Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Where I stand and my personal discoveries about PE and evaluating permanent gains


Where I stand and my personal discoveries about PE and evaluating permanent gains

I inspected my flaccid penis today and it measured at 5.3 FG. It was soft and elastic to the touch. The veins were prominent beneath the epidermal layer, beneath the basal lamina in the connective tissues possibly indicating permanent growth due to the fact that veins wouldn’t be very visible if there were too much fluid retention and swelling. So it looked like a normal healthy flaccid penis with a bit extra skin, but still in all very natural. I don’t know if this indicates permanent gains but I am trying to make sense of everything. I just started the integumentary system, which discusses all the levels of organization for tissues in A & P, so I’m really trying to make it make sense using logic.

Also, I have been measuring at 6.35-6.4 EG without pumping much, and without swelling. I get this big when I wake up before doing anything but a warm up, a five minute light pump with hot water, and a few flaccid bends. I also made a nice personal discovery with light clamping. I bend with the clamp on the first notch, which is deceivingly tight on my big girth, but light enough to be considered light. I also have been doing kingpoles erect kegel jelqs with the clamp on the first notch and have been getting phenomenal expansion. So using the clamp lightly may be a breakthrough for veterans who have reached their goals who want to cement their gains, and a little re bar can’t hurt either. I like to think the re bar is simply doing the same routine that got you the gains twice as long as you would normally do that routine if you were just cementing. Also, think of light clamping like a static O.K. grip that you don’t have to keep applying if you were doing it manually.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

You are one lucky fuck, that’s all I’m going to say; but I’m happy for ya, at least someone has benefited from P.E. All i got was injury and possibly a minor increase, and pains in my glans after masturbation even though i stopped 7 months ago. At least its working again though.

Originally Posted by steve10
You are one lucky fuck, that’s all I’m going to say; but I’m happy for ya, at least someone has benefited from P.E. All i got was injury and possibly a minor increase, and pains in my glans after masturbation even though i stopped 7 months ago. At least its working again though.

It has nothing to do with luck Steve. It was a methodical routine based on adapting to a seven day a week routine of three one hour sessions a day. It took me a year and a half to be able to do this without having fluctuations in my EQ, which I monitored American Psycho style to prevent injury, and took it easy when it was necessary. You are going to notice that the big gainers are usually going to have obsessive types of personalities, with possibly above average intelligence levels with some certain degree of self control.

You need to be resilient and never give up. I used to think the big gainers were lucky, till I realized what it took to gain big. It really is a pain in the ass, but once you hit 6 EG on the ruler you can’t stop and it becomes an addiction. For me now, there is no turning back, I always feel motivated to pull my pork and do my routine. I will admit that I did suffer to get where I was at and I used to say to myself, “I’m suffering so much to gain, a little luck wouldn’t hurt, maybe a little prayer wouldn’t hurt either,” the bottom line is though work work work.

You know, I really don’t believe in luck but I do believe in some higher power, or a God. I’d like to hope that God saw how much I suffered and rewarded me for my efforts. I really do deserve these gains. If you saw what I did every day you would shake my Vaseline soaked hand, and drink a Coke out of my greasy pump tube.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

I have to admire your methodical and completely thorough examination of PE. Summed up there in your very first paragraph. What the heck is the integumentary system? I am off to google it. I was lucky to gain quickly enough and to a level where I don’t really need to gain any more. If it wasn’t that way, then I’d want you to distill some of that knowledge and serve it up. Probably not in a greasy pump tube …

Do you attempt to put this much effort in any other parts of your life clubber? If you did, with that mindset, you could be anything from the new Gandhi to an evil criminal mastermind sitting in a hollowed out volcano.

Good effort! A genuine doff of the cap to you sir.

Originally Posted by Clubber
It took me a year and a half to be able to do this without having fluctuations in my EQ, which I monitored American Psycho style to prevent injury,

Originally Posted by Clubber
If you saw what I did every day you would shake my Vaseline soaked hand, and drink a Coke out of my greasy pump tube.

Lol. Your post smacks of someone who’s still reeling from his achievement. Good shit, Clubber.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by Clubber
I don’t know if this indicates permanent gains but I am trying to make sense of everything. I just started the integumentary system, which discusses all the levels of organization for tissues in A & P, so I’m really trying to make it make sense using logic.

Off topic a bit but are you taking the A&P class online? The chapter I’m on now is about the integumentary system. But, maybe the system we are on is where 99% of A & P students are on since its the first system mentioned.

I hope to match your gains! Your starting stats are very similar to my own. Although I am fairly new to PE and very new to this forum there are a few observations I have made since starting my PE regime.

1. Flaccid length gains almost immediately after beginning my hanging routine. I hang a good 4.5 to 5” flaccid now. Nice to see penis dropping below ball level.

2. Already gained .25 in EG. I attribute this to doing the Extreme Ulis.

3. Rock hard erections.

4. Veins are popping, it looks like a weightlifters arm when pumped!

5. Morning wood, yea at age 43 I have been building a tent every morning.

6. Much better control with ejaculation while making love. I am wearing her out before getting that urge to self satisfy .

For me any ONE of these reasons would be enough to start a jelq exercise regime, but with these enhancements I truly see why people get addicted to these types of exercises.

I am hoping for gains similar to your own, over time. My goals: 9” BPEL and 6” EG

Your posts are inspirational, Thanks!

