Thunder's Place

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Wow, crazy foreskin regeneration from PE.

Wow, crazy foreskin regeneration from PE.

Is anyone else as shocked and pleased as me at this? I guess it’s from jelqing but when I started it was a real struggle to cover any of my glans, now it’s easy. Erect I get about 50% coverage and I can feel the sensation difference. The cool thing is, the whole reason I found Thunder’s was due to to researching how to restore, so I’ve killed two birds with one stone.

As an aside, one slight negative is that little sebaceous spots under the glans ridge seem to be slightly more pronounced. I’m guessing from extra the friction/moisture. I actually lanced a few which seem to be going but it’s painful. Anyone got rid of them? I was thinking very light wart cream as I’m assuming with the skin increasing it will only increase them.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

My foreskin only used to cover a third of my glans. Since starting PE it has restored itself to cover half of it in flaccid state. Not had any of the spots you mention though.

Thanks for that Westla. To be honest they have been there before I know for a fact one of them was, it just I may looking more closely now. Their a small price to pay for a bigger dick with foreskin.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

I don’t want to be restored. Maybe I’ll must have a second cut afterwards.

Nah? I’m loving the new feeling I have to be honest bj’s are 100% better.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Is this gonna happen just doing the regular PE exercises? I wouldn’t mind at all.

October 2008 BPEL: 6" EG: 5"

Jelqing for me, I occasionally stretch the skin as well where I feel it lagging a bit like the underside.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

I was circumcised at age 5 but now when I’m flaccid sometimes the foreskin covers the glans. It was very tight before.

There were commercial devices sold for foreskin restoration that I knew but I can’t find their links now. You may want to check them also.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

I didn’t know there was so many people excited or interested in skin restoration, when the common tradition has always been to be circumcised. I am uncut, never had a problem, never had hygiene problems like some preach, nothing; I always wear my turtle neck rolled back and cover it when is cold or just to play with it.

Present: 8.75" BPEL, 9.25" BPSFL, 5.3" EG

Goal: 1' BPEL, 6.5" EG

I wanted to restore my fore skin and researched it and was not aware the the stretching of my cock would begin to help in the restoration of my fore skin. My fore skin does not yet cover my glans, but when I masturbate my fore skin slides up over the head of my cock and the feeling to me is great.

I can’t wait for some foreskin restoration, if it really does occur from normal PE. I’ve always had some problems with sensitivity and I’m sure some foreskin to protect me would make things a whole lot better :) .

How long did it take for you to see a significant change, Lord Harris?

"Sometimes a scream is better than a thesis." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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