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Tunica Stretching - once and forall


Tunica Stretching - once and forall

Would someone please, once and forall, explain what the Tunica is, how does one go about exercising it and what effects to expect from exercizing the Tunica.


I believe that it is the thin layer of tissue surrounding the erectile tissue (corpora cavernosa etc). Its like the rubber on a water baloon, and by stretching it, you will get gains. There are many ways of exercising it, but I’m really not the one to tell. Hopefully someone else will reply.

Now: 8.5" bpel 6" eg Goal: 9.5" nbpel 6" eg (maybe more)

I believe RB is going to post a sticky in the newbie section explaining all this “once and for all” to eliminate this regular question.

>I believe RB is going to post a sticky in the newbie section explaining all this “once and for all” to eliminate this regular question.<

Yeah, right. It cannot be stopped I tell you!

Once again, the search feature is located in the upper right corner of the screen. Fucking use it!


Originally posted by SS4Jelq
Once again, the search feature is located in the upper right corner of the screen. Fucking use it!


I went the polite route on this one :)

Good cop, bad cop kind of thing. Anyway you’re right SS4, because a lot of these posts are in the main member section, and not in the newbie section anway.


I am fully in bad cop mode. I mean no offense to new members, but it gets the point across. Its all in good fun. In fact, every newbie question from now on, I will simply reply with “Do a fucking search”.

Can DAFS be added to the glossary of terms? I noticed it was on another forum, but cant remember which one.

edit: btw I think that the bad cop post above was my 666th!

Did your keyboard melt??

Hmmm…….666th post…Ah ha!! the DEVIL made him do it!!!!

Hey SS4,

My post was a joke on the good cop/bad cop thing. Like saying that it was new to me.

666, no wonder you are in such a foul mood.

And just about every moderator here has used the DAFS thing before (me, a couple of hundred times) or at least they have thought of it.

New guys, the search function is a great tool once you figure out how to use it. In the Not Covered Elsewhere Forum there is a thread by twatteaser giving some really helpful hints on making it really work.

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>My post was a joke on the good cop/bad cop thing. Like saying that it was new to me.<

Oh I get it. It’s very clever. How’s that working out for you?


Speakin of tunica stretching, has anybody ever tried grabbin the dick near the base and then right under the head, and then stretching in opposite directions?

Is that supposed to be good for Tunica? Wouldn’t this stretch be better than a V-stretch since ur actually pulling in 2 different directions?

Originally posted by PErules
Speakin of tunica stretching, has anybody ever tried grabbin the dick near the base and then right under the head, and then stretching in opposite directions?

Is that supposed to be good for Tunica? Wouldn't this stretch be better than a V-stretch since ur actually pulling in 2 different directions?

To me it does seem like a good way to isolate the tunica, but then I imagine the tubes inside like urethra and I take it very slowly, as you don’t really want to be stressing them too much.

I don’t think that stretch is held in high regard by many, but I may be mistaken. I think it’s better to develop a tunica stretch that will stretch the part fo the penis you can’t see too.

Since I was dragged into this thread by name, thought I should point out I am powerless here to make anything sticky :)

What was referenced above happened at peforums…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

When I’m doing a tunica stretch I’m pulling my penis upwards very hard! I’m guessing the tunica is above the testicles way back in the base, because that’s the only place I feel a stretch.


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