Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Where it all started

Where it all started

Or How Thunders place is saving my sanity. I’ve been PEing for about 2 ½ months and I’ve learned a lot and I’m still learning a lot. As much as I’m learning about making my dick bigger, I’m getting to the core of why I’m doing it and why I feel the ways that I do. I have a feeling that telling this story will be cathartic for me, and maybe, hopefully, insightful for someone else. I don’t mean this to be a child of the 80’s ,blame someone else for my problems, poor poor me, rant, I just want to present the feelings that I have.

My first remembrance of having a sexual nature was when I was probably about 4 years old. I know I wasn’t in school yet because I was reading some by the time I started school and I know I wasn’t reading yet. I’ve always loved books and getting up early. Early one morning, I was looking at a book about the wonders of the ancient world and there was a drawing of bare butt Egyptian slaves building the pyramids. They were shown from a distance of 150 or 200 feet so there obviously wasn’t any detail, just their bare butts. I grew my first wood looking at that picture. I remember instinctively knowing that I’d probably get scolded and feel ashamed for asking either of my parents about it so I didn’t. I just enjoyed the fascination and feeling of getting a woody. I remember that this happened several times. I have a hunch that a lot of men and women had similar experiences of having unanswered questions as children.

Fast forward a few years. My older brother was reaching puberty. He was developing in ways that I wasn’t. He took it upon himself to tease me about the size of my dick. I don’t ever remember that he seemed to be so much bigger than me, but he constantly emphasized the small size of my cock. ( Actually, he went out of his way to ridicule me about everything). I was 10 years old for crying out loud! Of course my penis was small! But I used to think my older brother could do no wrong (as do most kids) so I guess I assumed he knew what he was talking about. Couple this with parents who were apparently unable to talk with their kids about The s word,(sex…GASP, I’ve said it) and led me to believe that sexuality and sex was inherently dirty, my youth years were confused, at best. Again, I’ll bet a lot of people reading this had similar experiences.

Fast forward again. College. Freedom. My first successful sexual encounter. She was a dark, exotic beauty. An experienced upperclassman. The sex was incredible. At least it seemed to be to an inexperienced, repressed freshman. She was multi orgasmic and pretty uninhibited. We had an incredible time together. Through it all, I never really felt like I was the superman that she seemed to think I was. I started trying to reconcile my inherent feelings of inadequacy with this writhing, screaming moaning woman in my bed. How can someone who’s inadequate make an experienced, desirable woman act like this? Other women follow. Same feelings.

Fast forward to adulthood, marriage, kids, mortgage, etc. I married a terrific woman. Pretty, kind, sexy. Over the moon in love with me. Loves jumping in the sack Loves giving head.. Insists that I’m more than big enough for her. She’s multi orgasmic and it’s not unusual for her to climax 3 or 4 times during one love making session. She thinks I’m Superman. So why am I still feeling inadequate? In the many years we’ve been married I can count the number of times I haven’t been able to perform on one hand. Even if one of us doesn’t cum, the sex is still very satisfying. Do my feelings come from long ago when I was ignorant and ridiculed? Why don’t the ensuing years of successful sex cancel out the few years of confusion and doubt?

Fast forward to today. I’m learning to increase the size of my cock. Along with the size increase is coming (slowly) a new and unfamiliar feeling. I’m actually above average in some areas! When I do ULIs my glans girth is over 6.25”! I’ve gained almost 3/4” in BPEL in 2 ½ months!! I never thought that my dick would be anything but the smallest in the gym. Growing my cock is more than an improvement in length and girth and erection size and quality. It’s changing my thinking and my outlook. Thank you Thunders Place and all of the men and women who make it work.

Enjoy your stay and make sure you stay dedicated.

What size are you?

Wow, great gains thus far. PE takes a lot of time and dedication, I hope you continue on your PE journey with good gains to come.

Hey Clg,

Welcome to the forum. I’m totally there with you on the surge of confidence from PE. I just don’t worry about my cock anymore. Some of this is the increased size. However, a lot is that I now believe dick size is largely under my control, whereas before I felt it was a card that was dealt to me that I just had to live with.

Do you think your wife has noticed your gains? If so, do you think her reaction has been positive, negative, or neutral?

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Wannabeseven , I’m currently 6.43 BPEL, 5.31 EG, 3.75 FL, 4.25 FG

ModestoMan, I think my wife has noticed something. It may be the confidence, or maybe the size. Awhile ago she was giving me head and stopped and said “MMM I can’t get all of you in my mouth” It wasn’t entirely true, but it sure felt good to hear. And I was getting out of the shower the other day and out of the blue, she said something about me being so long. I guess that could be called positive.

Welcome clgp7!

Do good things.


Last edited by clgp7 : 10-30-2011 at .

Welcome to Thunder’s Place!


Becoming empowered to effect change in one’s life in ways that one wants is a tremendous gift, albeit, in the case of PE, a gift that must be earned.

I understand that in the “old days” of PE there was a code that stated that once one achieved some level of understanding and mastery, one was expected to help others seeking the same.

From what I’ve observed, honoring and continuing that code is what Thunder’s Place is all about.

OK, there’s lots of other good stuff here too (JG’s Dive contributions come to mind!), but at the core, Thunder’s Place is about helping guys to become empowered to effect a particular change in their lives. Funny thing is, often times we find that the empowerment to effect change in our lives doesn’t stop with PE. That may be the real gift of PE.

CLG, Welcome to Thunder’s Place and thanks for the thoughtful intro. I hope that you achieve all that you want to with respect to PE and many more things that you haven’t even thought of yet.

p.s. That last sentence goes for all you guys! (gals too…uh, except for the PE goals part)


Thanks for sharing, I’m glad to hear about the positve changes PE is bringing to your life.

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