March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)
April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'
I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress
The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
March 2006: 6.875" x 4.500" x 5.00" (BPEL x MLG x BG)
April 2007-.: 7.81" x 4.81" x 5.1" - 'And it just keeps getting bigger!'
I will have..: 8.500" x 5.750" x 6.00" My Pics My Progress
Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"
Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"
Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"
"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"
- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca
Stats at 11/25/05: BPEL: 6.77 in, EG: 4.25 in
Right now: BPEL: 7.12 in, EG: 4.48 in
Slow gainer :/
Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"
Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"
Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"