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Wrapping helps fix "baseball bat"

Wrapping helps fix "baseball bat"

I have always had a slight, natural effect, and now it is changing. I found that my traction wrap, over time, actually has made my unit more uniform in girth throughout the shaft. I can feel the difference when I jelq too. I guess the pressures keep the blood down at the base as the base isn’t wrapped in my case. :D

Starting Stats: 6" bpel x 5.5" eg Current Stats (2nd length goal MET!): 7.0" bpel x 5.5" eg 2nd Goal: 7.5" bpel x 5.75" eg BIG Goal: 8.0" bpel x 6.5" eg

So where is it wrapped? Because Im noticing a developing BB effect with my unit. And i’ve been thinking about getting a cock/BTB ring and start rocking that so i can get a evenly plumped effect all day instead of my TheraP wrapped just at the base of my dick. Because all I think this is doing for me is just pushing more blood forward and what ever is under the wrap isn’t getting even blood pressure.

The key to success in anything in life is CONSISTENCY!- Anthony Ellis

Success comes to those who become success conscious.

Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.- Napoleon Hill

I wrap it with an ACE. I use non-stick at first, and wrap with the sticky stuff on top of that. I wrap from on top of that bulb thing on the underside, and stop before the glans. I leave a tid-bit of extra bunched-up skin before the glans so the unit won’t turtle in. The thing is, I often keep it wrapped all night, so sometimes I wake up with a huge boner. The elastic ACE allows it to expand, but it expands more at the base where it isn’t wrapped. I can feel my erections all the way down to root now, and those feel extra good :rofl: !

Starting Stats: 6" bpel x 5.5" eg Current Stats (2nd length goal MET!): 7.0" bpel x 5.5" eg 2nd Goal: 7.5" bpel x 5.75" eg BIG Goal: 8.0" bpel x 6.5" eg

Hi again, I cant seem to understand ya. So if possible, can you rephrase that for me again. Like preferably in steps 1-whatever. Because it sounds very interesting and i want to give it a go.



The key to success in anything in life is CONSISTENCY!- Anthony Ellis

Success comes to those who become success conscious.

Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.- Napoleon Hill

Ok, well i just read it like thre more times. I guess what Im confused about is the number of actual wraps you use? And correct me if Im wrong but, you basically wrap like and inch from the base to before your glands then right?

The key to success in anything in life is CONSISTENCY!- Anthony Ellis

Success comes to those who become success conscious.

Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.- Napoleon Hill

Yes. There are only two ACE bandages. One is non-stick, so it doesn’t stick to my skin. That one goes on the shaft. The other one wraps over the top of that, and it is sticky. The reason I use the sticky one on top is because I am not going to use the sharp, metal, pokey fasteners on the thin non-stick bandage to hold it in place. I use the sticky one to hold it in place instead. Boy, I’d probably be in for big trouble if I used the fasteners.

Starting Stats: 6" bpel x 5.5" eg Current Stats (2nd length goal MET!): 7.0" bpel x 5.5" eg 2nd Goal: 7.5" bpel x 5.75" eg BIG Goal: 8.0" bpel x 6.5" eg

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