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Viagra vs. Cock ring=bruiser exercises

Viagra vs. Cock ring=bruiser exercises

I decided to do the erect bend exercises,but I cannot keep an erection long enough to do 2 20 sec reps,so I need help.

I was thinking of 1.buying viagra, and then taking 1/8 or so before each workout,to keep an erection OR 2.Using a cock ring,to do the bruiser exercise.

I have tried the uli thing with no results,I can not move any blood when I jelq,and I get no pump with the powerjelq,even after doing up to 200 reps.My girth is pretty small( about 4.3 or so) so this is the main reason the jelq,uil’s and powerjelq didnt work.I have a hard time doing squeezes,so I dont do them.So the bruiser is like a last resort,so to speak.I know it is dangerous,but I am confident my penis can take it,as long as I dont rush to get gains.

Would you guys pick 1-viagra,2- cock ring or 3-another option(please tell me more if 3).

Thnx guys….

Erect bends can be pretty traumatic, I’m not sure there is a safe way to do them. Did you try Horse 440’s (linked from the faq), if not its worth giving them a go.

You may want to look at your jelq technique. Do you come out of a jelqing session with a super size flaccid penis that lasts for some hours? Thats a good test as to whether you are doing them correctly or not. If you feel your penis is fairly well conditioned kegel before applying a new grip when jelqing, try at different levels of erection between 60%-100%. Try jelqing up with with a standard ok and rotating your grip a little and try jelqing down with an overhand ok. Grip harder and less hard and see if that make a difference. If you are having no luck jelqing the odds of doing uli’s correctly are probably quite small.

Momento,I have actually been involved in pe for about 4-5 years. When I first started reading these forums,the active members were JAPP, Big Al,BIB and Tom Hubbard.I have tried alot of ways to jelq over the years,and could never move the blood with my hands,for some damn reason.

I thought I had found the ticket with the Powerjelq,because it seemed like it was moving blood.When I would do a rep,it would make the head swell just a tad.Well when I was done with my routine,there would be no swelling,but my member would hand a tad lower,but not for long.

I “TRIED” horse squeezes,but this was alot harder than the jelq lol

I could do squeezes,though it is hard,so I will stick with these, but also incorperate the bends…

I do understand that they are a tad bit dangerous,but over the years, especially using the uli thing,I am sure I can handle them.No other exercise has really game me any swelling,not even the squeezes,so I had to make the choice to use a rather dangerous exercise,as long as it gives me a good workout.

Thnx Momento for the reply,and if anyone has an opinon on rather I should use viagra,cock ring,or another product? please reply

Moving blood

I’ve found a good way to super engorge the entire shaft is to get an erection and then with the forefinger and middle finger of one hand push on the area between my anus and the base of my penis and run my fingers from there up the base of penis.

I don’t know if you understood that explanation, but I like to do those as part of my cool down after jelqing or pumping.

Another technique I use while jelqing that moves the blood pretty well is to hold down my balls with one hand and then use the OK grip on my penis and squeezing as hard as possible run my hand up the shaft with my penis staying close to my abdomen. It’s kind of a vertical jelq instead of a horizontal jelq.

Cock Ring Exercises


Try these exercises:

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."


no offense meant if you feel I was talking down to you, wasn’t my intention.

I guess I don’t understand how you cannot be moving blood and I don’t see anything from your previous posts here that really goes into detail. I know a lot of guys talk about feeling the movement of the blood but personaly I don’t, I see it and I feel the pressure build up. I guess we all have different sensitivities.

When I have used the PJ device in the past despite the huge squeeze it gives I don’t notice as much engorgement as with manual jelqing.

Over 4-5 years I guess you’ve tried every jelq variation, so I won’t try commenting further on that.

I tried erect bends a couple of times and found them simply too intense in a very small portion of the penis, just didn’t seem healthy to me.

If horses don’t work did you try sadsaks? I do then with a grip at the base and they produce a hell of a pump.

palm, kind get your explanation but more detail would be good, sounds a bit like the jelqing the internal penis thread from a while back but with only one stroke.

meis, nice link.

Romeo - how about using one hand in a tourniquet grip at the base instead of a cock ring, that should hold your erection for as long as you need.

btw - I do this a lot, but also use both Viagra and a cock ring when I exercise and I’m happy with both.

Better explanation

Memento, I don’t know which one you wanted me to try to explain better, but here goes:

For post jelq engorgement, while still erect/semi-erect I place my right hand so that my thumb is resting on the top of the base of my shaft (where you would measure bpel) and my index and middle fingers are resting between my balls and my anus. With my middle finger almost touching my anus I push inward/upward and then while maintiaing the pressure I slide my fingers up the underside of the shaft toward my balls.

I can visually see my head swell and the veins in my shaft become more pronounced. I do this a couple of times holding the pressure at the endof the stroke for a few seconds. I will sometimes kegel just before applyign the pressure and beginning the stroke to ensure the shaft is already engorged before forcing more in.

I don’t know if video footage is allowed on the board, but I could always try attaching a clip of the procedure if there’s any interest.


Thanks for extended explanation :) I’ve read a similar concept without the thumb and repeated strokes and followed that. Adding the thumb sounds like a good idea to me.

Your description is good, I’m not sure video footage is necessary. You can’t directly attach an mpeg (without zipping it or something) but lil12big1 has posted a flash movie, so videos are good. Maybe a mod can post some policy/suggestions when they come in from the porch.

whoops, off topic again.

<<<<<<<<<<I was thinking of 1.buying viagra, and then taking 1/8 or so before each workout,to keep an erection OR 2.Using a cock ring,to do the bruiser exercise.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I like the soft jelly cock rings for workouts, they’re only about $4 - $5 at , Viagra is for fun , not serious workouts :o)



Get on Kazaa and download some porn :)


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

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