Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why Is My Dick Shrinking


^ Lol.


I had that same problem

When I first started PE’ing I was hanging up to 7.5lbs, jelqing and stretching. At first I was full all the time and hanging nice (well as nice as a 5.75 could after a few weeks, I noticed a hardening of my shaft. I never gave it much thought but it was noticeably harder. After I decided that hanging was not from me and stuck to jelqing and stretching, it eventually went away.. Not saying hanging was the cause but who knows..


8/06 First measured @ (starting over again) BPEL-6.0" X EG-5.25"

10/06 (2 months) BPEL-6.00" X EG- 5.50" BUT NO LENGTH :0(

Second goal to measure on 12/06 (4 months) Bpel-6.25" X EG -5.75"

Quit jerking off you jerk-off. My dick also gets smaller after I jerk, like a quarter inch shorter and some girth loss too. And don’t over-stress it, I finished a 30 day break period just now, and finally got to a 7 EL. Than after starting PEing again like on monday, it started to look bigger.

I don’t know whether working out and pills affect it or not. But if anyone knows if working-out DOES have some effect I’d like to know.

I’m very careful about over-stressing it now, since I took the 30+ day break because my dick tissues felt too hard and I didn’t have any gains, even it’s color is more healthy looking (it’s like a dark pink when flaccid, but it’s better than what it was before :) )

Last edited by Headtrauma : 08-03-2006 at .

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