Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Your first inch - how long?

View Poll Results:

How long did it take you to gain your first inch of length?

< 3 months


Between 3 months and 6 months


Between 6 months and 1 year


Between 1 year and 2 years


Between 2 years and 3 years


Between 3 years and 5 years


Still waiting after 5 years

Total Votes: 80. You may not vote on this poll

I gained 0.85 in length in about 10 weeks or so and like RandomGiant didn’t cement it and lost some of it. So I’m comminted now.

I’ve gained 1 inch in 3 months, but I will tell you; I’ve had the red spots, donut, even dripped blood!

Seems that after dripping blood I’ve backed off on the pressure(that’s a little freaky but it’s also when I made big gains) and gains have stopped.

First inch one month.

Second the second month.

The rest came slower.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
First inch one month.
Second the second month.
The rest came slower.

2 inches in 2 months. Now that is ridiculous. Awesome.

I think a good poll would be how much did you gain in the first 6 months and then the first year. It seems that a large percentage of the people who responded gained an inch in the first year, yet many might not have responded because they didn’t fit any of the options. Just a thought.

Originally Posted by kingpole

First inch one month.

Second the second month.

The rest came slower.

Wow, what’s your routine?

This was over two years ago. And I have a disclaimer, I PE two months before I joined TP, nothing happened as far as growth went.
But after reading the tutorials and watching the jelqing videos closer I discovered I wasn’t connecting the grips as in the videos. Base grip moves up to the grip just below the glans, they make contact. Then the glans grip is placed at the base of the penis and you repeat the process.

Jelq slow take your time, connect the grips, you pushing the blood up the shaft slowly.

So after joining and doing the procedure right I gained quickly.

Don’t over do.

However the gains slowed down as to be expected.

My routine was the newbie routine for the first two months after joining TP.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I go my first inch less than 3 months. To be more exact- 1 inch in a month ;)

I got my first inch really really quickly, but as of late m gains have sort of run out. That’s always been how it works for me—either I’m gaining 0.25-0.5” per month, or nothing at all. God I wish newbie gains :(

I’m another one of those that has been at it a number of years and never gained a thing. Still working at it. Pulling too hard or not hard enough…we will see.

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"

I had gain more than 1 inch in less than two months


I gained an inch in just over four months and I slacked on my routine due to no privacy. I probably only got in 3 out of the 5 days I wanted to each week.


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