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VacADS/Extender - Constriction Sleeve Modification Idea

VacADS/Extender - Constriction Sleeve Modification Idea

Hey guys,

I’m just wondering if this idea would work:

The Constriction Sleeve is a great idea. I get a great seal and without it, the skin sometimes wants to get sucked between the silicone sleeve and the end cap (I’m cut, by the way). But, one time I put it on perfect and had no discomfort for 2+ hours. And my tension was somewhat high for an ADS. I got very little lymph build up and, like I said, no discomfort.

With the Constriction Sleeve, I can wear the ADS for about two hours. Then, I start to get a slight pain on my glans. I’m assuming this is from not getting all the air out of the constriction sleeve when I put it on.

What if I cut the top of the constriction sleeve off? Or maybe put a hole at the top of it? When I push it up in the end cap, all the air would get out of there anways.


Cut the cap off, and the function is no longer there. The idea is to spread the force evenly over a larger area and without air in there, so that there is less possibility of the tissue expanding.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


Thanks for the response :)

What I’m asking is if I don’t have a problem with tissue expanding at the glans, would it still be a bad idea to use the constriction sleeve as just a “second sleeve” (if that makes sense). I could just use another sleeve (the blue one) to do this, but the constriction sleeve has those two rings in it for a better seal it seems.

No, if you don’t need it by all means use a bit of the outer sleeve to keep the skin from getting pinched.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Not sure how long you’ve had the Vac ADS setup but the constriction sleeve is so fragile I found that after six months of use and trimming all the tears away it was to small to use.

The blue sleeves are much more durable and if you cut the tip off that’s essentially what you would be left. So I would get all the use out of the constriction sleeve as is before it wears out if you like using it.

I also found without the constriction sleeve that the edges of my glans would get pinched between the sleeve and the cylinder but with a little practice I could get all the air out and not get my glans pinched. When I get a good seal like this I can use it for prolonged periods of time without any lymph build up in the tip but noticed more red spotting under the skin(not blisters).

I also tried rolling the blue sleeves down my shaft and cover the glans which works well for the purpose of avoiding pinches. But I currently favor no sleeves because I can pull higher weights without the slippage I noticed when using sleeves which creates head space and thus the resulting blisters or lymph build up.

But maybe a tiny hole in the constriction sleeve would allow you to get all the air out? Let us know if you do it and it works.

Thanks mgus and Mtn High for the help! After thinking about it, I’m going to use the constriction sleeve with a hole in it for now (and see how it works) and once that gets worn out, I’ll use the blue sleeve for a “double sleeve”.

The hole is very small. I took a small knife and just poked an X in the top and reemed it out. It’s not a big hole at all, but there is enough to let air out.

I’ll find out tonight if this is better or worse since I’ll have more time to wear it tonight.

Again, thanks for the input, guys :D

If you poke a hole to let air out, it will let air in = no more constriction sleeve.

Trust me on this one, I came up with the concept.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Right. I’m basically going to use it as a secondary sleeve and not a constriction sleeve. Instead of using the blue one, I want to use the yellow one (constriction sleeve), because it feels like a better fit.

The idea didn’t work. If my skin didn’t get pinched while trying to put the end cap on my penis (without the constriction sleeve), I can go for more than two hours. With the constriction sleeve, I can go for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours. BUT I do have somewhat high tension for an ADS.

I might buy a few constriction sleeves because its easier to put those on than trying to put an “inner” sleeve on before the sleeve that is attached to the end cap.

To bad to hear it didn’t work for you.

Curious, have you ever been able to measure the tension you’re using? I’ve hung 7# plus using the vac ADS without any constriction sleeves for 1-2 hour sets. Note, this did result with significant discoloration on the very tip which faded as I cut back on weight/time and begin using it as an ADS instead of a light hanger.

A tip for putting on the blue sleeves is to find a one inch long piece of 1.5” PVC pipe or something comparable(cookie cutter, shot glass) which allows you to stick your dick further in than the very tip. Roll up the blue sleeve on to it like you would the vac headpiece, stick it as far down your dick as you like and unroll. Presto you have a sleeve on. I done this with three sleeves to cover my entire shaft for pumping sessions. Maybe something like this can help so you don’t have to reorder the constriction sleeves if you would rather not.

[b]Mtn High[/]

I have not measured my tension. I really should, though. I was actually able to get a really good seal without a constriction sleeve and no pinching. I am going on almost 3 hours with it on and I don’t feel any pain whatsoever. I really have to get to bed (need to get up in 4 hours) so I have to take it off :(

With the VacExtender (for me), it seems my penis will feel uncomfortable first before the glans gets cold. It might get a little bit cool, but nothing serious. I’ve had colder glans coming out of a cold shower LOL!

By the way, great idea on putting on a new sleeve! It is kind of hard to do so, but that will make it easier! Thanks!!

For others who are reading this, I should let you know that I truly LOVE the VacExtender and think its the best ADS out there. I’ve only tried this one ADS system, but I can’t imagine anything else working better. I’m just experimenting with different things and ideas with sleeves for the VacExtender. That’s all :)

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