 2006):7.5"BPEL-5.375"EG

I think you can quit, but just need to find the will to do it. I was depressed one year ago, and I don’t mean like “feel-bad-for-me” depressed, I couldn’t just do anything without feeling shame, guilt, paranoia etc. It came to a point where I broke down totally and cried. I cried for one hour.

Then I realized, that it was I who started my depression and contributed the depression. It was like a prison. Not so different from that behavioural prison you’re in. But then I realize that all the things that have a beginning has an end. Through my inner will, I defeated my own prison, and build slowly up a more healthier attitude towards life and events.

The point is, there is an end. For your part, the end could be lung cancer or it could be to see your last package of smokes in a garbage can. You’re in control, use the power of your mind. Use it wisely.

Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS

I think you can quit, but just need to find the will to do it. I was depressed one year ago, and I don’t mean like “feel-bad-for-me” depressed, I couldn’t just do anything without feeling shame, guilt, paranoia etc. It came to a point where I broke down totally and cried. I cried for one hour.

You people watch too many Bergman films. They’re enough to make Strawberry Shortcake jump off a cliff. :-,

Then I realized, that it was I who started my depression and contributed the depression. It was like a prison. Not so different from that behavioural prison you’re in. But then I realize that all the things that have a beginning has an end. Through my inner will, I defeated my own prison, and build slowly up a more healthier attitude towards life and events.

This is very interesting. I’m really pondering it because I could see it being true; very true. This is a theme I’m going to consider over the next few days because, to me, it’s quite profound.

This sounds really silly but I really suggest buying a large pack of those plastic party straws and whenever you feel the craving for a cigerette put that in your mouth and chew and play with it.

Yes! That’s an excellent idea! I admit I have an oral fixation. Of course I wasn’t breast-fed so I should probably blame it all on my mother like a good psych patient should. Meh. I have some in a box next to the stove. I think I’ll take you up on it.

I smoke a pack a day easily when I’m not smoking weed - which I also smoke perhaps on average 5-6grams a week. In bongs. Although I have only been doing these exercises like 2 weeks, I have grown! Don’t let the thought/belief that smoking may inhibit your growth stop you, instead just go forth and do those exercises and stay positive.

Whoa! I used to be a pothead. Not saying you are but when I smoked that much I was in a fog pretty much the whole time. I know people differ in how they react to it. A good sinse high wasn’t nearly as whacked as ruderalis skunk/indica mix highs. And that blonde Lebannese opiated hash. Wow. One hit of that off the bong and I fell off the chair onto the floor and went to some place like Zanzibar or Shalimar or …… I dunno but it was exotic and pretty.

But I do see your point as well. You’re right. Use PE as a means to help conquer the smoking thing. You know what? I think I’ll blog my smoking cessation stuff here too. Not that you’re all wrapt in my quitting thing, but it might help me and shit; I’ve seen far more useless threads on Thunder’s.

I tried hypnosis but I couldn’t go under. I’m not that trusting.

I tried Wellbutrin too. In fact I’m taking Buspar now. It has helped with the anxiety attacks (you SO do not want to know) and should help with this.

Not married or dating so no sex for me. See, I have this think about my dick being too small to satisfy a partner so I don’t put myself in a position to be rejected for it.

i think getting started is hard for you and continuing is just as hard. Most people really dont want to give up the behavior so that is why it is hard. Giving up jacking off for me would be hard because i like it. Giving up jacking off for maybe a week is possible but i look into the future without jacking off and it gets hard. I think the future usually plays a bigger role for smokers than the present.

This is true for most, but I am constantly haunted by the health effects. Every sore throat is cancer, every chest pain is a heart attack, every cough is cancer, every wheeze is emphysema. I get panic attacks and the mind is such a force that it can cause these very real symptoms in someone who, while not in great shape, seems to be healthy. I’ve been to doctor’s offices, left work and driven or had myself taken, to the hospital for heart attacks only to get hooked-up to a machine and be told there’s nothing physically wrong with you. Smoking most definitely adds to my anxiety but also aids in my ability to cope. I work with the public every day and when I don’t smoke I have a hair trigger temper that could very easily get me fired for saying the wrong thing. I’ve bought nicotine gum for just this reason and I tried it, however, as you might expect, it didn’t reduce my craving for nicotine and I was back smoking again! Vicious circle that.

