Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

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American Stellar Home Health Services - Serving Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Diego county


http://www.chee … orum/index.html















00% All about the penis, testicles, prostate, male sexuality and male sexual health







Total Votes: 83. You may not vote on this poll

OK Thunder,

Go ahead, drag this out, make me feel even more stupid, make me explain the little black dots, then speak computerese to me (control panel option for PM’s). Mark my words, computers will be the downfall of civilization as we know it.

Wait, that could be a good thing.

The little black dots to the left of each website title that I now suppose I was supposed to click once in order to vote. Those little black dots damnit.

I’m off now to go edit things I don’t get. “Pop-ups” have to do with toasters, right?



These little black dots ” : ” ??????

Yes, I agree, new Tower of Babel.

Let me know if you can’t find the toaster and I can do it in the Admin CP.

I still don’t have a clue what the black dots are, guess I’ll have to post a new poll so I can see what you are refering to.

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Don’t worry I got the toaster to work, it will pop up if there is a need. I still hate/love computers.

The Little black dot in the little black circle to the left of the website title on a page that hasn’t been voted for yet.

Alas How I Babble On,


Oh, those little black circles. You click on your choice in a poll and it puts a smaller little black circle in the little black circle of your choice. Pretty handy when the poll is a multi-choice one. Which this one should have been.

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The old circle in a circle trick, what was I thinking?

To sum this up and clarify my vote. Thunder and affiliates good; everyone else, well, pretty bad.


Goodness that’s a lot of links to go through, and definately worth saving for future reference.

I did vote, although I feel my vote was a little premature because i’ve only had the chance to view a few of the sites. But my justification is…the site I did vote for did impress me in it’s design and quality of information.

But in terms of friendliness and information alone, you cannot go past this forum. But again I think problems arise, because I know myself am not familiar with most of the sites listed.


Hey Walter

Thanks for taking the time to vote. No need to save the list for future reference, well maybe there is if we get hacked, I have a website all set up to allow all to access the links. Just waiting on MORE votes. Going to try and do an update on a frequent basis, so there will always be a poll asking this question. Less pressure from me after I get the page online and the first results entered. The second /update poll can take as long as it needs to. Thanks again!

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One vote

I see that nearly 50% to date have voted for this site (I being one of them). However, there are several other great sites that sholuld be receiving more votes.

I know that on other polls it was possible to vote 2-3 times (with diff. categories admitably).

As I could only vote once, I have voted for this page for the simple reason that from here you have easy access to the others.

As well, were I to be starting in PE, this would be the site I would first like to come across, before venturing our on others.


Thanks guys !!

OK, this poll is closed. Thanks to all the guys that voted. I grabbed the results from this poll and the one on PE Forums and went ahead and finished the Links page. I wanted to have it up a couple of weeks ago, but the attack on PE Forums kind of delayed the timing a little.

The new poll is in the "New Member Instructions" forum and is multiple choice this time.

Here is a link to the page, there is also one at the bottom of every page of the forum. Let me know what you think about it or suggest ways to improve it. Thanks again !!

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