I’ve been sleeping on most nights for the last 3 weeks with my BTC ADS device. NO PROBLEM AT ALL.
Let’s throw away the predominant opinion about sleeping with an ADS because it does not apply to my BTC ADS device. Let’s start from scratch.
Just because mine has a strap that goes around the shaft, do you think that strap has to be tight? You may think it has to because it’s an ADS ( all day stretching ) and by definition, in order to stretch the dick, it has to grab it tight. NOT WITH THIS ONE because it does not pull in the same long axis of the penis. It bends it backward instead.
Do this: stretch your dick down with an OK grip. You’ll find you have to use an OK grip and you have to grab it tightly. Now do this: push your dick so it folds underneath your balls. You’ll find all you need to do this is with 2 fingertips pushing on the dorsal part of your dick. Are you cutting off circulation? No. That’s what my BTC ADS does.
After you wrap on the underwrap LOOSELY ( not tightly as in wrapping for hanging ), you can strap on the velcro strap around it snugly or loosely also. In fact, the chubbier your dick ( maybe 10% or more erect ), the looser you can get away with the strap. The partial erection actually helps the device by pushing against the device’s pull because the erection naturally does not like to be folded at its base.
Nocturnal erections make the device work even better! By fighting against the strap, which is 3/4” wide ( not some narrow strangulating cord! ) on top of underwrap for cushion, the erection actually “aggravates” the microtears to the point where after 3 hrs. of sleep ( in my case ), I wake up because of the lig soreness which is the best feeling a hanging guy can have. I am almost smiling at this point when I wake up like this because I know I am holding those microtears open! That hard-on actually did the equivalent of a BTC stretch for me AS I SLEPT!! I do not wake up because of sharp stabbing pain coming from a purple glans. My glans is warm.
Think about it. Would your body feel comfortable enough to give you a hard-on if your dick was in great circulation peril? NO. It will wake you up in sharp head pain before you got that hard on, or if you wore a noose ( narrow cord ) device, it will wake you up with sharp head pain while you are having the hard-on.
Popular opinion is hard to destroy once the pre-concieved notion gets in your head but TRUST ME, I would never steer you guys wrong. How did I decide to sleep with it? When I used it for at least 3 hrs. the first day I put it on and my glans never got cold. Not even cool. For the last 3 weeks, at anytime of the day or night when I wore this, the glans NEVER got even cool.
And I’m the guy who can’t stand staying totally flaccid while hanging with only 5 lbs because the glans turns blue after only 5 min! What does that tell you about my BTC ADS?
,,,and by the way, if there is any circulaiton being cut off, it is to the glans, which is at the opposite end to the lig microtears. You don’t have to worry about the circulation to the microtears being cut off.