Weird base swelling
I have a baseball shaped dick (Normally!). For some reason my base has swollen up to a size as big or bigger than when it’s erect. When flaccid it looks like a tree trunk. This is really really odd and it’s the first time it happened to me. It’s still this way an hour after I masturbated. I’m wondering if maybe there’s some blood trapped there some how.
Lately I’ve found due to medication it takes ages to ejaculate so I’ve left it like a week till I did so just now. It was really a great feeling but I’m slightly worried from the swollen effect and I’ve never heard anything like this from anyone before. It basically looks like I’ve pumped the bottom half of my dick and I’ve never used a pump in my life.
At the moment for a while now I’ve done no jelqs or clamping. I’ve just tried now to jelq the blood up or out but it stays this way. Now I mean I’d love a bigger base girth but this is just WEIRD! And I don’t understand how it could occur.