Yohimbe Warning!!!
Just about all the penis enlargement pills on the market today conatin yohimbe as the main ingredient. Yohimbe is generally taken from yohimbe bark. I’m not sure to what extent yohimbe has been discussed here on Thunder’s Place, but I want to let everyone know that I tried Yohimbe for a while and met adverse reactions. I did not sample any penis enlargment pills, but rather tried Twinlabs’s Yohimbe fuel. This product was supposed to increase blood flow to the penis and ultimately increase penis size. However, it did not. In fact, I had a severe side effect that I just want to warn everyone about. Although I haven’t taken the stuff in over 6 months, I thought it only fair to let everyone know that it cut off circulation in other body parts for me. Yes, my left arm would “fall asleep” everyday. No, it was not as intense as when your leg falls asleep from crossing your legs…however, my left arm would lack circulation and mildly fall asleep. This was enough to scare me into not using the product anymore. Now I believe firmly in natural PE.
"It's the size that matters, not how you use it..."