Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

We’re All a Mess!

We’re All a Mess!

While I wouldn’t trade this community for any other group I can think of, I’ve come to the conclusion that we’re all a bunch of misfits – or will end up that way. lol
How many of us have expressed the same thoughts – especially that we’re unhappy about our size and we always think the next guy’s cock looks bigger & better than ours (even if the ruler tells us that we’re bigger than he is!)??

PE is definitely addictive – or, I should say, gains are definitely addictive. When each of us first learned about PE, we were like little kids in a candy store. And we could never get enough; so, we spend hours and months and years squeezing & stretching our willies, pumping our units, dangling metal discs, etc., etc. And the more we gain, the more we want.

Why? I think it’s because it is such a SHOCK to us when we first realize & believe that this shit is truly possible. PE has to be one of the most incredible “discoveries” of my life (not in the sense of “inventing” it, of course – we all know that Al Gore invented PE – but in first discovering it for myself).

So, I too think everyone else’s willie looks bigger than mine, harder, better angle, etc. And while I realize that my 7.5 BPEL x 6+ midshaft would be coveted by many guys, that doesn’t matter to me. I also know that some guys here are significantly larger than me – and that doesn’t matter to them! We’re all a mess! We all have become greedy.

And here’s another irony – had I been packing this unit when I was a young buck, I would’ve been thrilled (at least very satisfied). I would’ve enjoyed it to the fullest, and not had any hang-ups. Nor would I have ever gotten involved with PE (even though I first did because I was searching for helping with E.D.). Yet, now that I have this unit, I keep thinking about the size that I don’t yet have. It’s that elusive, yet-attained size – potential size – that has me obsessed. I think that’s how many of us feel. We want to “hit our potential,” irrespective of what the ruler now says. Or even irrespective of how women now react to it.

And, judging from the posts of Big Boys like Dino & YGuy, this shit only gets worse. I know that after a good length session (10 minutes hard stretching, 45 minutes hanging, followed by 10-15 minutes more stretching), I love the extended look of my unit. I’ll literally take some time to admire it – but then I’m quickly obsessing about how it will look with “one more inch.” I’ll bet the toughest part of PE is quitting – I’ve tried a few times so far, but I can’t. Not yet.

It is great to read a post which goes from another perspctive about the subject. I think it’s good that people who pe should look at what pe does to themselves and how it influences other aspects of life. For myself i.e. I could have almost built my own house during the time I pe’ed and read about it. And what did I got back for the time: a slightly larger dick! Quite funny I think, and also ridiculous and even sad to a certain point. But nontheless I do not regret it. I just like it and see it as a new hobby which is certainly addictive but it can’t be one of my main priorities, it simply may not be. Considering how much time I spend it is, is the hard but undeniable truth.

”Yet, now that I have this unit, I keep thinking about the size that I don’t yet have. It’s that elusive, yet-attained size – potential size – that has me obsessed.”

So true. So true!

Wadzilla wrote:

“we all know that Al Gore invented PE


So I guess am I not the only one that takes out a ruler, looks at the size I want, stick it next to my body and look in a mirror at how far that thing would stick out?

started 10/22/2003: BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.0" 4/12/2004 BPEL: 6.875" EG: 5.2" 30-min exercise workout and pills


Your right bro I have been saying the same thing for years we are a bunch of misfits for sure most of us have all sorts of problems and we have some how focused on our dicks to save us. When I hit 9x7 I’m stopping for sure and going into a maintenance mode program and will pick something else to fixate on. I really need to fix a lot of other problems in my life that I have let go for PE. I could have got a law degree with all the time an effort I have put into PE and whats really funny was I never really wanted a big dick I never thought about it until I started hearing about on the Internet it was just a whisper back than but I swallowed the bait and was hooked. I also started hearing the X and friends make a few remarks about wondering if guys were hung or not and knew that’s what her and her girlfriends wanted and I was Mr regular. The best thing that came out of this whole thing was that me like Wad was starting to have erection problems I mean I still got it up but it was weak and I didn’t have those all night hardons anymore at best they were semi erect. But now thru PE I have turned the penis clocks back to being 21 again, I’m a walking HardOn I have learned to almost last as long as I want and cum almost on command. And now being in the dating mode I really appreciate having a big dick most of the girls I date are in there 30’s and have kids so they can handle the size and love it, but I do have to be careful now. So all and all PE has been positive but it has stole time from many other things like friends family and work so I’m kinda of looking forward to hitting my goal and doing other things.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

First of all I’d like to thank Al Gore. No, not for endorsing Howard Dean, I want to thank him for PE.

