Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What do we know about penis valve damage?


Response to my question:
They do have valves. Not each of there articles is written perfectly…but what worries me that the MERCK article(Overview of Male Sexual Function - Genitourinary Disorders - Merck Manuals Professional Edition) is obviously wrong. "Venous drainage occurs through venules below the tunica albuginea. Unlike other venous structures, penile venules have no valves; these venules close by compression against the tunica, as the corpora fill with blood."
Maybe it is just written superficially and they didnt mention the few veins containing valves? There are also anastomoses, connection between the venous systems (deep, superficial) that make it harder for me to understand how closing the venous system (keeping up the erection) works.

"The veins leading from the penis have funnel-shaped valves that reduce the outflow of blood. As the erectile tissue begins to enlarge, the additional pressure causes the veins to be squeezed against the surrounding fibrous tissue, and this further diminishes the outflow of blood. Essentially, blood becomes temporarily trapped in the organ"
Erection Definition & Meaning |

"In this theory, the “push” on the small closing valves of the veins is stronger than the veins’ ability to resist. As a result, the veins are not able to “close” tightly enough to stop blood from passing out of the penis, causing difficulty in maintaining an erection."
Causes and Risk Factors of Erectile Dysfunction
Well, it’s a theory. But the theory is about the mechanism and not if there are valves or not. They clearly are there.

"Blood is pumped from the heart into the penis under great pressure and a series of valves keep it in the penis to maintain the erection. "

"It is the Peyronie’s plaque that causes the veins of the penis to not close properly. There are special valves within the veins of the penis that close off at special times, to trap the blood inside the penis – to create an erection. If the veins do not trap the blood, no erection."

All written by MDs….

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

This one is talking about valves at the base of the penis:
"Blood flows in and the organ ‘blows up’ like a balloon. A valve mechanism near the base of the penis keeps the blood from flowing out again – a least, until sex is over."
http://www.netd … s/impotence.htm

Male Sexual Function: A Guide to Clinical Management - Google Books

Sorry for muti-posting

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

Last edited by RisingUpTo7 : 05-01-2010 at .

Big Al recommends the herb ‘Butchers Broom’ to stop veins leakage; I’ve tried it and got good morning wood within 2 days.

And before you used it you suffered from a complete ED?

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

no new anwers to this very important topic???

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

Please people I need your help!! A week ago I injured my penis doing only 5 reps of stretching of 30 seconds each after a good warm up and it suddenly appeared ED.. Actually I was unable to get even a weak erection.I was impotent at all! This scared me so much but I tried to keep relaxed and a kind of poor erection appeared two days after.when still in my bed just woke up and with a slight hand stimulation..
A week is past and now I have trouble in getting erect and even when erection happens it is weak (say max 80% of former .)
These are my symptoms:

No pain
Kind of firm flaccid
Sometimes cold,pale and deflated glans
Shrunk in size (mild but still noticeable)
Weak erection and very hard to obtain
Rare morning woods
Deflated dorsal vein
Loss of libido
I feel like my penis is made of rubber instead of meat..

Today I cummed while masturbating.after a week without masturbating.. I toke a week off of sex ,jack off and obviously PE.. The situation is a bit improved but I want to know if someone had these symptoms and fully healed from them and ,also,how much time it took to restore the previous penis health.

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

Originally Posted by avocet8
There are no such valves in the penis, like there are in, say, the veins in arms and legs which stop the back-flow of venous blood.

What causes an erection to keep going is the increasing pressure of the tunica (as the CCs expand) against the veins which carry blood out; this almost seals them off.

Venous Leakage is another animal and not related to valves.

Originally Posted by RisingUpTo7
Response to my question:
They do have valves. Not each of there articles is written perfectly.but what worries me that the MERCK article(Overview of Male Sexual Function - Genitourinary Disorders - Merck Manuals Professional Edition) is obviously wrong. "Venous drainage occurs through venules below the tunica albuginea. Unlike other venous structures, penile venules have no valves; these venules close by compression against the tunica, as the corpora fill with blood."
Maybe it is just written superficially and they didnt mention the few veins containing valves? There are also anastomoses, connection between the venous systems (deep, superficial) that make it harder for me to understand how closing the venous system (keeping up the erection) works.

"The veins leading from the penis have funnel-shaped valves that reduce the outflow of blood. As the erectile tissue begins to enlarge, the additional pressure causes the veins to be squeezed against the surrounding fibrous tissue, and this further diminishes the outflow of blood. Essentially, blood becomes temporarily trapped in the organ"
Erection Definition & Meaning |

"In this theory, the “push” on the small closing valves of the veins is stronger than the veins’ ability to resist. As a result, the veins are not able to “close” tightly enough to stop blood from passing out of the penis, causing difficulty in maintaining an erection."
Causes and Risk Factors of Erectile Dysfunction
Well, it’s a theory. But the theory is about the mechanism and not if there are valves or not. They clearly are there.

"Blood is pumped from the heart into the penis under great pressure and a series of valves keep it in the penis to maintain the erection. "

"It is the Peyronie’s plaque that causes the veins of the penis to not close properly. There are special valves within the veins of the penis that close off at special times, to trap the blood inside the penis – to create an erection. If the veins do not trap the blood, no erection."

All written by MDs..

Not to be too picky but this is medical information written by writers who are not MDs. It’s using information they got from MDs but there are some journalistic shortcuts taken.

Even after reading much about valves in the penis I see nothing about valves in the vessels that lead into the penis. The way I’m doing a reverse jelq I know I’m having more of an effect of backing up the blood that’s leading into the penis, and little to nothing to affect the veins taking blood out of the penis, which is where the valves are. So I don’t think I’m in danger of causing any valve damage.

