Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What does your sig other say?


What does your sig other say?

Do any of you guys out there have GF, spouses, significant others, that say nothing about size gains that you know you’ve made? I recently have had a 1/2” increase in EL along with some unknown increase in EG and my GF has said nothing. I can tell by her reaction that it’s getting more of a reaction out of her than before, but still… nothing. Not that I NEED to hear it from her, but it would be nice. Any thoughts?

Originally Posted by andgrowing
Do any of you guys out there have GF, spouses, significant others, that say nothing about size gains that you know you’ve made? I recently have had a 1/2” increase in EL along with some unknown increase in EG and my GF has said nothing. I can tell by her reaction that it’s getting more of a reaction out of her than before, but still… nothing. Not that I NEED to hear it from her, but it would be nice. Any thoughts?

Hi andgrowing:

Does she Know that you have been doing PE?

I think we would all like to be told “wow, that is so much bigger now!”, or “oh, that feels so much better, don’t stop!” But, it’s that little man in our head always saying , “I want my hard work to be acknowledged, damn it!” But, man, if she isn’t complaining you must be doing something right and I wouldn’t knock it! Wait a little longer and when you reach another plateau, then maybe you will ring her bells and you will hear her scream for joy! Then you will know for certain that she knows, even without being told in words!

Good luck, work hard, and surprise her later with something even bigger than what you are giving her now! :chuckle:

My girlfriend has always said I was more than fine. She’s a small Asian chick and I have to be careful going past the 3/4 (of my dick) mark because passing through the cervix if she isn’t ready for it will give her cramps. Just 4 weeks ago she jokingly asked if I’d gotten bigger ( she doesn’t know I PE )because I went even deeper than usual ( after she’d cum a bunch of times and was really relaxed and sopping wet- then she likes it). Until that moment I wasn’t sure she could tell any difference. So, that proves that even 1/4 inch gain can be noticeable.

Originally Posted by devilknight666
My girlfriend has always said I was more than fine. She’s a small Asian chick and I have to be careful going past the 3/4 (of my dick) mark because passing through the cervix if she isn’t ready for it will give her cramps. Just 4 weeks ago she jokingly asked if I’d gotten bigger ( she doesn’t know I PE )because I went even deeper than usual ( after she’d cum a bunch of times and was really relaxed and sopping wet- then she likes it). Until that moment I wasn’t sure she could tell any difference. So, that proves that even 1/4 inch gain can be noticeable.

See, she did know! Good for you! My wife was Chinese and tiny, but even though I was tiny somewhere else, but I still had to be careful. Be careful, man, and don’t hurt her. You say you can’t go past the 3/4 mark. What are you stats and what is your goal? Why don’t you complete your PE Stats?
Good PEing.

The wife has not made a comment one, except for the other night. Whoever, I’ve gotten more of a reaction out of her as I’ve grown. But last week I had only just got the head inside her when she slapped my arm and said “it hart” and “you’ve been PEing again haven’t you”. Once we got in to the grove she was like “Ooh-my” the whole time and reacting like I’ve not seen her do scents we where first married. Afterwords when I ask her if she was OK, she said “she is real real sore but it was the best sex yet”, “God that was good”.

My girl doesn’t know I PE. I think if she did, I’d have it in the back of my mind that she would pay me compliments that weren’t genuine. I’ve heard of several guys here whose wives or gf didn’t know they were PEing, but still would ask (jokingly or not) if they had gotten bigger or if they were still growing. I know it’s just an ego thing, but still, it’d damn cool to hear.


You’re absolutely right.

My girl hasn’t said anything about my gains, but she will when i hit 8.

My 9 inches are coming!!

This wasn’t after any gains or anything, but.. My girlfriend once compared my penis to be like a giant thumb, hahaha. A good thing or not? :P Who knows.

One thing it DOES tell me, is that she’s sized it up in her head. Whether it be consciously or sub consciously.

