Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Best Device For Erect Length

You know, they say extenders and the like are invisible under slacks but I’ve detected random dudes with them, you just have to know how a device it is worn to spot it. If you want to know the truth, no one’s anatomy is all that secret at least to an order of magnitude. I for one am not into my colleagues knowing about my PE routine.

Started Oct. 2010 7.0" BPEL

Currently May 2021 7 3/4" BPEL

stopped counting after 1,700 extending hours

So what is the recommendation?

What about hanging?

Of all of the extenders on the market, I like the Peni-master the best. The way the tension is applied at the base of the rods is a huge advantage. Also, their tray design allows for very easy assembly and removal without requiring the rod tension to be adjusted to remove the tray.

I’ve tried a few different trays with the PM but their design is superior.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

Pallosan is a quite good one. I wore it for half year 10 hours a day. Honestly, I didn’t notice any changes in length, but this feeling of erection really throbbing with blood erection was amazing. In addition to the pump, I was taking testosterone enhancers to deal with a limp erection. I never actually felt such euphoria from sexual intercourses. And I became capable at least of 10 more minutes of performing.

P.S. These are the pills for your joy Spam - Wikipedia

Last edited by bhcentral : 08-31-2017 at . Reason: killed the active link and changed it to spam

Hey guys, I am pretty new here, its been 2-3 weeks of disciplined PE so far, I actually think I am gaining.. I need to wait a little more to be sure. :) I’ve been doing PE before for 3-5 years but really partially with breaks of 6+ months sometimes.. I still gained 1-2 centimeter thoses years. I think I actually gained more one summer when I did PE for about a month when I had a lot of free time.. Ok so that was my story briefly :)

I am reading everything that is saied here and I want to say I am planning to buy a device myself, I am pretty sure I want to go for a ADS device. Right now I am doing manual stretching and pumping. For about 1,5 hours per day. I did a total of 7 days exercising which is not much atm (I needed to take a 5 day break the first week because I think I pushed it just a little too far at first.. Still I think I start to see gains! My plan would be to keep on doing those manual exercises and wear an ADS to secure my gains even more. Right now I try to get that effect by doing 4 sets of stretching covering most of the day and pulling my penis gently each 10 minutes or so just to kind of “wake him up again” and to actually cement my manual gains.

I am also currently adding some pumping as well between some sets. I pump lightly just to get the blood in and the goal is the very same as when I gently pull each 10 minutes ——> to cement gains again (some daily girth added as a bonus!)

So, what I wanted to say related to the current topic is I really think you need to push your penis to a higher limit each time (Just a little over the limit, not more). To achieve that goal you need to do manual stretch/hanging and THEN the ADS device could be best used to cement those gains threw the day (or night if its even possible but I am not too comfortable with the idea)

I am still fairly new to all this and I look forward to get any tips from you veterans haha!

See you all my friends and have a good day of “touching your penis a lot more than the average human does” :D

Originally Posted by grx
Of all of the extenders on the market, I like the Peni-master the best. The way the tension is applied at the base of the rods is a huge advantage. Also, their tray design allows for very easy assembly and removal without requiring the rod tension to be adjusted to remove the tray.

I’ve tried a few different trays with the PM but their design is superior.

All extenders work by 2 factors? Elongating bars and increasing tension of the springs?
I was wondering cause there are some without springs.
Does the x4 labs deluxe( basic) with advertised 3600 gramm tension also allow for 1200 gramm?
Does it have 2 sets of springs so that the 3600gram ones are just a gimmick?


Originally Posted by stretcherpenis
All extenders work by 2 factors? Elongating bars and increasing tension of the springs?
I was wondering cause there are some without springs.
Does the x4 labs deluxe( basic) with advertised 3600 gram tension also allow for 1200 gram?
Does it have 2 sets of springs so that the 3600gram ones are just a gimmick?