I honestly think a lot of us in the Misfit Club suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). If the accepted penis size statistics are accurate I’m certain that I do.
BDD is defined as follows:

BDD is a distressing body image condition that involves excessive preoccupation with physical appearance in a ‘normal’ appearing person. This condition is often associated with intrusive thoughts of body dissatisfaction, avoidance of exposure to body images situations, such as mirrors in public places, and excessive body checking and comparisons with others. Thus, in its extreme form it can be quite debilitating and cause a great deal of anxiety and dis-satisfaction.

As with all disorders, severity can vary from the mild to the extreme. In some cases it is debilitating (Wad’s friend comes to mind) and in others it can amount to a minor nuisance. In my own case it is hardly debilitating, but far from a “minor” preoccupation.
Fortunately, because of the genius of Al Gore, my affliction can be addressed through NPE. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be working:
No matter how much I gain, I can't shake the certainty that my dick is not big enough.

Dino makes a good point, it would be nice to focus on something else with this same intensity. And hopefully we can all get to a point of personal satisfaction with our size. But I can say with all confidence that I won’t see that day for some time to come.
Short of having an enormous dick (<—sorry) or dropping a great deal of my stolen doubloons on a head shrinker I will simply accept my misfit status and keep on growing cock until I can’t grow cock no more. I’ll worry or celebrate the consequences when that day comes.

I just think that all of this time & effort we expend further underscores the primacy of a man’s (perception of his) beef wand in shaping his self-image. That we could expend the time we might have used to otherwise build a house, as pitface said; or, to expend large chunks of our lives, as Dino expressed, which could have been devoted to other more meaningful activities, really drives the point home.

It’s almost like doing a combined million-foot-pounds of work to add 1.25” length to our pisspipes - length that many women wouldn’t even pay close enough attention to notice….yet, to us misfits, it’s a monument greater than Rushmore or the Hoover Dam.

Here’s a scary thought - what if you do develop a monsterous pussy-splitting python one day, and you meet/meat the gal of your dreams, but she says, “Yeah, so he has a big dick? It hurts like hell! And what a fuckup he is. I’m not wasting my life with that loser.”

Then, you’d be standing there with your piss-spitting elephant trunk in hand, when the eerie music would start….Rod Serling would step out from behind the drapes, narrating….”Andrew 69, a man who spent his life waiting for that ‘special woman’ and who, in preparation for meeting her, squandered years of his life enlarging his penis - only to repulse his dream woman by his outrageous genitalia and lack of personal development in other areas. Look at Mr. 69, standing there in tears, as he woman walks bow-legged out the door, dripping a crimson trail as she curses him. Bewildered, Andrew walks to the window and opens it….then steps out into thin air….into….


>>>>>Why? I think it’s because it is such a SHOCK to us when we first realize & believe that this shit is truly possible. PE has to be one of the most incredible “discoveries” of my life (not in the sense of “inventing” it, of course – we all know that Al Gore invented PE – but in first discovering it for myself).

BINGO. This shit is addictive simply because we go through our lives thinking that our size is completely out of our control, and we just have to live with what nature gave us. It’s indoctrinated in us from Day 1. Just learning that I CAN change it is reason enough to keep going until I’m the size I want to be.

That would make a good slogan: “Why PE? Because I can!”

