Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Yohimbe Warning!!!


Yohimbe Warning!!!

Just about all the penis enlargement pills on the market today conatin yohimbe as the main ingredient. Yohimbe is generally taken from yohimbe bark. I’m not sure to what extent yohimbe has been discussed here on Thunder’s Place, but I want to let everyone know that I tried Yohimbe for a while and met adverse reactions. I did not sample any penis enlargment pills, but rather tried Twinlabs’s Yohimbe fuel. This product was supposed to increase blood flow to the penis and ultimately increase penis size. However, it did not. In fact, I had a severe side effect that I just want to warn everyone about. Although I haven’t taken the stuff in over 6 months, I thought it only fair to let everyone know that it cut off circulation in other body parts for me. Yes, my left arm would “fall asleep” everyday. No, it was not as intense as when your leg falls asleep from crossing your legs…however, my left arm would lack circulation and mildly fall asleep. This was enough to scare me into not using the product anymore. Now I believe firmly in natural PE.


"It's the size that matters, not how you use it..."

Saying there is a pill that can enlarge your cock is like saying theres a pill to enlarge your index finger.

Well, damn…what I wouldn’t give for a 10” by 7” index finger…



"It's the size that matters, not how you use it..."

“want to have sex now honey?” “no…..just finger me please”


Well, I know for a fact that Twinlab does NOT advertise or make any claims whatsoever that their Yohimbe Fuel supplement will as you stated “This product was supposed to increase blood flow to the penis and ultimately increase penis size.”….no sir it will not do that. Sure yohimbe has been used for centuries to increase blood flow to the penis and as a sexual stimulant ….hey, it’s in the P.D.R. (Physicians Desk Reference) as the only prescribable herbal sexual stimulant but, it will not by itself have an effect on your penis size. Sure, perhaps if you had a lower than normal circulation to your penis…you may not be as erect as you could be if the circulation were better….then if you started taking a supplement to increase the blood flow down there…it might APPEAR that the supplement caused your sudden increase in penis size…when in fact all that has happened is you are reclaiming your full erection size. As far as your personal adverse affects from Yohimbe…that’s you. Not everyone has the same negative side affects. So, it’s not appropriate in my opinion anyway, to go posting on a public forum that Yohimbe itself is dangerous and should be avoided by all (or come across sounding that way) in fact I have taken Twinlabs’ product and know that they have a warning on the bottle to take HALF the recommended dosage for a few days to assess your personal tolerance and also not to even take the supplement if you have a medical or family history of heart problems or if you are taking MOA inhibitors. Of course I dont expect you or anyone to come out on a public forum despite the annonimity and profess you were at fault an knew you had health issues or were on a conflicting medication. Just felt like I had to chime in with my opinion on your post.


How long did it take the side effect in your left arm to go away?

Re: Cockamamy

Originally posted by phat9
How long did it take the side effect in your left arm to go away?

Well, I could not attribute the left arm falling asleep to the Yohimbe at first. In other words, I wasn’t sure whether the Yohimbe was at fault or some other medical condition was to blame. I stopped taking the Yohimbe to see what would happen and sure enough normal circulation returned…I’d say within about 2 or 3 days. So, I think I can fairly accurately say it was Yohimbe afterall. The circulation problem has not re-occurred since then.


"It's the size that matters, not how you use it..."


You’re right, Twinlab does not make any claims that their Yohimbe Fuel will increase penis size. However, I never specifically said that they did. I said the "product" is "supposed to increase blood flow to the penis and ultimately increase penis size." Yes, this is all in theory…but penis enlargement pill companies sell this idea. Yohimbe is what the vast majority of penis enlargement pills use as a main ingredient. I chose not to purchase anything from these fly-by-night companies, but rather buy the product from a more respectable manufacturer, such as Twinlab.

Also, please do not lecture to me about Yohimbe. I am quite aware of how the product works and what it is used for outside of penis enlargement pills. I, not being one to readily induce such a foreign chemical into body on a whim, did much research before ever taking yohimbe. I do not have any health issues nor was I taking any conflicting medications as you presumed I was.

