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Where to buy cable clamps in canada

Where to buy cable clamps in canada


Anyone know if cable clamps are sold in canada?



Home De(s)pot.

or here


Last edited by GlandMaster : 01-07-2005 at .

Do you people have Lowe’s up there too?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by twatteaser
Do you people have Lowe’s up there too?

Yes, but only in winter, as the stores are in fact Giant Igloo’s… some sort of marketing gimmick that allows us to shop there only 10 months out of the year.

All right, I jest. To my knowledge, Lowe’s isn’t up here, yet.


They are not available in home depot here.
I checked twice.
Also can’t find the grippers either.
Any help would be appreciated
Any bad mouth comments about canada will not!!


I found mine at Home Hardware. They were at the front counter where they keep stuff in the hopes that you might actually have a use for it, and pay the 5 or 10 bucks for it. And not sold as singles, either. You can get the Lg (the one I use, heh heh) Md and 2 Sm in a pkg or 3 Lg and a Md (or something like that) in a pkg.

Of course, I’m on the prairies, so things could be different over there. We actually have nothing to do but watch curling what with the crops off and no hockey on the tube.


Start:03/04 BPEL 6.0 EG 4.75 Current:03/05 BPEL 6.675 EG 5.125 Goal by 06/05 BPEL 7.0 EG 5.5 "Please.. Please... Please!!" "You feel so big and hard in my mouth!" "Feels like more!" & most recently "Are you making it grow?" -- various quotes from Mrs. Lefty

Try Wal-Mart. I bought a four pack of various sizes of cable clamps at Wal-Mart here in the U.S.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

Couldn’t find em’ at walmart either

Will try home hardware tommorow

Thanks all

I had to go 2 cities over but the home depot there had them

Also they we’re called cable cuffs but they are the exact same as cable clamps
Thanks all

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