My first introduction to a "reverse jelq" so to speak, had nothing at all to do with PE. My days of visiting escorts are pretty much over but over the years I met some women who were very very experienced and had a lot of tricks up their sleeves. There were a few who employed the "reverse jelq" to help me get it up. Back in the day before viagra especially the best skilled prostitutes had more pressure on them to be proficient at helping a guy who was struggling to get an erection. So I’ve continued to use the technique as an aid in achieving an erection. Used in that way I doubt there could be any danger at all. It’s mild, short term and employed rarely, etc. Basically you just take a half erect penis and squeeze a little, maybe stroke downwards maybe not, to back up blood pressure on the artery leading into the penis. This stretches it out a bit, so when you release the pressure, it’s widened so more blood can flow in.

I even knew one chick who was so talented with her pussy muscles that she could perform a reverse jelq with her vagina. I was just a bit over half hard and struggling to get stiffer. She guided me onto my back telling me she wants to be on top. I tried to tell her, no, I’m not ready, I don’t think this is gonna work.. Her decision really had a negative effect on my psyche because I was embarrassed to not be erect and knew that putting her on top would only highlight that fact and I knew this would fail. But she seemed determined so I figured maybe she’ll give me head or something. But she forced/shoved the head of my dick past the rim/opening of her pussy. Then she gripped it with her pussy muscles and stretched it upwards. Then she loosened the grip, moved downwards, of course my dick was a little bendy but she she effectively telescoped it down and then squeezed and held downward pressure so I felt pressure in the taint. She held for a few seconds.

Then she gripped and stretched it upwards again, and repeated the process. Each stroke she got another few centimeters of my dick inside her, each stroke slightly increased stiffness, with each stroke she was able to increase the downward pressure and the intensity of the squeeze. Eventually I was fully erect and she continued riding on top.

You gotta admit, that’s talent, for a chick to be able to ride cowgirl on a half-hard dick and reverse jelq and stretch it to full erection using only her highly coordinated pussy muscles. She was only like 30 years old.

Anyways I see no harm in using this type of technique in this way, that is to help get an erection.

"That which is measured, grows." (author unknown, corporate slogan at Microsoft)

Venis are pointing from the tip of the penis back to the torso. And they are on the shaft’s surface. If there are veins, and according to the information i found here and there, there is no reason why there shouldnt be valves.

And constant jelqing will damage these because the jelqing forces blood in the oppisite direction is is meant to be pumped.

So it seems like jelqing, if done hard, is a potentially dangerous exercise….

My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

I have a vein that used to be inside the skin put it protrudes now but I’m so thick you can’t notice.I have minor ed.but once I get up, I stay up.

any more scientifically backuped infos


My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

Originally Posted by Smegma
Please people I need your help!! A week ago I injured my penis doing only 5 reps of stretching of 30 seconds each after a good warm up and it suddenly appeared ED.. Actually I was unable to get even a weak erection. I was impotent at all! This scared me so much but I tried to keep relaxed and a kind of poor erection appeared two days after. When still in my bed just woke up and with a slight hand stimulation..
A week is past and now I have trouble in getting erect and even when erection happens it is weak (say max 80% of former .)
These are my symptoms:

No pain
Kind of firm flaccid
Sometimes cold, pale and deflated glans
Shrunk in size (mild but still noticeable)
Weak erection and very hard to obtain
Rare morning woods
Deflated dorsal vein
Loss of libido
I feel like my penis is made of rubber instead of meat..

Today I cummed while masturbating. After a week without masturbating.. I toke a week off of sex ,jack off and obviously PE.. The situation is a bit improved but I want to know if someone had these symptoms and fully healed from them and ,also,how much time it took to restore the previous penis health.

Did you get better?
I experienced something similar to you when I jelqed with full erection this morning. I warmed up, stretched, warmed up again, got erected and started jelqing (light, there was 1 first medium grip but them I adjusted ) while loosing my erection (as usual). I felt a slight pain about 1/2 inch to the left side of the base of my penis. I had this experience 2 years ago and worse (since I felt some discomfort/pain near the dorsal vein)and got 100% ok.

I tried butchers broom yesterday and had heroic morning wood this morning, though when rested I usually do.

Bit stressed out recently, but improving.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

A brocken Penis.

The title is to catch your attention. Ha!

I broke my penis.
Here’s a true story. I use to get rock hard erections. So hard that they almost hurt and my cock pulsated with the beat of my heart. One morning during the normal morning glory of erection I lent on my penis and I heard (or at least felt) a big pop inside and an instant deflation. I pulled the covers off and to my shock the area from down my cock, half the pubic area and half way up my stomach was what looked like black, but in reality was a deep crimson red area.

Obviously I freaked out, got into my car and went straight to the hospital. It took ages as usual to see a doctor. When I did, I believe he hadn’t’t seen this before. He walked away; I think to discuss the issue with his colleagues or to check up medical journals on the problem. He took ages to return. Just left me sitting in panic. Finally on return, all he said was go home, take it easy; the issue will work itself out. In a couple of weeks the dark area will fade away and things will be back to normal.

I did this, and the dark area did fade away, but my erections have never been the same since. I don’t achieve full erections like I use to, or for the distance. I now have a poor sex life and am tempted to try Viagra to test if it works in this situation. My cock gets kind of semi rigid, though cock rings get it up all the way. I feel embarrassed if I have to use them. I probably should have got more than that one opinion. To tell the truth, I don’t think the doctor had any clue how to deal with the situation and now I am embarrassed to discuss this with doctors. Ultimately, I think, this is valve damage but I don’t think there are many doctors who know much about or how to treat it.


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