Thunder's Place

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What time is your full erection?


What time is your full erection?

My full erection is around 11 o’clock, and my penis is a slightly curve up.

My partner complains it’s very uncomfortable to have such high angle and curved up penis in her.

I am curious, what is the “time” you guys at when full erection?

Is there any way I can “lower” my full erection angle to 9 o’clock and “correct” my slightly curved penis to straight?

9:30 and straight

I wouldn’t even attempt it unless you know you’re going to be with this girl forever. I think a majority of women think what you have is close to the ideal—it’s perfect for hitting the g-spot during missionary. Count your blessings. I guess the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence.

I also have a slight up up-curve and like it very much. My erection angle is only between 9:00 and 10:00 depending on erection quality. I’d prefer your 11:00. That’s where I was at before I started PE. It was well worth trading for the extra two inches though, so I can’t complain.

I think many guys’ angles come down as a natural consequence of successfully building penile mass. It’s probably going to happen to you whether you like it or not. Many guys see this as a negative side effect of PE. In your case, I guess you’ll be killing two birds with one stone.

I’ve been PEing for 3 years now, and tried everything in the book. My slight up-curve has remained essentially unchanged. When I say slight, I mean very slight. I’m guessing your up-curve is a bit more noticeable.

My “time” is 11:00 to High Noon , depending on arousal . I’d like mine to be at 10:00 . It would be more comfortable for both my Wife and I .

Originally Posted by Mushroom
I think many guys’ angles come down as a natural consequence of successfully building penile mass. It’s probably going to happen to you whether you like it or not. Many guys see this as a negative side effect of PE. In your case, I guess you’ll be killing two birds with one stone.

Weird, Mushroom. And I don’t know how it works. For decades, before PE, I was a solid 9 o’clock, parallel to the floor. After a couple years into PE I’m now at about 10 o’clock. I don’t think it’s about mass weight because my volume now is much different from before. Maybe my ligs got tighter? I don’t have a clue.



A very little above 9.


I wonder if it’s possible that PE causes dicks to “regress toward the mean?” Guys who start with high erection angles get lower; guys with low angles get higher, and guys in the middle stay there.

The amount of individual variation is amazing, isn’t it? On the surface it would seem like a dick is a dick. Penises come in different shapes and sizes, but are all made of the same stuff. You’d think there’d be more uniformity of response. It seems like the more data we gather, the more it becomes apparent that there are no hard fast rules in PE. It’s hard to nail anything down. The only universal law of PE is YMMV (your mileage may vary).

2:15 with some up curve.


2:15 with some up curve.

With your back to the rest of the guys. :) I normally would have quoted from that side of the clock too, but knew everyone would be facing the other direction out of habit of quoting their LOT that way.

9:00 but would prefer 10:00. Hope PE get’s me up there.

Originally Posted by Mushroom
With your back to the rest of the guys. :) I normally would have quoted from that side of the clock too, but knew everyone would be facing the other direction out of habit of quoting their LOT that way.

Ummmm, Sorry? :)

With me facing the same direction, my erection would be 9:45 with some curve at the beep


Around 9 give or take :30 depending on the quality and a downward curve

Nice thread. It would have made a good poll. 9:30, straight. 10 when I kegel and hold it. Hopefully when PE gives me an erection of stone it will stay at 10. Stone is a cooler word than rock. I’m done.

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