Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Wrist wraps for flaccid size

Redwood (or other wrappers):
How tight do you wrap? Since I could not find the TheraP wrist wrap here in Sweden I am trying using one of my cock-rings all day.
The rings are like thick rubber o-rings. The smallest one (approx 42 mm in diameter) is exactly big enough to fit over one ball at a time so I couldn’t really wear a smaller one constructed like this.
I wear it over the penis and scrotum, but I am not sure it is tight enough to give any effect.

How tight would you say you wrap your wrap when wearing it over the entire package?


Originally Posted by legolas
Redwood, when you wrap, is the part past the wrap the only part that reaps the benefit? When I try to visualize it, it seems the part of your Johnson with the wrap on it would look like an hourglass? Does that part stay constricted as the rest gains all the girth?

Logically you would think this would be true, and that the end where it gets the most plump would get the most benefit. However I have found to still make significant gains at the base where the wrap is, for whatever reason, I’m not sure why. You are correct in that this part is normally constricted while the wrap is on, but it doesn’t seem to deform and cause a baseball bat effect as one would think. I have maintained the same shaft to base ratio since before wrapping.

Originally Posted by Oden
Redwood (or other wrappers):
How tight do you wrap? Since I could not find the TheraP wrist wrap here in Sweden I am trying using one of my cock-rings all day.
The rings are like thick rubber o-rings. The smallest one (approx 42 mm in diameter) is exactly big enough to fit over one ball at a time so I couldn’t really wear a smaller one constructed like this.
I wear it over the penis and scrotum, but I am not sure it is tight enough to give any effect.

How tight would you say you wrap your wrap when wearing it over the entire package?


Oden I have tried different cock rings, and personally have not found one I can wear tight enough to get a good expanding effect and still be comfortable to wear for extended amounts or time. Ultimately I think a cock ring would be the best because you would be constricting less shaft area and expanding more cock. However it would seem that the greater surface area that the wrist wrap covers is what allows it to be worn more comfortably with a tighter fit. Many say they like using a cock ring, but I still have yet to find one that matches the wrist wrap. Perhaps if the cock ring is thick enough, you won’t have a problem.

As for how tight I wear my wrap, I’m not sure how to explain that, it’s something you figure out over time. After PE or a shower I wear it nearly as tight as possible, and my unit will get very plump, this can only be done for about 15-20 minutes however and will need to be re-wrapped soon because the scrotal skin can become pinched and start to hurt. Sometimes I’ll wear it tight for 2 or 3 15-20 minute sets, and then wrap it at medium tightness which can be worn comfortably for hours.

When I wear it to bed I wrap it very light, and this is where your experience wrapping and knowing what tightness will have what effects comes in. The longer you wear the wrap, the more you’ll develop a sense for different wrapping tightness. I wore my wrap only during the day for months before I ever wore it to bed, so I had already developed a sense for how tight I could safely wear it. Also I have 2 wraps that have both been well broken in, the velco on one of them has become a lot weaker at holding and this is really a safety feature, an erection at night will often detach the upper velcro, then it will slide and re-adjust to the perfect tightness.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

I should be getting my theraP wrist wrap in a couple of days. Hopefully I can get some of the same results others have posted. Thanks for your input Redwood.

Start: 1-31-05 BPEL: 7.5 EG: 5

10-18-05 BPEL: 8 EG: 5.2

First Goal: 8 x 5.5 Final Goal: 8.5 x 6

With wraps, do you feel the itching/burning sensation, discomfort which is really disturbing, specially in public. I get this sensation, and I need to get it off. Is this a sign that I dont wrap correctly or anything else ?

Originally Posted by chunkyaa34
With wraps, do you feel the itching/burning sensation, discomfort which is really disturbing, specially in public. I get this sensation, and I need to get it off. Is this a sign that I dont wrap correctly or anything else ?

I have had similar problems wearing the Thera-P, I wrote it off as some kind of allergic issue, although I don’t know for sure. I am having good luck with the cock rings(leather).

I can understand how this would work while the band is on, as more blood is trapped in the unit. But how could it affect your unwrapped size? Did I misunderstand that part?

The type of bandage I use warns against its use for those with a latex allergy. I suppose rubber is woven into the fabric of all these types of bandage/wrap to give them their stretchiness.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Originally Posted by chunkyaa34
With wraps, do you feel the itching/burning sensation, discomfort which is really disturbing, specially in public. I get this sensation, and I need to get it off. Is this a sign that I dont wrap correctly or anything else ?

You have to wrap carefully, keeping the nasty, irritating velcro grabber thingies away from skin contact. The TheraP and others should wrap back over their own fabric.

I now use and ACE elbow band. Much more comfortable for me in long-time use, nor does it tend to kink and fold over itself as the TheraP does. Before either, I used one of the adjustable leather bands that Alice is talking about. Only problem with them is that I live in a very warm climate; sweat makes them irritating.



