What is the underlying mechanism of post PE cold penis, and is it bad for gains?
This is another PE phenomenon I think is worth investigating to clarify how PE works.
I think it’s probably bad, but I am not sure. I haven’t noticed a correlation between post PE cold penis and growth rates, but I haven’t really looked at it closely. It seems like reduced blood flow is the cause, and reduced blood flow I think causes collagen upregulation (which I think is probably bad), but sometimes that kind of logic doesn’t apply because of some unknown.
What causes post PE cold penis?
Pumping flaccid seems to reliably cause this. I remember this occurring after long jelqing sessions and clamping as well in the past. I’m sure heat is a factor as well, since heat seems to resolve it, not necessarily transient heat from a warm down though, but heating through insulating the penis with something like a sock.
What is the mechanism behind post PE cold penis?
It is sort of baffling to me. Shear stresses from PE should increase blood flow. It does seem to be caused by reduced blood flow to the CC and CS since the glans is cold, not just the skin with edema. But perhaps it’s only reduced blood flow to some areas of the penis and not all. Perhaps the vascular tension of arteries and capillaries is reduced causing blood to enter the CC and CS at the base, but rapidly leave it through over expanded veins instead of traversing the whole length of the penis.
It could also be that the arteries have constricted for some reason.
Since I don’t have a way to do a blood doppler test right now, I can only speculate and make more observations. I think I might try to cause post PE cold penis and check my penis perineal shaft for signs of heightened or reduced blood flow.
But suppose it was causing a heightened flow of blood through the pudendal artery, just not to the entire penis, could that be a good thing for remodeling that artery to have a higher diameter?
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