Clubber, great gains and dedication! Do you have a set routine? I think it would be interesting to know all you did the last 18 months. Your girth gains are amazing.

You’re my new hero Clubber.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by ShyMplsMale

Off topic a bit but are you taking the A&P class online? The chapter I’m on now is about the integumentary system. But, maybe the system we are on is where 99% of A & P students are on since its the first system mentioned.

No, I take it on campus. Yes, it is the first system in the book mentioned, and it is the 5th chapter after the introductory part. My text book is called the fundamentals of anatomy and physiology. by Martini. The first name might be Frederic Martini. The book weighs ten pounds. When it came in the mail, my dad thought I ordered a box of ammunition.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by ShyMplsMale
Off topic a bit but are you taking the A&P class online? The chapter I’m on now is about the integumentary system. But, maybe the system we are on is where 99% of A & P students are on since its the first system mentioned.

I just finished an A&P class last week and now on to Kinesiology (lower body)…


Clubber please!
I’ve practiced PE for quite some time now. I’ve had great results length wise, but barely none girth wise. I’ve tried everything from jelqing to pumping and clamping, and I’ve always been very consistent. I don’t know why, but I just cannot gain wirth no matter what exercises I use or how much I use them. I’m conditioned, so I’d like to try your routine out, ‘cause I’ve got the time to do so right now. Would you mind sharing it step by step?

I read somewhere that you mostly clamp and pump. I do not myself believe in the pump (well I haven’t tried very high pressure yet), I’ve only gained loss of sensation in my head and a lot of discoloration throughout the unit. I cannot clamp at all nowadays, the cable clamps won’t hold the blood inside no matter how I wrap. I tried using a hose clamp as well, but I can tighten it so far down that it almost cuts my dick in two pieces, the blood still won’t stay inside for more than 5 minutes. I think I’ve changed my base shape a lot due to all hanging over the years.

Anything to suggest for me? I’m willing to spend hours every day, seven days a week!

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Originally Posted by theoverdark1
I hope to match your gains! Your starting stats are very similar to my own. Although I am fairly new to PE and very new to this forum there are a few observations I have made since starting my PE regime.

1. Flaccid length gains almost immediately after beginning my hanging routine. I hang a good 4.5 to 5” flaccid now. Nice to see penis dropping below ball level.

2. Already gained .25 in EG. I attribute this to doing the Extreme Ulis.

3. Rock hard erections.

4. Veins are popping, it looks like a weightlifters arm when pumped!

5. Morning wood, yea at age 43 I have been building a tent every morning.

6. Much better control with ejaculation while making love. I am wearing her out before getting that urge to self satisfy .

For me any ONE of these reasons would be enough to start a jelq exercise regime, but with these enhancements I truly see why people get addicted to these types of exercises.

I am hoping for gains similar to your own, over time. My goals: 9” BPEL and 6” EG

Your posts are inspirational, Thanks!

Nice job Clubber! Overdark, I wish i had your flaccid, I want length in general but my flaccid length has always bothered me.

BPEL - 5.75 inches

BPFSL - 6.25 inches

Originally Posted by TenInchGoal
Clubber please!

Anything to suggest for me? I’m willing to spend hours every day, seven days a week!

Well that’s a start. I too sometimes have a hard time clamping, although I make shit happen no matter what, but having a cock pleasing to the eye does help with EQ. However, if my dick is lazy I just bend till pigs start flying in my backyard. A combo of sadsinki bends and O bends have made my giant 5.3 FG very veiny indeed. Even after long pumping sessions my dicks veins are starting to get very visible thank god.
I really do sick amounts of PE. I can’t really give you it step by step because it really just is an all day type of lifestyle type routine. If I had to sample it down for you I would say it is basically a four session a day routine, but the three sessions are up to 90 minutes each sometimes and the one session is very small, like ten minutes; I usually just do this out of my obsessive nature for success, which will include usually bends I guess.
But pumping has brought me a lot of gains and I could not of done it without it. You know that over inflated pumped out dick you get after long meaningless sessions? Well I’ve managed to keep those expanded states by relentlessly clamping and bending after words. And again I PE while I do other activities too. I usually do homework while I pump and watch porn at the same time from time to time, and when I take a break from studying I clamp and bend I guess for usually fifteen minutes. I really do have it all figured out I guess for what works for me. I wont have to do this forever though. I think in another six months I will do three small sessions a day or something out of the name of addiction. I can just see my self on the show intervention for doing too much PE, with my PE bag stolen from me by that bald guy with my pump laying on that coffee table along with my clamps and my family shaking their heads.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Hahaha, yeah how about that!
I have had that thought myself since I’m quite obsessive about PE as well. The best answer so far that I’ve come up with is “Well, at least I will die with a great big dick”, help me out there haha.

With lack of fantasy for the moment, I started out this week with short intensive pumping sessions using a cock-ring - and I’m getting huge expansion. After each session, I add 5 minutes of O-bends at 30% erection. Been doing 5-6 sets/day for three days in a row now, and I feel nicely fatigued, and my EQ is great. I’m also following the “never let it turtle”-theory for the moment and put a clamp on to keep it plump.

Do you think this will work if I keep it consistent?
Would like to add something except clamping in this routine?
What’s the sadsinki bends?


Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6


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