Autoextender Vac System Set up Help

I’ve been using AutoExtender’s basic Extender for a year or so now.
Finally extending over my EL which I’m feeling good about.

Finally decided to get his VAC ADS and Extender attachment for the Extender.

1) So I can get rid of this dreaded noose system - once and for all (I’ve got a DIY velcro strap and its pretty painless until you reach the 2 hour mark! but I feel like its time to move on!)
2) So I can stretch with the VAC System / hook it up to a foot cord or harness after extending

Package arrived today.
I’ve reviewed the instructions on MW’s site as well as the few videos he has.

VAC Head setup seems pretty basic - roll the sleeve down your shaft - put the “Condom looking sleeve” over the Vac head - roll over the other sleeve - create seal - suck out air - create vac seal….

Good to go…

My Vac Head didn’t come with a D or C ring to hook onto my extender attachment?

I only received a bunch of “S” rings…

I emailed MW but figured I’d post here in case anyone here knows how to set this up.

Also, I have NO IDEA how to set up the foot cord. I followed the instructions to the best of my ability….but damn, I’m not so “Mechanically inclined” it seems…

If anyone could help I’d really appreciate it.

Oh BTW - Am I supposed to switch out the “spring housing” in the extender rods? I haven’t been…I’ve just been trying to extend further and further with as much tension as possible. MW cut me some smaller rods so I could extend longer (there was no way I could add a 2 inch rod and just magically get that far…) so I have 2 small ones he cut for me adding on….which I love because a year ago I couldn’t extend that far….it shows progress.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.
As I said above, i emailed MW but figured I’d post here in case anyone could help.
