Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

????why is this??????????

????why is this??????????

I can stretch my penis soft up to a little over 6 1/2 inches, but my erect length is barely over six! I have been stretching for nearly 2 months now, and the only gains I have are in my stretched length!

I’ll try to help you out as much as I can dude. First of all, note this: when you are erect, the same ligs inside that you can feel are very taut in between your perinum and the middle of your ball sac. WHen you are limp, they are limp. WHen you do a flaccid stretch, feel them… They are just as taut as they are when erect. But because this is a stretch, they are a little more taut. So your flaccid stretch will always be just a LITTLE more than your erect length, and that is why it is a good measure of length being not far behind. So because you are gaining in flaccid stretch, its safe to say that your erect length gains arn’t far behind.


Originally Posted by Alrdybig

…your flaccid stretch will always be just a LITTLE more than your erect length…

Does any of the vets believe this?

Heres why I ask;

My BPEL 6.77 Inches

MY FSL 5.50 Inches!!

My stretched length is WAY shorter than by erect length. Does this mean anything? Does it really matter?

A lot of problems come with inconsistency in measuring or quality of erection or both. If you are 6 1/8” erect and 6 1/2” stretched that is not unusual. I am 1/2” longer stretched than erect. When measuring erect make sure that you have a 100% erection. Take your time to work it up come to the edge of orgasm and kegel and measure your best “cheat”. Do this every time and when you have a gain you will be certain that it wasn’t a mistake or a mis measurement.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Originally Posted by Andrew69
Does any of the vets believe this?
Heres why I ask;
My BPEL 6.77 Inches
MY FSL 5.50 Inches!!
My stretched length is WAY shorter than by erect length. Does this mean anything? Does it really matter?

Dude, you are using BPEL…Dont you see I mean NBPEL??? Your FSL should be just a little above NBPEL…Sorry I didnt clarify.


Originally Posted by Alrdybig
Dude, you are using BPEL…Dont you see I mean NBPEL??? Your FSL should be just a little above NBPEL…Sorry I didnt clarify.


I do now! OK I will and see!

Also bear in mind that BPFSL is an even more consistent way of measuring. With normal FSL it is hard to do it the same every time.

My BPFSl is usually about 8.25”, maybe more, and my BPEL 7.625”.


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