You wrote:
"As far as your personal adverse affects from Yohimbe…that’s you. Not everyone has the same negative side affects. So, it’s not appropriate in my opinion anyway, to go posting on a public forum that Yohimbe itself is dangerous and should be avoided by all (or come across sounding that way)"

First off, let me say: what in the world are you talking about? I never once even came close to saying that Yohimbe should be avoided by all. I merely wished to relay the fact to others that I had a troubling side effect so that they might take it into consideration if entertaining the idea of taking Yohimbe. It IS appropriate to post that on a public forum…afterall, that’s what the forum exists for…to share information such as this.

I’ll end with this. You said that not everyonewill have the same negative side effects as I did. Well, duh. Yohimbe is considered dangerous though. Although it is not regulated by the FDA (because it is considered an herb), the FDA has placed Yohimbe on cautionary lists and is in the process of evaluating it to possibly restrict its use. For an FDA list of possible side effects associated with Yohimbe go here:

http://vm.cfsan … dms/ds-ill.html


"It's the size that matters, not how you use it..."

I checked the link and must say I’m kinda concerned about Yohimbe now.

I also think it was approbriate to post your experience with that supplement, Cockamamy. But Still, nevertheless, had a few good points in his post.

Thanks to both of you for providing that kinda info here.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

I have had both negative and positive effects with yohimbe.

the negative:

before the days of viagra yohimbine was the only act in town short of prosthetic implants or papavarine injections. I tried to help a guy with his impotence and his prevously controlled blood pressure spun rapidly out of control, thankfully not to a terrible degree.

Personally I have had nothing but good experiences with it. Nice firm erections, good horny feeling. GREAT ORGASMS. So I think that it is a fine thing to try providing you are willing to accept the risks. If I had uncontrolled high blood pressure, I don’t think I’d mess with it though.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Checked the above

Apparently Yoihimbine Has some effects of MAOI’s. (mono amine oxidase inhibitors). There are lots of cautions about drug and food interactions with maois. However this doesn’t seem to hold for all individuals, mainly it seems for particularly sensitive ones.

I think that it is a week maoi and its main effect has to do with other complex peripheral and central stimulation to the pns. It is interesting that they say it could lower rather than raise blood pressure. From what I remember about its description in my pharmacology class in med school - one would expect lowering of the bp. However all of the side effects I have ever heard related were that of elevation of blood pressure, nervousness and palpitations. I don’t think that the medical community has really looked at this rug extensively enough to say much with any authourity.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

ArginMax as an alternative

Appearantly the opinions here in regards to Yohimbe are somewhat conflicting.

It seems that individual experiences with this stuff, might it have been in a positive or negative sense, are balanced. Personally I think that GNC’s “ArginMax” is a great alternative to Yohimbe. It contains none of it, but boosts your sex drive, erections and sperm count, or should I say cum load (?). The main ingredient,as the name says, is a daily dose of 3mg of L-Arginine, supported by some other herbs, such as Ginseng and Gingko Biloba, mixed with other aminos and vitamins.

I tried it before for about 4 months and my sex drive and cum load went through the roof. Erections were a lot firmer and in a flaccid state my dick looked healthier, veinier and stronger, on an everyday basis.

The supp doesn’t cost much and for me there were no sideeffects at all. Thought I’d share that with you.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Arginmax is a VERY good supp in my opinion as well !

I use Yohimbe, and the worst I have ever experienced was being to wired, jittery, etc. No two people are identicle; anything will f*ck someone up. Yohimbe combined with alcohole will cause psychotic reactions in a small percent (he he, some of you are grabing the scotch even as you read this.) I believe that Yohimbe is safe, if used responsibly, for the vast majority of men.

I can not stress this enough: Any exercise you try PE or otherwise, any suppliment you take…if it fucks you up it is your falt! You made the choise to do it. So you did the right thing and reasurched till you balls turned blue? Well, you should always do that. But no matter how safe the studdies and statisticks say it is, its still YOUR CALL to actually do/use it.

<I did not sample any penis enlargment pills, but rather tried Twinlabs’s Yohimbe fuel. This product was supposed to increase blood flow to the penis and ultimately increase penis size.>

This statement, as written… well, I think it is a good thing that Stillwantmore22 pointed out that Twinlabs makes no pecker claims for their product. No harm, no foul, I think Cockamamy will fit right in. Welcome to Thunders.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

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