Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Want A Bigger Dick?

Originally Posted by Illusions
What is the purpose of neosporin and where should it be applied prior to dry jelqing?

I rub it all over the unit. Even on the head. Without it, I tend to rub and pinch hot spots on my weener. When I first started, I actually made it bleed some, not knowing. That skin can be pretty thin and tender. The neosporin does the trick well for me. Lubricants can be just too slick for dry jelqing because my hand slips off and over the skin to easily.

Also, thank you mgus. You are correct. There is a lot more to PE than just the action of the excercise itself. There is the mind and thought behind it. It is like a Zen thing. You have to see yourself getting bigger and imagine it happening when you are doing these things. Even while laying in bed, I tell myself that my unit is growing. Convincing my subconsious. Tricking it in a way.

Without getting weird about it, I would like to bring up positive speaking. This is a principle we should all practice. Not just thinking, but speaking things we wish to happen. Some psychologists will tell you that speaking outloud, even under your breath, is effective in helping our subconscious to go along with what we wish to happen. By speaking it outloud, your words and thoughts and wants go out of your mouth and right back into your ears. This is actually a physical thing happening, if you think about it. It may sound like hogwash to some, but I believe it does convince us more than just thoughts do. I am going to start doing this tommorrow morning while jelqing. I think that if you set your subconscious up to have a bigger dick, then your brain can start accomodating for the change to happen. So, imagination, thoughts and positive speak to ourselves are all very effective in growing our unit larger. That is just what I think. I have not had anyone tell me this. It is like this, some folks get up in the morning and think, and even say “OK, I hope it is a good day today. I hope bad things don’t happen. I hope I get thru the day”. This is a weak way of living. Chances are, you will have a bad day with that mindset. You can actually bring bad things on with your poor outlook. Now, in contrast, we should get up and say, “Good morning God”. (If you believe in God, that is). “I am going to have a great day today. Great things are going to happen. I am happy, blessed, talented and people like me. Today is a good day indeed!”. Guess what, chances are, you are going to have a much better day than the prior attitude sets you up for. This is the way I live my life. And guess what, even if it is crap and does nothing, I live a much happier life than I would with a less attitude. What do they say? “The attitude dicates the altitude”.

I said all of that to say this, if you set your mind that you are going to get a bigger penis, chances are, you will get one. If your mind is not ready to accomodate the larger unit, however, I think it could fight against your attempts to pump that baby up, even with all the stretching, squeazing, pulling, sucking, mangleing that we can do.

Just something to think about………….

Vincent Van Cock, I just wanted to congratulate you on an excellent Thundersplace name. It just has a good ring to it.

Oh yes, and congratulations on the gains. Your Wifey must be wondering how it is still growing at your age.

Our beloved Zigg gave me the name about 3 years ago.

I just tell wifey that as a man gets older his ears, nose, feet and dick get bigger.

Hey Vincent…

I’m curious to know how much you’ve actually made it grow. Also, I loved the pep talk. I’m a big fan of body mind interaction. I think constant reminders are key.

Can you explain your dry jelq in more detail? I mean, the actual jelq? As I see it, when I WET Jelq (i have never tried dry), I almost am doing a finger clamp and just pushing all the blood forward till the glans feels nice and tight.

Would you say that there is any difference in the dry jelq?

Are you really squeezing the hell of it as you clamp it? It sounds like you must have quite a pinch going if you need to use neosporin and have made it bleed. What erection level?

But, seriously, tell us how much you’ve grown too. Do you have any way to judge besides your wife’s reactions? I saw you mention 7” x 6” earlier. That’s a fab amount of girth. Did you start with that or is that you now?

Hi sorry that I burst into this topic but I can’t open a new topic, I’m not allowed.

So maybe some of you that have allowed can copy and paste my topic in new thread.

I found in the Internet a formula to make big dick but my English is so bad so I don’t understood nothing

Maybe someone here check the link and explain what is mean?

Thank you

Originally Posted by vagabund
Hey Vincent…

I’m curious to know how much you’ve actually made it grow. Also, I loved the pep talk. I’m a big fan of body mind interaction. I think constant reminders are key.

Can you explain your dry jelq in more detail? I mean, the actual jelq? As I see it, when I WET Jelq (i have never tried dry), I almost am doing a finger clamp and just pushing all the blood forward till the glans feels nice and tight.

Would you say that there is any difference in the dry jelq?

Are you really squeezing the hell of it as you clamp it? It sounds like you must have quite a pinch going if you need to use neosporin and have made it bleed. What erection level?

But, seriously, tell us how much you’ve grown too. Do you have any way to judge besides your wife’s reactions? I saw you mention 7” x 6” earlier. That’s a fab amount of girth. Did you start with that or is that you now?

I do not measure anymore. Haven’t for quite some time. Don’t really care to. I just go by looks, feel and reaction. It’s just bigger. Not a lot bigger, just bigger.

You have it right. I squeeze the heck out of that bugger. The dry jelps just make you weeney feel like it has really been worked over, bigtime!

Phyriel said it well. “ropeburn”. That is what will happen withouth the neosporin and if you are not real carefull.

We were in bed the other night and I was waving it at her. She made a comment of how I should be proud of it. It was huge and I should be proud.

Heh Heh Heh

Hi Vincent Van Cock, your neosporin advice helped a lot with the dry jelqs, as I didn’t get any scabs the next day.

Today as I was doing the dry jelqs, I noticed that the urethra appeared liquidy, and upon closer inspection it was mucousy-like blood (not deep red). I think that I was squeezing either too hard or that the erection was greater than it should be. Has this ever happened to you, or anyone here?

Originally Posted by Illusions
Hi Vincent Van Cock, your neosporin advice helped a lot with the dry jelqs, as I didn’t get any scabs the next day.

Today as I was doing the dry jelqs, I noticed that the urethra appeared liquidy, and upon closer inspection it was mucousy-like blood (not deep red). I think that I was squeezing either too hard or that the erection was greater than it should be. Has this ever happened to you, or anyone here?

Never happened to me!

Quite a few have had bloody discharge from jelqing too hard. I have.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

That would really scare me!

It also sounds very painful.


I only did the dry jelque once - after you mentioned it here, and got a real good plump same day. And better flaccid too. However, I seem to have got more loose skin. I am a grower though. Any ideas / is this “normal”?

I'm fed up of having a signature!


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