Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Want low hanging balls?


Something I’ve been wondering about since I saw the advertisement on Facebook. A company called, UMZU, makes several different probiotics and one of the probiotics called Floracil50, says it will make your balls bigger. Well I haven’t tried it but I wonder, if it makes your balls bigger, what else does it make bigger, your prostate, your liver, I don’t know, I’d just like to know if it works and is safe.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Damiana will make your scrotum larger and fuller, but at least for me, didn’t change my actual testicle size.

Where do buy damiana leaves?

How many grams can be taken at a time? 5g? 20g? Multiple times per day?

Mine hang TOO low but I’m hoping for flaccid gains so the whole package looks better

Start: BPEL 6 3/4 MEG 4 3/4 BPFSL 6 7/8

Goal: at least 7 1/2 NBPEL x 5 1/2 MEG.

Perspective is everything. Progress thread: From anxious to confident

I tried elastics, but they either slipped off or cut off circulation.

Weights were interesting. I liked the constant tug, but attachment and concealment were problems.

I settled on tying/wrapping with very thick/wide white cotton shoelaces. I think they were 24 inches long. Easy to wash. I wrapped one lace around and around like on spool, tight enough for the stretch, but not cutting off circulation. Then I tied the ends together with a slip knot. I could wear it all day and night, and I loved the feeling.

But it turns out I did not love loose low hanging balls. Very uncomfortable sitting. So I stopped stretching after a few weeks, and they went mostly back to their regular hang.

ReStart - July 2022: BPEL:6.75 EG:5.75

Originally Posted by bergbrauchen
I tried elastics, but they either slipped off or cut off circulation.
Weights were interesting. I liked the constant tug, but attachment and concealment were problems.
I settled on tying/wrapping with very thick/wide white cotton shoelaces. I think they were 24 inches long. Easy to wash. I wrapped one lace around and around like on spool, tight enough for the stretch, but not cutting off circulation. Then I tied the ends together with a slip knot. I could wear it all day and night, and I loved the feeling.
But it turns out I did not love loose low hanging balls. Very uncomfortable sitting. So I stopped stretching after a few weeks, and they went mostly back to their regular hang.

Hey bergbrauchen,

For how long did you keep hanging them ?

I second Secret Leather. They have plenty of info on their website and their weights have comfortable round edges. It’s amazing how heavy the weights that some people hang on their balls - many of them 24/7!

Originally Posted by bergbrauchen

So I stopped stretching after a few weeks, and they went mostly back to their regular hang.

Interesting. I assumed that balls once-stretched are always-stretched.

I have been using a 44x50mm stainless steel weight(2.25 lbs) 24/7 for 2years now. Mine hang about half way to my knees. I’ve seen guys that have stretched there nut to there knee cap. My weight from the chain gang was like $80. I take it off once a week for about 20 minutes to clean. I have had it on so long I don’t even feel it.


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