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Wrapping for passive PE


Originally Posted by JoeCool
mgus, you make a very good point, thanks. I am just starting to experiment with the subject, but I can tell you it does wonders for discoloration.

Do you mean wonders in a good way, as in - helps get rid of? Or sarcastically that - it causes? And what are you talking about specifically, the hand warmer, or the wrap?

I’ve never got any permanent discoloration from PE so far. Maybe I’m just lucky.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Redwood, I’ve had some light discoloration and also some bad discoloration from occasional “bad” days. A wrap, just an elastic wrap, can really aid in the process of repairing discolored tissue. It allows the blood to literally cleanse the damaged regions where it has been previously trapped.

I just tried wrapping yesterday and my flaccid became much bigger. And my erection was rock hard after that

I dont understand what you guys mean. Can someone fix a picture?

Yes. I’ve been reading and I am confused. I’m really bad about finding things on here. Do you wrap the whole shaft or just the base? If you wrap the whole shaft do you make sure there is no blood in there? Are you supposed to be able to get erections while wearing this? I would like to try and wear it all the time it sounds cool, but as you guys know sometimes an erection comes along and you can’t stop it. Hahaa.

Lately, I’ve also been wrapping in hopes to get some flaccid gains.

My wrap is neoprene and connect with velcro.

I’ve wrapped for about 3 hours after my clamping session, but I notice that my unit gets cold. Is this OK?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by quik4life
I’ve wrapped for about 3 hours after my clamping session, but I notice that my unit gets cold. Is this OK?

After a hour the same thing happened to me: the head got cold, and was a little dark.

I am in the process right now of trying to find a thread that really documents well how to do a proper wrap, how long you can safely do it for, and what to watch out for. (A thread with a picture would be great!)

Yesterday I experimented with a Tensor bandage 2” wide and a couple feet long. I pulled my flaccid dick fairly far out, and wrapped from base to tip (I now see this was a mistake: go tip-to-base). Wrapping was a real bitch to do while maintaining a decent pull! (Wish I had a PE Assistant.) At the end of the wrap, I used the little metal “holders”, which I am wary of doing because they could come undone rather easily I think, and fall through my pantleg. As Mgus reported, my cock head did a 90 degree twist when I was all wrapped up.

I would say my cock was held at a 75% stretch for a good hour, although it was very thin looking; not plumped out at all. As I mentioend above, the head was a bit dark and cold after 60 minutes, so I thought it safer to undo the “mummification” until I did more research on this PE technique… when my cock came out it was really floppy; almost felt like I could stretch it out and tie it in a knot! (Kinda like it was all skin and tissue with no blood in it.) I got a good erection a bit later no probs, so no damage was done…

(6.0 KB, 198 views)

My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Just so you guys know, Ace bandages also come in a version that uses velcro rather than the metal thingy. I use one that has been cut in half the long way (so it is half as wide) as my wrap for under clamps during clamping. I like this method because the stretchiness makes it stay in place, and then when I’m done clamping I can leave just the wrap on and maintain plump for a while afterwards.

Hi mgus and guys.

I use a hair tie, doubled, from the base to just behind the glans PLUS a wrist wrap around the base.

The hair tie takes care of the stretch, the wrist wrap of the engorgement (mainly of the glans which is uncovered by the hair tie).

I have no idea what isolated effect this produces since I mainly do that while I sleep. Pe weights during daytime between hanging sessions.

Try to take off only during sex.

Later - ttt


you could have described my experience to a “t”. I did this for a couple of months, it seemed to give me flaccid gains but no erect gains. Probably by keeping it stretched one wears out the elastic in the elastin in the tunica, so one becomes more of a shower than a grower. Wearing the vachanger seal is much, much more comfortable.

ticker and everyone else,

Be extremely careful of wearing something at night. If you are not certain why, read my thread “Fell asleep wearing ADS”.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I do my girth routine in the morning and length routine in the evening, and for a month I used bandage material wrapping head to base, the result is I gain length, but I lost little girth I gained before.

I believe the wrapping do great job in length gain.

Now, I use my homemade flexible cockring (stretching band + velcro) at the base after girth workout, and traction wrap after length workout, hope I can get both length and girth gain next month.

So the “mummy-dick” has worked mostly for the length way? What about the girth? Has anyone thought about wrapping tighter at the base or putting a cockring over/under the wrap for more engorgement? Any comments/ ideas? Maybe putting Vit. E on before the wrap could do some good.

I would figure the pressure should (from head to base) be looser->tighter. This is interesting.


that is the main idea behind Redwoods approach. Check out threads on TheraP and Ace Elbow straps - although Wadzilla didn’t find any permament results (“results of my wrapping experiment” or something like that).

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


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