Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

weightlifting and PE


weightlifting and PE

I heard one of the senior members here say that the weightlifters in the forum had overall larger penises.

I believe that weightlifting and exercise increases blood flow and releases endorphins that will help you get through PE. When I started lifting consistently again I noticed that blood flow increased to my penis. I could feel it puslating very rapidly as blood circulated through it. I have gained 0.6 inches in girth since I started lifting. This was over a period of two months

I think that increased blood flow can be learned though breathing exercises. I kind of “belly breath” when I want blood to flow down there…..and then I can feel it pulsating and become fuller. The blood contains of number of things that will help your penis to heal faster and will promote new growth.

So for those of you who want faster results… on getting blood pumping through that thing all day long.

the best things in life are free

so is PE

Surfnitup, by belly breathing, do mean like how a baby breathes when just born? You must mean the type of breathing like when you meditate?

I am building a Canadian Maple for the lovely!

Check out this study in the MSHF forum.

I think good erections are important for growing dick. If lifting weights helps erections, lifting should be good for PE.

I’m kinda skeptical about those claims. Back in the day, when I trained like a madman, my dick wasn’t big. It’s bigger now & I never touch weights anymore. Just not sure there is any correlation between the 2 (besides, enodorphins are NOT growth-stimulants, they’re similar to natural morphine, they induce a greatly relaxed, euphoric state - like a drug; and, yes, I’ve felt this after a mad workout - but it has nothing to do with dick size or muscle growth either).

ok I agree with you wadzilla but I think weightlifitng leads to overall better health and bloodlow…..which in turn helps

the best things in life are free

so is PE

Back in the day, when I trained like a madman, my dick wasn’t big.

Did you do PE exercises then?

It could be that with PE exercises and weightlifting or cardiovascular work that the increase blood flow helps to engorge your penis. If it is already worked out and the tissues and cells are healing this may actually speed up the process, or help expansion by engorgement.

Just a guess, I am not a doctor, and I do not play one on the internet. ;)


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."

Heavy compound movements like squatting and deadlifting with heavey weights will increase testosterone in the body vastly, other exercises have some effect but not as much. Testosterone leads to a higher sex drive and and more regular unvoluntary erections, which means more blood flow is getting to the penis due to the extra testosterone. On it’s own this would only temporarily gives firmer fuller erections, but if PE is performed aswel, the extra blood flow and extra hormones getting to the penis, could help the building process that the PE doing. On its own heavy weight training would do nothing except give you more erections and firmer, fuller erections.

The other aspect is that heavy squating and deadlifting are known to not only increase muscle, tendon and ligament size and strength in the worked areas, but also makes the whole body grow, all over. Other exercises don’t have anywhere near as much effect on overall body growth. Heavy squating and deadlifting trigger the whole body into growing. Why? One of the main reasons is because it triggers the “grow or die” mechanism in the body. Heavy squating and deadlifting are so taxing on the body that afterwards the body starts to prepare for the worst because you are pushing it to its limits. The body is scared that you are going to kill it, and it forces itself to grow bigger and stronger so that it can handle such intensity. The body has been given no choice but to grow. The body would do anything to stop you from such hard work because it thinks you might just kill it if you continue, so it sends pain signals, nausia, anything to stop you from pushing your body so close to its limits. If you ignore the signals and continue to work past it, the body is forced into growing bigger, so it makes EVERYTHING grow, not just the worked muscles. Only Heavy squatting and deadlifting has this tremendous effect. Why? Because other exercises simply can’t push you body to such intense limits. Think I am wrong? Do an experiment then. Push your body to its absolute limit on any exercise you choose, benchpress, military press, bent rows, you choose. Push yourself until you can’t even budge the bar one inch. Now, do the same with squatting, until you can’t move a muscle and your legs want to collapse. You will imediatly realise that squatting is the hardest thing your body can do and nothing can push your body to such exsaution like squatting. Deadlifting is very close behind the squat in its abilities to nearly kill you from hard work. Nothing else compares, except walking with weights in each hand(100lbs each minimum), until the weight fall out of your hands and you collapse on the floor. Ever wonder why the strongmen lifters on tv are so huge and strong compared to bodybuilders who just look pretty? Its because they lift heavy weights in exercises that almost kill them. The body is forced to make itself grow all over, or die.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Originally posted by Gottagrow

Heavy compound movements like squatting and deadlifting with heavey weights will increase testosterone in the body vastly, other exercises have some effect but not as much. Testosterone leads to a higher sex drive and and more regular unvoluntary erections, which means more blood flow is getting to the penis due to the extra testosterone. On it's own this would only temporarily gives firmer fuller erections, but if PE is performed aswel, the extra blood flow and extra hormones getting to the penis, could help the building process that the PE doing. On its own heavy weight training would do nothing except give you more erections and firmer, fuller erections.

The other aspect is that heavy squating and deadlifting are known to not only increase muscle, tendon and ligament size and strength in the worked areas, but also makes the whole body grow, all over. Other exercises don't have anywhere near as much effect on overall body growth. Heavy squating and deadlifting trigger the whole body into growing.

You’re preachin’ to the choir, brother.

