Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Working Out and P.E.'ing. Does it help or hinder


Working Out and P.E.'ing. Does it help or hinder

There are a couple different ways of thinking this out. When you lift weights, the circulation in the penis seems to go down. This is how it is for me at least, try doing a couple push-ups, and see if your dick doesn’t turtle up.

Another thought I had was that if one was very thinly built, than perhaps larger muscle will create a larger supply of blood, so it can be pushed elsewhere (penis), when not in use by the muscles.

Does anyone have any scientific info, on whether it’s better to p.e. Before or after a workout session at the gym? Hormones and all.

I have a scientific gut feeling that it is better to PE after your workout. It is the way I have always done it because I want to enjoy the fullness of my post PE workout for the rest of the day.

Originally Posted by gprent
I have a scientific gut feeling that it is better to PE after your workout. It is the way I have always done it because I want to enjoy the fullness of my post PE workout for the rest of the day.

Same here.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Working out should help PE. If you die a fat shit with a big dick and don’t get to use it, there’s no point. I agree with gprent that PE is better to do after the gym and a hot shower.

Originally Posted by rushmore
Working out should help PE. If you die a fat shit with a big dick and don’t get to use it, there’s no point. I agree with gprent that PE is better to do after the gym and a hot shower.

Plus reducing the size of your fatpad by working out and dieting will bring obvious NBP benefits.

Starting Stats Oct 29, 2007: 7 3/8" BPEL; 5 3/8" EG

Nov 7, 2007 7 3/4" BPEL; 5 3/8" EG

Goal: 8x6

Originally Posted by kwon47
Plus reducing the size of your fatpad by working out and dieting will bring obvious NBP benefits.

And non-bone pressed benefits?

Start: October 1, 2007: BPFL 15.2 cm, EG 5 inches

Current: October 16, 2007: BPFL 15.5 cm, EG 5 inches

Goal: NBPEL: 12 inches, EG 8 inches

I’m mad skinny, with zero fat pad, so unfortunately no hidden gains there. I was thinking perhaps I need bigger muscles to actually feed my penis in other times.

Originally Posted by celestialhammer
And non-bone pressed benefits?

I’m no expert, but one of the reasons you measure bone pressed is because the length doesnt change like it does NBP.

So you’re cock will definately look bigger if you shed some fat

Starting stats, mid december 06: FL- 10.5cm, BPFL- 12cm, EL - 15cm, BPEL- 16.5cm, EBG- 14cm

June 5th, 2008; BPEL - 19cm (7.5") , mid shaft girth - 14 (5.5")cm

Goal: BPFL - 15cm, BPEL - 21cm, EG- 16cm

Working out will help with PE. It causes an increase in testosterone levels, which is the hormone that causes penis hypertrophy. It also causes testicular hypertrophy and better sexual health in general.

Are there certain exercises that are a good combo with p.e.? I have heard squats really pump up the testosterone.. I definitely need to work my arms out, and get that sixpack again, but maybe some other exercises is beneficial as well.

As far as bp, and nbp the difference is so small since I have really no fat pad, but it does make a small difference, since skin is there lol.

Squats and or deadlifts are said to increase test levels because of the large amount of work required by the body if done correctly. You can grow without them, but your results will be limited at best. The “six pack” is largely a function of low bodyfat. You may believe that you have little to no body fat, but once you reach 7 or 8 percent bodyfat, then the “six pack” will show. Doing lots of crunches and ab work in general will not make it happen any faster than any other activity that burns calories. Spot reduction, the idea that you can lose fat in a targeted area, is a myth.

In addition to what vic said, which is absolutely correct, the legs are also as a whole the largest muscles of the body. Many believe that as your muscle mass increases so does you basal metabolism, which should help you burn more calories at rest. Also, both weight training and cardiovascular exercise are good for your entire cardio-pulmonary system which can lead to better erections and quality PE work. IMO, PE and general fitness should go hand in hand for balanced health.

Originally Posted by rushmore
In addition to what vic said, which is absolutely correct, the legs are also as a whole the largest muscles of the body. Many believe that as your muscle mass increases so does you basal metabolism, which should help you burn more calories at rest. Also, both weight training and cardiovascular exercise are good for your entire cardio-pulmonary system which can lead to better erections and quality PE work. IMO, PE and general fitness should go hand in hand for balanced health.

Yeah to all of the above. Don’t forget to do some cardio. Cardio hastens the trimming effect losing body fat and growing NBP as well.
A good 30 minute brisk walk 4-6 days per week is good for over all circulation. However you will turtle temporarily. I shrink up to 4.5” after a good brisk walk.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Just to throw it in there, I restarted PE at about the same time I restarted lifting which was probably about 8 months ago or so and in that time I almost always did my PE before going to the gym. Over the period I’ve gained about 1/2-5/8” in length and maybe 1/4” in girth. I always wondered about this question, especially about doing PE before or after a workout. I’ve noticed that when I do it before the length is a lot less but it seems to still have some plumpness to it. It is cool to walk around the gym with a nice bulge.

I take that back. I’ve probably gained more like 3/4” or more. I’ve gained about a half inch since about midsummer after I started implementing the use of PIs after hitting a plateau. I also lost about 12 lbs but I really don’t think it had as much effect as a lot of people talk about on this site - I think most of the gain was due to PE. Either way I’m at a rate of over 1” per year which is awesome.


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