Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Want to be a Mentor?


Want to be a Mentor?

Thunder would like to start a Mentoring program, whereas an interested novice would work directly with a “veteren” in regards to creating a PE program, how-to’s, specific exercises, avoiding injury, etc.

I kinda like this idea, I would’ve liked to have had direct/confidential access to someone when I was considering and starting PE, without having to post my questions “out in the open”.

I will be helping organize this endeavor.

As opposed to my other post, which many read but few replied to (thanks to you who did), this post is to solicit vets who may be interested in actually doing the mentoring.

The following is a list of folks who recently expressed an interest in being Mentors:

  • Gandolf
  • doublelongdaddy
  • Stillwantmore22
  • jelktoid
  • ledzep
  • iamaru
  • b1nzen48
  • SS4Jelq
  • steelbender
  • regularwhiteguy

I’d like to know if you folks are still interested, and if any other guys would like to throw their hat into the ring. I cannot believe the task would be overwhelming, time-wise. Gives you a chance to lend a hand to someone who may be having a tough go of it.

Think about it, and post here as needed.

Thanks for your time-

Darktrick, I am still very interested in helping where I can.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Is it alright if i can count as an interested novice?


Thanks DLD, glad you are still interested ( you should probably be the Mentor’s Mentor :) ).

AgentD66: I had planned on making another thread for interested “novices” as soon as we get the who’s who of Mentors squared away, which should be shortly. Will keep you on the list, thanks.

Let me know what I can do to give ya a hand.

Cajun :jelq:

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

Thanks Cajun, that would be help organizing or you’re thinking of mentoring (or both) ?

Probably mentoring, but what type of organizational thingies do you need?

My ‘puter skills are suspect most of the time…(VCR still blinks 12:00)

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

Hah- Not really sure yet, as this thing is evolving in nature.

But not technical stuff at all, just linking up a novice with a mentor, keeping tabs on not overloading mentors, stuff like that.

That was a “yes” to the job offer, DT. Thank you, Cajun, and that’ll get you a half bushel of crawfish and all the beer you can drink.



you guys’ll go broke quickly with those kind of promises….

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God


Just let me know when, where, what etc….

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

OK, thanks.

Will do so as things firm up.

Schedule and sanity permitting OK.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I’m still interested although….this next month is gonna be sketchy. I’m gonna be without a computer for a couple weeks soon. I’ll just have to play it by ear so to speak.

HI GUYS, Im still interested, let me know whats next.

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