Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Your Secret To Gaining - Focus On What's Holding You Back

Thanks guys! I’ll add you to the pot!

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

BPFSL: 6.97” or 17.7cm

BPEL: 6.77” or 17.2cm

EQ: 9

Amazing work guys…I love the theory.

It’s especially interesting for me because I’ve gained very little and at my stats (BPEL 6.75-7, EG 4.5-4.75 midshaft) I’ve done very little length, almost all girth exercises.

Just measured…maybe some tunica length and girth oriented work will be the answer.

BPFSL: 6.9”

BPEL : 6.75”

EQ: 9

My EQ was 9 when I measured, though it’s fluctuated a good amount due to overtraining and other factors I’m sure.

Gain in last 4 months: erection + about .5” in length and .25” in girth.

Weird, I have BPFSL < BPEL.maibe I’m not streching at maximum but it sure it very little difference between them.

EQ is 10 when I’m really excited (very hard ). The problem is like I’m prety rare what is it mean? Is still 10 EQ? :)

Good luck in teory develop

Starting measures (1/1/2008): BPFL 4.50'', FG 4.50'', BPEL 6.25'', EG 5.25'' and so on .. :)

```````````````` 01/27/2009 : BPFL 5.70'', FG 5.10'', BPEL 6.90'', EG 5.60''

Last edited by Bicious : 04-27-2008 at .

Bpfsl 6.5
Bpel 6.5

Eq 9

BPFSL= 7 3/4 and BPEL= 7 3/8


Iguana: so did you jelq to get your gains? How did Remek get his because I think I need to do more tunica work and I was wondering if you knew how he went about it?

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

Bpfsl = 8.8”
Bpel = 8.4”

Eq = 8

1) bpfsl : 7,2” bpel : 6,9”
2) 9,5 without supplements

Thanks for your time and efforts

Inicio: 24/09/07 (16 cm x 14 cm)BP - 01/01/08 (16,5 cm x 14 cm) BP - 06/02/08 (17,2 cm. x 14cm) BP - 06/03/08 (17,5 cm x14 cm) BP - 12/09/08 (18 cm x14 cm)

BP - Objectiu (18 cm x 15 cm) BP___Actualmente bombeando!!

8.25 / 8.25 /8

1. What’s your BPFSL (at it’s absolute maximum stretchiest point) AND your BPEL?

BPFSL is your Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretched Length (keyword stretched) - so it’s basically a measurement of as far as your penis can stretch. BPEL is your Bone Pressed Erect Length

2. What would you give the strength of your erections (without supplements) on a scale of 1 to 10?

Just under 8.5” BPFSL, and 7.8” BPEL for the first question!

Mostly 8-9, but can hit 10 with the right woman, for question no. 2

2007-01-27 5.3" BPEL 4.8" EG, Less than 3" Flaccid, and sometimes less than 2"

As of 12-07-2008 7.75" BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.7"MSEG 6"+ BSEG. Ultimate goal 8+ inches NBPEL, 8.5" BPEL 6.3" EG (2" diameter just sounds so cool!)

Flaccid 5+ inches on a good day. 4 1/2+ pretty much anytime. My gains have slowed to a snails pace, but I will not quit!!!!!!!

1. Bpfsl 7” - Bpel 7.5”

2. 9 & 10

OK… maybe I’m having trouble measuring the BPFSL, but I get the following:

BPFSL: 6 3/4”

BPEL: 7 3/8”

Is that normal? I do find it much harder to get a BPFSL measurement. Anyhow my erections are always a 10. In fact, if it wouldn’t throw things off, i’d give them 11. Sometimes they are so hard it almost hurts, like it’s ready to pop from being to engourged.

Originally Posted by 3rdeye
1. BPFSL 7” - BPEL 7.5”

2. 9 & 10

This is wrong. For some reason I switched my measurements. They should be :

1. BPFSL 7.5” and BPEL 7”

My EQ is still a rock solid 10 and sometimes a 9.

BPFSL: 6.75”

BPEL: 6.25”

Eq: 8-9


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