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I have made bonsai from many plants that are not the typical material. Give it a try. The reason bonsai stay alive longer is the constant pruning of the roots. Every few years depending on the variety of plant you cut off about 1/3 of the root system. This immediately starts the plant to growing new roots. The life of any plant is in the roots. By contantly gettin new roots from the pruning you keep the tree in a youthful state even tho it can be very old.

Sadly fruit trees don’t uausally live very long compared to other trees. In bonsai they can live much longer than in nature. If you bonsai it the leaves will gradually reduce in size but the fruit will not.

>Every few years depending on the variety of plant you cut off about 1/3 of the root system.

Good, because that’s what I’ve been doing. These haven’t made fruit yet. Most of the limbs are only about 2 years old. I think they need to be 3 or 4 to produce fruit.

I wondered if the apricots would be normal sized. Thanks for the info.

Ok, you have me interested. I never really knew what a bonsai tree was, I thought it was just that particular tree in the Karate Kid that you had to prune etc.

google time.

Originally posted by deeznuts
Ok, you have me interested. I never really knew what a bonsai tree was, I thought it was just that particular tree in the Karate Kid that you had to prune etc.

google time.

Actually that movie started my involvement in bonsai. Basicall bonsai means to dwarf.


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