Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Warning to new Cable Clamp users

Warning to new Cable Clamp users

To those who are new to using the Captn’s Wench with the Cable Clamp brand Clamps, or any PE device incorporating the Cable Clamp. When removing the clamp be sure that the hinge is not resting against your scrotum. If care is not taken, the skin of your sac will become lodged in the hinge. In the event of a “sac pinch”, one may have a tendancy to panic from the intense pain associated with it, and attempt to open the clamp further and quickly, in turn causing more of the sac to be come lodged in the hinge. The correct way to remove the lodged skin is to close the clamp, which you will see if you look at the design.

Also to prevent this from happening, make sure the hinge is not near the sac when removing. It happened to me. It leaves a small dark red bruise. Good luck and Happy PE’ing to All



!No diseque sus testículos!

At least 90% of my current routine involves cable clamps. Never pinched myself, but thanks for the warning!

I have taken a used cotten-stretchy sweat band (head, not wrist) and used that to go over the cable clamp. The sweat bands are a hollow tube like construction and thus work well to avoid pinching those “sensitive areas”.

I tried sex with it on this weekend and OH MY GOD!! I was about 6.5” girth at the base, 5.9 at the corona and hard like a viagra overdose. The clamp was tight around the base up against the pubic bone and held the skin tight- not painfully so, but no “slippage”.

The sensations while stroking insider her were exquisite- I have never, ever felt anything like that. In the past the skin along the shaft has just sort of gone in and out along with the shaft and pretty much muffled the feeling of the friction inside the vagina. Not this time. It felt as if I could feel every vein, muscle striation, twist and turn within her. For the first time in my life I was, for me, an almost premature ejaculator…and then had to stop for a second to release the clamp to ejaculate and that was also fantastic as the orgasm just seemed suspended in time.

My partner who thought I was already large enough seemed to rather enjoy herself as well.

It's better to think you're doing something than to sit back and wonder what might have been Start: 12/2003 EBPL: 7 15/16 EG: 5 1/4 Now: 12/2004 EBPL: 8 1/2 EG: 5 5/8 (pumped is 5 7/8 mid, 6.25 base) FL: 6.25

I’ve had the pinch problem, too, but didn’t want to mention it. Now you’ve spoiled the surprise! :)


Start 6/13/04: 6.0 BPEL x 5.125 EG (midshaft) Current 10/17/04: 6.938 BPEL x 5.625 EG (midshaft) Come on 7! Disclaimer: I'm not an advanced member, but my member is advancing. ;)

Ouch, thanks for the warning!

cead mile failte :lep:

Wow MrP-P! I have wondered about having sex while clamped, and now someone has actually tried it!

I think the key is to position the clamp in such a way as to minimize its “intrusion” into the festivities, i.e., the little “tail” that forms the handle of the release is on my right side and down- this places the hinge on the left (this is looking down) and the ratchet coming over the top. This also place the ovoid shape around my ovoid pecker.

Here’s what I did
1) Partial clamp at the base with about 50% erection- and I mean use that left hand to not only tighten the clamp but aggressively hold the clamp down against the pubic bone.
2) While stroking (and while watching her use a vibrator which of course helped immensely) with my left hand I use my right to press in on the “hidden” penis, i.e., the root area betwixt anus & pubic bone in a kind of “scooping” motion. This serves to re-inforce the kegel you’re also doing and really pressurizes the penis. You should feel a mound of blood being forced up along with your fingers and under the clamp and then you’ll feel an almost painful tightening in the head; you’ll probably have to use the fingers of your left hand to hold the clamp down enough to force the “mound” to pass under the clamp. (Yesssss!)
3) Clamp a couple of notches as you feel the head of your penis become more fully engorged. I have found that as this goes along I have to trap the base of the penis against the pubic bone with my right hand fingers and place the “tail” of the clamp against the base of my thumb to give my left hand additional power to tighten the clamp. (Maybe I should take some pics?)
4) Repeat 2 & 3 until the head/glans look like a drumhead and the shaft resembles a steel rod with veins. And don’t forget to keep the clamp DOWN. I’ve found that when perfectly clamped I can’t jerk off- the skin simply won’t budge.

Note- as you’re doing this you may have to keep an eye on the hinge/clamp to make sure it’s still in the ovoid position to match up to the shape of your penis. I have also found that if you cycle this by getting a good hard erection and then holding the right hand up against the bone to further keep the blood trapped AND squeezing the shaft just above the clamp for 30 seconds, you can then further increase your size by releasing the clamp, forcing in fresh blood and then doing it all over.

I must point out that this can be an easy way to injure your partner if you rush during penetration. You’re going to be (1) much thicker than normal, (2) much harder than normal (think viagra x 2) and thus have much less give which can (& will if you’re not very careful) injure the vaginal tissue… so (3) be sure to lube a bit AND GO SLOW, (4) you’re going to have to be careful and pay attention to your own reaction during orgasm to avoid retro-ejaculation- this means timing it in such a way that you still have enough conscious thought to release the clamp…and be careful on that too as you may be a bit tender along the base.

I made her spot a bit from a little tearing from the increased girth and not from the cable clamp. As this had never, ever been a problem before I was a bit surprised, but given the size increase, the “no-slack” shaft skin, I should have considered the possibility of damage. Measured size at the base was 6.25” EG, 6.0” EG midshaft, 5.75” EG circumcision scar by 7.2” EL from clamp- I didn’t go as deep as I usually would have w/o the clamp but the girth and rigidity was better than viagra and unlike w/viagra I had no anorgasmia…this was heaven guys…pure-dee heaven.

She is willing to try it again and I, a humble servant of scientific pursuit, will happily thrust myself unto the breach. As it were, a-hem.

It's better to think you're doing something than to sit back and wonder what might have been Start: 12/2003 EBPL: 7 15/16 EG: 5 1/4 Now: 12/2004 EBPL: 8 1/2 EG: 5 5/8 (pumped is 5 7/8 mid, 6.25 base) FL: 6.25

Last edited by MrP-P : 08-31-2004 at .
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