>>>>>>Then, you’d be standing there with your piss-spitting elephant trunk in hand, when the eerie music would start….Rod Serling would step out from behind the drapes, narrating….”Andrew 69, a man who spent his life waiting for that ‘special woman’ and who, in preparation for meeting her, squandered years of his life enlarging his penis - only to repulse his dream woman by his outrageous genitalia and lack of personal development in other areas. Look at Mr. 69, standing there in tears, as he woman walks bow-legged out the door, dripping a crimson trail as she curses him. Bewildered, Andrew walks to the window and opens it….then steps out into thin air….into….

LOL. :) And then Andrew’s glasses broke.

I, for one, am sort of happy to have this defect. I can’t imagine a more enjoyable obsession than manhandling my dick every day. I’m sure there is a size that would be too big but I don’t fear ever getting near there. Once I see my first gains I will no doubt want more and more. I’m trying to thicken and lengthen my meat for me and me alone, not for another guy. I want to feel the weight in my hand, the bulge in my pants, and more stares at my crotch. One day I want guys to envy my endowment like I envy the endowment of others. Please, let me see a gain!

It’s just coincidence that I started PE at the same time I’m battling erectile dysfunction and low libido. But, coincidence or not, the timing is right. It only took me three weeks to add a fantasy goal to my realistic goal.

What bugs me most is meeting a guy my height who has a massive dick. Yeah, he’s not a better person than I am but that doesn’t matter to me. I want that massive dick. I’m greedy and I don’t care. You guys are great!

Gay 5'4" 150 lbs 5.5 x 5

I must say that I love having a place to go talk to other men who are just as openly obsessed with their unites as I am mine. It isn’t easy to spark up a conversation about your penis in casual conversation with a stranger or even someone you know. I’ve done it many times; I love talking about my penis, but it often gives the person to whom I am speaking a more accurate estimate of my character: weird. I don’t want everyone to know I’m weird right off, so I can get on Thunder’s and share my obsession with others who share my obsession. Of course, many of you probably think I’m weird, too, but I’ve noticed that the men and women on this board are among the least judgemental group of people I’ve bumped into, both online and in real life. I’m weird and most of you don’t mind a bit—usually.

I tend to agree with the Cap. that many of us probably have BDD to some degree. This is something I came to believe when I first found Thunder’s. I also think that more of us than know it, particularly those with BDD*, are expressing OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) to some degree.

*I think that BDD may be an expression of OCD.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

BDD is a distressing body image condition that involves excessive preoccupation with physical appearance in a ‘normal’ appearing person. This condition is often associated with intrusive thoughts of body dissatisfaction, avoidance of exposure to body images situations, such as mirrors in public places, and excessive body checking and comparisons with others. Thus, in its extreme form it can be quite debilitating and cause a great deal of anxiety and dis-satisfaction.


That is me

Looking to be a kiwi.

Originally Posted by KOG
*I think that BDD may be an expression of OCD.

That makes a great deal of sense to me. It perfectly jibes with the ability some of us have to obsessively work our dicks, hours on end, day after day, in some cases for years.
I have always been the type to become completely obsessed with something - the stock market, video editing, a particular author, a musical instrument - and absorb every possible crumb of it, digest it, and move on; there is always some new fascination to replace the last. What is unique about PE is that like Metal Ed said “we go through our lives thinking that our size is completely out of our control” - this and the fact that PE by it’s very nature is a long, drawn out process makes for an extremely potent obsession in a guy who is touched with even a minor case of BDD/OCD.
I ain’t no PE dilettante.

>LOL. And then Andrew’s glasses broke.<

I love that episode.

Hey Wad,
A little off the subject, but you’ve got the best organ terminology I’ve ever seen.
Selected Samples:

“Beef Wand”
“pussy-splitting python”
“piss-spitting elephant trunk”

Hell yeah! BTW, post #8 above is one of my all-time favorite posts.

Keep ‘em coming,

Excellent points, everyone.

I’m curious as to whether or not a good number of people might have abandoned other obsessions for PE — as in, “I use to constantly worried about being {bald, fat, ugly}, and trying to do something about it, but ever since I discovered PE, I don’t care anymore!”

I’m willing to say that, for me, PE is probably an expression of an underlying obsession problem (which has changed its focus periodically).

It’s an interesting thing to consider (while hanging, of course).

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