But, as you said, “if PE is performed aswel, the extra blood flow and extra hormones getting to the penis, could help the building process that the PE doing.”


But I don’t know that it does.

But when I kicked in the heavy full squats - high-bar, olympic-style, back straight, ass into the bucket - on a regular basis, my overall bodymass did soar. And I’m sure my testosterone did too because I was unusually horny & aggressive, & even agitated, during those periods. But I noticed nothing different with my penis (although I did not PE at the time).

Still, this is all merely speculation (maybe because I’m too lazy to workout anymore ;) )

Dang, I hate squats and deadlifts but I know you are right. I never heard it explained this way. Now I know why I hate ‘em and why I have to do ‘em. Thanks Gottagrow and Wadzilla.

Look out body, here it comes! :D


Walking with the weights until you collapse, is that called a “Farmer’s carry”?

Hi Girth, yes it is called the farmer’s walk, but farmer’s carry is close enough. You should try it some time, however it is so taxing on your body that for the week afterwards your workouts will be sluggish, however soon after you will notice jumps in strength once your body has recovered. I suggest train only 3 times a week on weights if you want to grow a lot. The simple reason is that if you are training TRULY hard, to failure and then some, you need lots of recovery time to come back stronger. All those suggestions you see in journals to train 4,5 and 6 times a week are for “druggers”. Only steroid users can make a programme like that work. I only train 2 times a week and to be honest, I train so unbelievably hard that more than that would be impossible for me. I also train with 2 inch bars in diameter instead of the standard 1 inch. Boy oh boy does that make you work harder. You need to use only the things which make you work the hardest you can, and then simply watch yourself grow. I do sandbag lifting. Give it a try, you will be amazed at the results. The sand moves about, so you have to work twice as hard just to lift it. That will make you huff and puff afterwards. You won’t be able to manage as much weight when you train with sandbags, simply because a 100lb sandbag has the same effect as your muscles having to lift 180lbs on a barbell. It makes your tendons and ligaments grow more along with the muscles. Most of a man’s potential strength comes from his tendons and ligaments and not the muscles. If the muscle is big and strong, it is virtually unusable strength if it is not connected to dense strong tendons and ligaments, which attach the muscle to the bones and eachother. If you want usable strength, unlike most bodybuilders, who just look strong, start using lower reps to grow the tendons and ligaments. 5 reps is a good place to start. Lift the weights explosively, with good form, but never waste your energy trying to get a “pump”, all that is is lactic acid, blood swell and partial cramp, that doesn’t make you stronger. Asfor the sandbags, buy some 50lb sandbags and a couple of army canvas duffel bags and fill them with the sand on your bathroom scales. Lift them above your head until failure and walk with one in each hand until failure. I think you will love the difference and the thorough feeling of being worked to the bone. Train your grip with heavy work atleast twice a week because you will notice a greater feeling of connection to your muscles when you strengthen your grip, and that gives you more power to lift heavier weights. Throw away and wrist straps or gloves you use and make sure your grip is trained. You will gain in your exercises if your hands and fingers become claws of steel.

Wow that was an essay, I think I need a lie down, lol. Hope I could help inspire you to try some new things. Give them a go and you won’t be dissapointed 2 months down the line. So long as you work HARD and brief. You should be thoroughly burnt out within 1 hour of started the session, if not, you were not working anywhere near hard enough. Good luck mate. Sorry for any spelling errors, I always make some somewhere that screw up the whole meaning of sentances, lol.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Now that you mention it, the times I have got gains on my shlong have been during periods when I’ve been doing heavy weights on exercises that use a lot of muscles like squats, deadlifts, chin ups, bench press and military press. I notice that during these times I’m super aggressive and confident. The only problem is that I swear that my hair on my head is thinning out.

Towards the end of my training days, when I was fairly advanced & lifting some big iron, I would hit my main lifts only once per week - and I could not max-out on squats & DLs in the same week (too taxing on lower back).

A lot of top-notch powerlifts only hit their main exercises once per week.

The bigger & stronger you are, the more recovery time you need.

Forget all that shit about 6-day-per-week-doublesplit routine (12 workouts per week)….only the roid junkies do those (if even they really do them).

Wadzilla you are ofcourse right in what you say. I only train twice a week, and only hit each exercise once a week. Its the only way I can recover from brutal training. I sometimes take 8 days to train twice. Its damn fun knowing you can relax all week and only do 2 hours of training in the whole week(so long as you train brutally hard) and still grow strong, infact grow stronger than any other program the sheep and wannabies follow. If the average human is awake 16 hours a day, thats 112 awake hours a week. 2 hours training equates to less than 1% of a waking mans life in training. Its pretty nice knowing you can get such tremendous results from so little time spent in pain. lol

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Correction…….under 2% not 1%, either way, peanuts in time. Poor sods who train all day at the gym, every day, and wonder why they don’t grow. lol

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Originally posted by Gottagrow
Correction…….under 2% not 1%, either way, peanuts in time. Poor sods who train all day at the gym, every day, and wonder why they don't grow. lol

Just like the people who are “trying to tone” never get anywhere.

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