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

In the past 4-5 months I have grown 1/2” in EL myself. My wife knows I PE and sees the before and after pics that I take but honestly she tells me she cant feel the length difference. Certain positions definitely hurt her and hit a “spot” that makes her almost cry sometimes but in other positions she says she really cant tell that much of a difference in how it feels. Now, on the other hand, immediately after a pumping/clamping set if I slide it in her she can feel the 1/4” girth expansion really well. Not only does she say how much bigger it feels but I can see it in her face and by her moans that she likes it alot. My wife has already told me she doesnt want it any longer. Last night I measured and was slightly over 7.25” NBP.So, a 1/4” girth outweighs a 1/2” length gain by far according to her. Everyone says girth is where its at and Im really believing it now but too bad I cant gain any……..YET!

Jan 1st/07 - 7 14/16'' BP 4 Month Growth Comparison Pics - First Clamping pics

Feb 2009 - 8.15'' BP / 7.4'' NBP x 5.1'' EG New pics

My girlfriend noticed my first gains one night when she was giving me oral sex. I noticed it too. This was only after one month of PEing. I think I was swollen after a long week of PEing. She didn’t tell me at that moment. It was only after we were conversing about the sex experience when she mentioned that my “male member” was bigger than other days.

It felt great!!
I only started PEing because she told me that one of her previous boyfriends was really big and she loved it.
Man.that got me angry. Now I’m PEing to show her who’s the bigger man.


Originally Posted by pop123
My girlfriend noticed my first gains one night when she was giving me oral sex. I noticed it too. This was only after one month of PEing. I think I was swollen after a long week of PEing. She didn’t tell me at that moment. It was only after we were conversing about the sex experience when she mentioned that my “male member” was bigger than other days.

It felt great!!
I only started PEing because she told me that one of her previous boyfriends was really big and she loved it.
Man.that got me angry. Now I’m PEing to show her who’s the bigger man.


That’s cool that she noticed it. I’ve got to ask, though, what makes some women think that we want to hear or don’t mind hearing about how big some of their x’s were. How do they expect us to react? Like we’ll be fine with it. Is it a statement of dissatisfaction? I could go on forever.

To tell you the truth, it got me heated. I’m 7 1/2 by 5 1/4. I have always been complemented. I guess this guy was huge. But yea no respect.

Yeah, seems odd that she would say how much she loved it… I would probably not trust that girl.

I remember wearing a clamp and doing my ex, and the way she acted was so different than when we had sex normally; she looked at me, innocently, and said, “I can’t help it, I like it.” She knew I PE’ed (obviously) and was always trying to tell me how I was crazy, and how it didn’t matter, but that little admission there was all the proof I needed to continue with what I was doing.

Course, now the girl I’m with is too tight, but I’ve stepped so far in blood…

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by kazooplayer
Yeah, seems odd that she would say how much she loved it… I would probably not trust that girl.

I remember wearing a clamp and doing my ex, and the way she acted was so different than when we had sex normally; she looked at me, innocently, and said, “I can’t help it, I like it.” She knew I PE’ed (obviously) and was always trying to tell me how I was crazy, and how it didn’t matter, but that little admission there was all the proof I needed to continue with what I was doing.

Course, now the girl I’m with is too tight, but I’ve stepped so far in blood…

I don’t think there’s a single thing anyone (women included) could tell me that would lead me to believe that size doesn’t matter. Granted, you can bring your girl to extasy with an “average” member, but I strongly believe they all think that bigger is better. Sad but true. But, we can all do something about it.

When I first told her about PE she thought I was nuts, I only had told her about my pump. Then as we later got closer I told her about everything, some things still freak her out though. She is one of the reasons I PE so much, even though I did it before we met. She had been with some pretty big guys, and yes, I believe her. Two of them were 7.5 to 8 one was 7 and one was about 9.She is a length first, girth second woman. When we first got together in bed it was great, about a month after that she said in a lot of positions she could not feel me that much.(crushed!!!) But we are honest and I want it that way. Since then, I have gotten a little bigger and she tells me that it is getting bigger. Sometimes she uses the word huge, mostly after a pump or clamp session. Sometimes she asks me why I am so insecure about my dick. I tell her flat out “BECAUSE YOU SAID YOU COULDN’T FEEL IT!!We have stopped having sex for over a year now (religious reasons) but we still play and she I notice she likes playing with it more now then ever.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

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