Point being I disappoint myself and my friends when I let myself down and, at this point, I feel they’re ready to give up on me if I don’t start changing a lot of things. Smoking is the first step in any self-improvement I undertake. Guess I’ve made a smaller mountain into an Everest, but I’m convinced of it.

Thank you all so much! Quite the international thread. I’m getting support from all over the world (warm and tingly feeling of hope that we can all live together in peace :D )

I’m going to try to start on Saturday. Wish me luck! :surf:

P.S.- Always wanted to use that emoticon….

Originally Posted by Jason_Els

A good sinse high wasn’t nearly as whacked as ruderalis skunk/indica mix highs. And that blonde Lebannese opiated hash. Wow. One hit of that off the bong and I fell off the chair onto the floor and went to some place like Zanzibar or Shalimar or .. I dunno but it was exotic and pretty.

Runderalis skunk/indica, blonde Lebannese opiated hash, what the fuck man? What is this stuff? Weed isn’t doing it for me anymore anyway. Don’t get high, I smoke now, because I have conditioned myself to smoking a mix every night.
But enough about that.
Truly - Mental imaginary prisons aside - You will give up when you have to. And you will know when it is. I truly believe this.
No one else can really tell you or help you, they can possibly persuade your thinking a great deal. But at the end of the day, as we all know it is still your choice weather you go out and buy cigarettes, or you don’t.
One day you will just be siting there; thinking, and all these things go through your head. Subconsciously beating yourself up over smoking, wasting money, killing health. All those government smoking warnings and just the general fucked up bad press us smokers get these days will just get to you.

The world is screaming for all the smokers to butt out etc. I can see how us smokers are in some way quite inconsiderate to the non smokers. Saying this, I never blow smoke intentionally into any ones face, but I feel for the people with athsma/ weak stomachs who have to put up with this shit.
Also one last point. Passive smoking is quiet harmful. I can’t speak for anyone else, but if I ever discovered that someone close to me contracted cancer - from my cigarettes, well I’d just wanna kill myself. Could there be a worse feeling?

Originally Posted by d_sut
Runderalis skunk/indica, blonde Lebannese opiated hash, what the fuck man? What is this stuff? Weed isn’t doing it for me anymore anyway. Don’t get high, I smoke now, because I have conditioned myself to smoking a mix every night.

I’ve seen these two in the ‘Spliff’ book. There rated about strength 4/5 and the lebannese opiated hash 3.5/5. For me it was always Northern Lights and Purple Haze skunk, and if those weren’t available there was always Moroccan hash. Ahh man what can I say about weed. Leave it for a weekend or a fortnight, I cut down from 5 days a week to once a week. Being sober for some period of time is great really, the experience is better because your tolerance levels don’t rise so much. Hope the straw thing will work, I have an oral fixation too and it helps the oral impulse you get with fags. There is a reason why babies suck on dummys(What do you American’s call them?) too keep them away from their mother’s knockers ;) .

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzsche My Journey Start(march 24th 2005): 6.5"BPEL-5.0"EG. Now(Feb 1st 2006):7.5"BPEL-5.375"EG

i think it is funny you are deciding to start on Saturday. Avoiding starting right away seems to indicate a lack of resolve on starting. If the behavior you were wanting to change was to quit throwing $100 bills out the window of your car you might start immediately.

You can PE even if you smoke, can’t you? So the entire thing sounds like an elaborate procrastination coverup :p

I never had a problem smoking and PEing.

As far as quitting smoking is concerned, I know where you are coming from. It’s very hard to stay quit. If you are determined enough, you will be able to do it.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

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