Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Why measuring often

Why measuring often

I have always been in favor of measuring improvements, in every accomplishment, often. I do it when I try to loose weight, I do it when I try to run faster, and I do it when I PE.

The main and most important reason is that you sometimes have bad days, and you would hate if one of these bad days occurred on your measuring day IF you only measured every month. If you on the other hand measure every day, then a few bad days won’t matter since I will in a matter of days see the real result.

Say that you decide on measure your PE progress once a month and on your measuring day you have a really bad penis day (Hell, I even noticed stats lower than my starting stat on bad days). If you are a man of principles, it will take another month until you measure again and would see the true results. If you hadn’t given up already.

The other guy decides to measure daily. He see nice and consistent results. He get a bad penis day or two, and see the results dropping dramatically but he does not despair because he looks at his old stats and know that these days comes and go, and within a few days the measurements give the right results again.

When it comes to PE, there is actually another very important reason. Measuring your penis isn’t a very exact science, the results may vary a few mm just by the way you measure. Standing up, sitting, where to hold the ruler, how hard do you stretch, where do you hold when stretching BPFS.
When measuring often, you get a good measuring routine and you remember how to measure and immediately spot gains, while if you measure too seldom you don’t have that routine and even if you see gains you will start to doubt that you actually measured exactly the same way as last time. Didn’t I stretch a bit harder today? Wasn’t I standing up last time? Did I use a string or a measuring tape last time? Was it an elastic string?

And finally when measuring often you can make nice graphics of the normal variations in penis size and perhaps even be the first to do your PhD in Penis Size Variation Study over Time for a Single Individual :-)


I agree. Especially in the beginning it’s important to measure enough to establish a consistent measuring technique, and also to learn how much variation there is. As you get better you’ll see very little variation, especially in BPFSL because it is independent of erection level.

Dieting is a good analogy. If you weigh yourself once at some random time of day you only get one data point. What if you were holding water, had eaten a big meal or have a big dump waiting to be released? Or on the flip side what if you are glycogen depleted or otherwise dehydrated? One figure doesn’t tell much.

Yes, Odin, I think getting precise measurements is something that can only be achieved by doing a lot of measuring. After all, you can measure as often as you like but you only have to record your best measurements every month or two. That way the gains aren’t totally swamped by the margin of error in the measuring.

When recording my measurements I also plot them on a simple XY graph with months along the bottom and length and girth, in inches or centimetres up the y-axis. When I plot a measurement I don’t plot it as point, instead I draw it as a vertical line representing 0.2”, so if I measured 6.8” I would draw a line from 6.7” to 6.9” for that month. I find that represents a reasonable margin of error in my recorded measurements and so far (after 10 months) I can draw a perfect straight line that passes through all the data. Hope that made some sort of sense.

P.S. I’m glad to say the straight line is heading upwards! ( grad.= 0.5” per annum approx. )

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

I don’t like measuring that often nothing more disappointing than no gains. When I first started and gains came easy I measured every month now I measure about once every three months.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I started PE with no real expectations other than any gain is good gain. I was measuring every other day for the first few months. But now I measure about once a week. I totally agree with you Oden.

Yeah, I don’t measure every day although it sounded like it in my post. I tend to measure about once a week or when I think I gained or simply need encouragement.
(Sadly enough it is often when I look for encouragement that I get the most discouragement from the PE result.)


I second this!

Oct. 2010 BPEL: 6.8 MSEG:4.7 Jan. 2011 BPEL: 7.1 MSEG: 5.0

Goal: 7.5 x 5.5 ( crossing my fingers for a 6 inch chubbs to be dropped between my legs though)

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