Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Every once in a while I like to do an aggressive workout.

I do it in body building as well, kind of shocks the muscles.

Well, today I did it on my dick.

For the past 3 + weeks I have been doing a split routine, which have finally shown results plus broken a 6 month plateau.

In the morning I have been jelqing, 440’s, uli’s, followed by one short, mild pump session. (5hg for 5-10 minutes).

At night I pump, then clamp. (Alternating every 10 minutes)

This morning I decided to get a little aggressive.

I jelqed as normal, a couple extra sets of 440’s and uli’s, then decided to pump and clamp as well, but with a little more intensity than normal.

While pumping, I was holding at my normal 5-6hg for a few minutes, but I increased it to 10hg for 30-60seconds. Then back down to 4 hg for a minute, and back to 5-6hg.

1 set was about 15 minutes, instead of my usual 10 minute.

I then clamped for 5 minutes, again instead of usual 10 minute.

Then back in the tube I went. Repeating this for 5 sets, instead of my normal 3 sets.

Well, 3 hours later, I went to take a piss and my dick was past the post work out swelling, but it was fucking fat!

I decided to work him erect, to make sure I didn’t do to much.

And he climbed right on up, and nothing felt painful,numb, or weird.

So I decided to measure. :)

He was ruler shy today, but at an 80% erection, I was touching the 7” mark bp, and a girth of 5 3/4” at the fattest area.

Now remember this was 3 hours p.w.o.

And only at approx. 80% erection level.

I have only got him to max at 7bp x 5 1/4 at full strength just within the past few weeks, but today was a whole new look for him.

I am thinking of doing a little cialis to see him at max in a couple more hours.

Maybe I can post a new increase.

Or atleast I can say I pushed him past normality again. (2x’s in the same month)

I may have found my “Holy Grail” routine.


I will say though, he is developing a major baseball bat look. Which I don’t really care as long as it grows.

Perhaps after I reach my goal, I will be spending the rest of my pe time evening him out… . If it gets to odd looking.


I think there may be some good points in your post; I’ve found “shock tactics” to be effective as well.

However, I think you would get more replies if you structure your post a bit better; it looks like a shopping list, and some people may find it hard to read.

I have been clamping-pumping-clamping recently. I end out on pumping last to “fix” any slight baseball I have and wrap to go. I forgot to measure today I forgot all about it. Instead I did a day on. I’ll elaborate more on this later, but it seems promising…

Your results are great. Just don’t fall into the trap that a routine that is harder and longer is always better, because I guarantee you, you will reach a point of diminishing returns. One thing that I think is always good is variation, so nice going.

Originally Posted by Klayton
I’ve found “shock tactics” to be effective as well.

:) Hey me too! I started to double clamp my cock (jump start clips from a car battery) & attached the ‘+’ & ‘-’ ends into the wall socket, proceeded to jelq & threw the switch! Man, I tell you, although my cock went from flesh colour to red, then blue, then purple, then black, then smoking black I gained a full inch of girth! Now that’s ‘shock tactics’! ;D

Thing is, I might try it again but this time I’ll wear 6” erect high heels as I’ve heard it gives a better earth connection.

Apart from fucking around, I think it’s a good idea to change up your routine & use ‘shock tactics’ (not the one I described above). I’ve only been PEing nearly a year now & I’ve modified my routine that gives me the best results, even though countless members here advise to stay clear of 100% erect jelqs I only do them now & again just to really shock my cock!

- Lee Beast

Originally Posted by gprent
Your results are great. Just don’t fall into the trap that a routine that is harder and longer is always better, because I guarantee you, you will reach a point of diminishing returns. One thing that I think is always good is variation, so nice going.

Don’t worry about that.
I probably won’t do anything like this, at least for another month.
I believe I may have stretched it past it’s normal capabilities, now I plan to exercise that and see if I can get any gains from it.

And thanks for the compliments guys. :)
All I can say is don’t stop. I went just over a half a year without seeing anything at all. Then all of a sudden, BOOM!
I hope to get some more before it stops again though, plateaus are very discouraging.

Yeah I’m in a plateau right now too, I believe. That’s why I took up pumping as another mixture to the batch so to say.

What’s funny is, I was concentrating on length for most of my plateau time.

It wasn’t until I totally cut length exercises and went solely for girth, that my length jumped. 1/4”! And I mean instantly jumped.

It was in the first week that I noticed, I measured before 2 full weeks.

I haven’t a clue why or how, actually I don’t even care.

I’m just glad it did. I am doing a mild clamping/pumping session now, I wish I measured it before but I forgot.

I will take my ruler to bed, and measure my morning wood to see how today’s session did.Even if it is just swollen, I just want to know if I got him past the 7” mark.

Originally Posted by Lee Beast
:) Hey me too! I started to double clamp my cock (jump start clips from a car battery) & attached the ‘+’ & ‘-’ ends into the wall socket, proceeded to jelq & threw the switch! Man, I tell you, although my cock went from flesh colour to red, then blue, then purple, then black, then smoking black I gained a full inch of girth! Now that’s ‘shock tactics’! ;D

Thing is, I might try it again but this time I’ll wear 6” erect high heels as I’ve heard it gives a better earth connection.

Apart from fucking around, I think it’s a good idea to change up your routine & use ‘shock tactics’ (not the one I described above). I’ve only been PEing nearly a year now & I’ve modified my routine that gives me the best results, even though countless members here advise to stay clear of 100% erect jelqs I only do them now & again just to really shock my cock!

- Lee Beast

It is called shock-and-awe tactic.


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