Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why Are Girth Gains So Hard To Achieve



These are great girth gains. You must be delighted.

How quickly did you start to see girth gains? Like bunbuster I would like to know how much of your gains you put down to jelqing.


Hi, I am looking for the girth too!

Jelqing has helped me gain quite a bit in girth,almost a half a inch in 2 months. I don’t really do other stuff yet as I feel slow starting is better.Rather take it slow and have a working penis as well.
Guess I jelq rather slowly about 5 secs per stroke and only for 15 min as my hands get too tired..
Did try that thing where you pull your penis between butt and sit on it, does seem really pump it up.
Still this is only in the begin,will play with it more before I will start with the Uli thing.

O yeah ,wanted to ask if a jelqing,squeesing, pumping routine will perhaps

assist in girth gains,pumping mainly to maintain your erecting level and engorge the penis with blood, let me know what you guys think…

See, this just further proves how “individual” PE is - I had no problem gaining girth. Length was/is my problem. If I didn’t care what type of “size” I’ve gained, I could probably be 7” midshaft right now - but my dick would look silly.

I want a more aesthetic look: 8.66 x 6.5….but the “6.5” isn’t the problem, the “8.66” is.

And further extrapolating Wadzilla’s comments, just as there are no two alike snowflakes, there are no two alike penises and PE’ers and routines!

People in general, yes, may have a common goal to strive for, but the How to get there is usually an individualistic endeavor. With there being so many techniques and variations of a technique, that what would work great for one individual may only work okay for another person.

It is this search for specific techniques that would yield the most for each of us as individuals that we constantly keep applying and refining them and analyzing the results, whether good or bad!

And when a technique works, great, and we hope that the other members will benefit from the positive experiences, and being unselfishly offered the specific regimens by the enlightened individual! On the same token, but on the other side, we hope that we learn that for this individual, this specific technique was not yielding positive results, and that by letting us know, we become even more educated, and are given just that much more to make a decision.

When, is often harder to understand than Why!

I am building a Canadian Maple for the lovely!


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