Thunder's Place

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Anyone buy Pro Penis Extender Enlargement System from ebay


Talking about cheap ones, I highly recommend the extenders available on aliexpress that austfred first talked about a few years ago. They have the basic “proextender” for 20$, or vacuum extenders based on Phallosan Forte, an improved VacExtender with no vacuum ring… all for less than 50$.

I never tried ebay because there’s not much to choose from. I’m still using the china ProExtender that I bought 4 years ago, and it was roughly 100$ cheaper than any massively advertised extender.

An update on the Pro-Extender: The traction is still working well, gains have slowed to a very steady rate. Its taking months now for any gains. It seems the best gains are made in the first months. I am still strapping it on every night trying to use it 6 hours a day, gains are down to 1/16 of an inch every 100 days. At that rate it will be another year till I reach my goal of 8 inches.

Have been using a cheap extender the last couple of days. Metal struts are really cheap and bendable by hand but it uses standard threading which makes adjustments pretty easy. I bought a giant box of assorted length m4 standoffs off amazon for a little bit under the price of the unit and it makes setting the tension much easier.

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