Thunder's Place

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Will You Get Erect Gains, Even If Flaccid Length Stays The Same?

Will You Get Erect Gains, Even If Flaccid Length Stays The Same?

Hello everyone,

I’m probably being stupid, but I have done a search and can’t find an answer.

I want to know, if your flaccid size does not get any bigger doing pe, will you still gain in erect length.


" I want Drilla's." she said. " So I will grow one just like it for you, my dear." I said!

From my personal experience, yes.
I’m not positive, but I think I started years ag at 5.75 BPEL, and 5.5 EG. My latest measurement was 7 BPEL, and 5.75 EG. I didn’t measure flaccid, but if I don’t PE for a while it doesn’t seem much bigger.

But I have started pumping fairly recently, hopefully that will change. :D

In my case it took a looooong time for flaccid size to increase, although I had good erect gains.



Thanks for the replys guys, its just that I can’t work it out. My flaccid is the same size, and sometimes very small, but yet I have had a slight increase in BPEL AND EG.

How does that work if your flaccid is not bigger?

" I want Drilla's." she said. " So I will grow one just like it for you, my dear." I said!

My flaccid increased overnight. Everyone’s reactions to different things, differs from person to person. Just like my theory on smoking and gains.

It doesn’t make sense does it? Why would erect increase before flaccid? Anyone with the know have anything to say on this?


My flaccid is incredible variable, both length and girth. I’ve made good gains, but on average I am not sure I have any flaccid gains.

HalfRusski 07-26-05 - BPEL 5.90", EG 5.0" 11-16-05 - BPEL 7.45", EG 5.625" Weather report - snow (what did you expect?!) What is a nice guy from Louisiana doing in a place like this?

Originally Posted by HalfRusski
My flaccid is incredible variable, both length and girth. I’ve made good gains, but on average I am not sure I have any flaccid gains.

Let me guess. You hang low when in Louisiana and you get a shrinky winky when you go back to Siberia.

I only blaze el’s, You know blunts..
I’ll let you know if this smoking theory is true.
I stay pretty consistent but only stretch & jelq the newbie routine.
I modified it as it felt less like a workout over time.
I do Warm Wrap 5-6 minutes
Stretch routine 10 minutes.
Was jelqing for 15 but bumped it to 20
Warm wrap while I read something or play a few rounds of boxing or wrestling on xbox360 then hit the shower.

I would say I don’t have a ruler but have a tape measure so what ever measurement that’s not girth would be inaccurate. Can’t do that bone press I have a little body fat enough to make a bump or fat pad.
My Measurement was 7x5.
The thing that I noticed Erect is more blood more spontaneous erections after experianceing some minor ed a couple of months ago with my ex. It was more that relationship though she was ten years older tryin to act like a mother total turnoff when a woman tries dominating. A total boner buster =(

Anyway there’s no shame in my game left got a place in December and I’m seeing a handful of woman.
It was because of her that I ended up researching my way to this site. I have a complex where I have to be the best.

On the debate of flaccidity I was always the type that had a small appearance when flaccid. So much that more than one woman stated that it’s like the incredible hulk when it grows because seeing it like that it’s all wrinkly and shriveled and it morphs. Still I don’t like that.
I can tell you that the recent stretches that I started did increase my flaccid appearance pretty well. I always had big ball so it looked crazy to me. Now I can tell you that hangs just as low so yes stretching is important. I was stretching wrong for the first two weeks I started PE. Now that I learned the correct technique the flaccid is increased I will not measure until another couple of months.

My guess is that if one is into heavy PE then their flaccid dick is probably almost always in some form of turtling condition therefore flaccid does not “grow” but erect may.

Originally Posted by baywatch
My guess is that if one is into heavy PE then their flaccid dick is probably almost always in some form of turtling condition therefore flaccid does not “grow” but erect may.

From what I’ve read, no one reacts exactly the same as somebody else in PE. I found this place because I hated my turtled 2.75” cock and have increased a full inch in FL in 3 months of PE.

My last month was the final month of transition from having a turtled cock to a regular looking cock. About 3 weeks ago, I started noticing less turtling and more hang in my dick, along with my sack hanging much lower than in the past. Within the next two weeks, that trend became the norm.

I tested myself the other night with a cold shower. My sack shrank big time, but my cock pretty much stayed the same, albeit a very slight retracting, but nothing like the turtling it did before I knew about this site.

The biggest difference has been the use of an extender, along with continuing to stretch, jelq and fowfer for an average of 7.75 hours each day for the past 27 days (and no off days).

Starting: BPEL 6.125 (15.55 cm) / EG 4.75 (12.07 cm) / NBPFL 2.750 (6.99 cm)

Current: BPEL 7.000 (17.8 cm) / EG 4.75 (12.07 cm) / NBPFL 3.750 (9.52 cm) Goal: BPEL 7.0 / EG 5.0

Call me NSG!!! My Equipment: Phalosan, KR Extender

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