Do you just wrap it around the base of your penis for a length of time?

How tightly roughly?


I wrap both cock and balls. A firm wrap but not a stranglehold. It is difficult to wrap this device too tight. If you have to work at doing it too tight, you know you are doing it wrong.



Originally Posted by avocet8
I wrap both cock and balls. A firm wrap but not a stranglehold. It is difficult to wrap this device too tight. If you have to work at doing it too tight, you know you are doing it wrong.

Does everyone wrap both cock and balls?
Or do some wrap just cock?
Anyone else have any comments to add?

Originally Posted by chunkyaa34

With wraps, do you feel the itching/burning sensation, discomfort which is really disturbing, specially in public. I get this sensation, and I need to get it off. Is this a sign that I dont wrap correctly or anything else ?

This could perhaps be some kind of allergic reaction as Mbuc mentioned. Does the itchiness continue after the wrap is removed? I think this would be a sign of allergy.

If the feeling goes away right away after removing the wrap, then you know it’s the way the wrap is worn or perhaps the design of the wrap your using.

Perhaps you are wrapping too tightly, I find this bunches up skin and causes a stinging sensation where the wrap is.

Originally Posted by Alice Hooper

I have had similar problems wearing the Thera-P, I wrote it off as some kind of allergic issue, although I don’t know for sure. I am having good luck with the cock rings(leather).

An interesting idea, these may be the best of both worlds, as long as the leather edges don’t dig into the skin. I think some kind of stretchy device like the wrap but being the size of a leather cock ring would be the ultimate. I think I may work on making such as device to use. I once tried trimming an older wrap, but the structure seemed to become compromised from doing this. I think the ultimate wrap would be about an inch wide(allowing for expanding more shaft), comfortable material and soft smooth edges, then using industrial velcro like in a “Captn’s Wench” might be a really handy ADS. If anyone else has been thinking of designing a good home made ADS like this, keep me posted, I think it would be a great new addition to PE and the forum.

Originally Posted by HelloNewman

I can understand how this would work while the band is on, as more blood is trapped in the unit. But how could it affect your unwrapped size? Did I misunderstand that part?

The longer you keep a balloon stretched out and filled the less easily it returns to it’s original shape. This is the theory behind using the wrap, and to me this would seem to hold true. Also if you’ve looked into hanging it is the low weight over time that causes deformation of the tissues and allows for gains. We are essentially using the same principal here. IE the tissues remaining in an expanded state for extended time. Added to your regular PE sessions, you are giving your penis the best environment for making size gains IMHO.

Originally Posted by slackjawedyokel

Do you just wrap it around the base of your penis for a length of time?

How tightly roughly?


1)Personally I wrap it around the base, I wear it all day hence A.D.S. (All Day Stretch)

2)I wear it at different tightness’ through the day. You will develop a sense for how tight to wear it by seeing how it effects your dick. IE how plump it gets from certain tightness’ and how tight will cause discomfort, and then finding the “sweet spot” where you get the best expansion with the least discomfort.

As I said before it’s very hard to describe how tight something is, my post above is the best way I can explain it.

Originally Posted by slackjawedyokel

Does everyone wrap both cock and balls?

Or do some wrap just cock?

Anyone else have any comments to add?

Some wrap both cock and balls, some just the cock at the base.

I wrap the cock alone because:

1)I’ve always done it this way.

2)I find it more comfortable.

3)I think it may help keep scrotal skin from creeping up the shaft or having your balls riding too high.

Although this is only hypothetical, and I have no facts to back that up.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Thanks Redwood 1981, thanks a lot!

One more quick question, ADS-All Day Stretch, but how many days a week?

Is everyday fine?

Or would 4-5 be better?

This allergic thing could be a reason when I first read that, but I wore the TheraP wrap on my wrist and forearms too sometimes and dont feel any itching feeling. This feeling does go away when I take the wrap off. And I have the feeling that if I wrap it a bit less tightly, I will not get a nice bulge, but that maybe is the problem.


For over 2 weeks now I have used an extra piece of industrial velco from making Captian’s Wench. It is 6 inches long and just over 1 inch wide.

I wear it from 7:30 am until 10:30 pm or so, every day. Sometimes I get a skin pinch on the turkey neck area, I adjust it and continue wearing it. Through out the day I make sure I have a 60-75 % erection at all times.

I always take it off before I take a leak, if not later in the day you will get a nice “dribble” down your leg. I have noticed about a .25 inch increase in flaccid length from 4.5” NBP flaccid length and the girth has varied from 4.5” midshaft to 5.0” in the evenings. I know I wear it all day so my measurements are not necessarily permanent gains, but for what it is worth the velcro works great.

To avoid the pinching of the scrotum I am going to super glue some felt on one of the ends to see if that helps any.



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