Why does size matter?
I was thinking today why do guys always have to do so many things to impress women? We go to gyms work our asses of, try to do this and that so that she would like us. Why is it that girls most of the time IN RELATIONSHIP don’t care that much? Same goes to PENIS SIZE. Why do girls complain your size is too small, yours is too big. Why don’t man complain you are too loose. I don’t know anybody who dumped a girl because she was too loose. They still liked her, but the problem is they got dumped because she was thinking they were too small (size of 6-7x 5-5.5) it was too small? Hey When last time I looked at penis sizes it is AVARAGE not small. I just can’t understand WHY MAN, so powerfull with their bodies and mouths can do things girls can but always lose wars with them DAMNED girls. Anybody has anything to say about that?