Hey strecherpenis, to answer your questions about X4 labs extender. The bars have 3 lines to indicate tension, located near the base of the unit. The line closest to the base represents 3600g of tension. The next line (middle one) represents 2400g tension and the 3rd one (furthest from your fat pad when wearing the extender) is 1200g of tension. Hope that helps.
Happy Stretching

Cheers, my starting stats 17-02-2016

BPFL=5.0" (12.7cm) BPEL=7.0" (17.78cm) EG=TBA

FG=4.0" (10.16cm) EG= 4.5" (11.4cm)

Originally Posted by straal1969

Hey strecherpenis, to answer your questions about X4 labs extender. The bars have 3 lines to indicate tension, located near the base of the unit. The line closest to the base represents 3600g of tension. The next line (middle one) represents 2400g tension and the 3rd one (furthest from your fat pad when wearing the extender) is 1200g of tension. Hope that helps.

Happy Stretching

Hi straal

Thanks. That means that 1200 gramm would be the lowest? I am unexperienced but remembered the 1/3 rule.

Could I use all spring tensions at all rodlength? E.g. Use a higher tension at a rodlength 1 inch under my NBPEL?

But also use minimum tension at a rodlength of my BPSFL?

I could not finetune spring tension differently?

(I always heard of the screws at the base)

I am afraid that 1200 gramm is already to much for long hours.

It comes down to whether low tension long hours is better than vice versa.

I have used a few different type of stretcher’s. And I wouldn’t call the pf a stretcher. It doesn’t give a strong enough stretch. And it was designed to fix the curvature of the penises not lengthen it. I like the PMP Pro. I use the glan piece with my sizegentic stretcher and have gotten good results from it. The only down fall is if your out and about and need to take it off to pee you need to carry the hose to put it back on. But the hose is small and fit’s in the back pocket. I also own the LG hanger. Which is a real nice product that’s made right here in the USA by a good person to deal with.

Hi ,I hear that vicks vapor RUB is good for Penis enlargement, ist this real ?

Originally Posted by stretcherpenis

Hi straal

Thanks. That means that 1200 gramm would be the lowest? I am unexperienced but remembered the 1/3 rule.

Could I use all spring tensions at all rodlength? E.g. Use a higher tension at a rodlength 1 inch under my NBPEL?

But also use minimum tension at a rodlength of my BPSFL?

I could not finetune spring tension differently?

(I always heard of the screws at the base)

I am afraid that 1200 gramm is already to much for long hours.

It comes down to whether low tension long hours is better than vice versa.

The tension is caused by how much the stretcher is pulling your penis, so there’s no way to have say less length with more tension or more length with less tension.

Can all help me is vapor RUB good for PE?

I have an X4 labs unit with a vac mod from auto extender. When put on correctly, I have never, ever had it slip off. I found that wearing some “elephant” style underwear with the tip cut out provides some comfort for the base on the scrotum, and prevents pinching on the shaft. It looks a little funny, but so does the whole contraption. I just went back and looked, since April 1, I’ve logged almost 600 hrs and have gained exactly 1” BPEL. I can tell my wife has noticed, she sounds different :) . I have noticed that I’ve seen slower gains lately, hitting 1/8” or less last month. Perhaps I’m approaching the end of my “newbie” gains. My doctor actually recommended this therapy to help stretch the skin from a botched circumcision that caused tearing and discomfort after sex. I can safely say it is helping. I also found some GKVK bikini briefs with a very long shaft area. I find wearing them over the device adds comfort. Best of luck!

Quick update here. I have gained nothing so far from hanging. I have purchased the silicon sleeve from LG Pump to replace the condom sleeve on my Phallosan and will try hanging with that instead (and hopefully be able to go heavier too).

Originally Posted by dinogoesrawr
I need some help choosing something. Forget about price. Just need something that does the job.

My goal is to increase my erect length by 1-1.5’ max. No girth gain is fine. No flaccid change is fine too.


1. Phallosan forte.
Can pop this on at night for 10-11 hours easily and because I live alone there are no issues. They have an app etc so I can track progress. I seem to read mixed reviews about gains for this though.

2. Penismaster Pro.
I had a similar rod device years ago but it kept coming off as it pinched my glans and slipped off. This seems better. However the rods itself look a little scary lol. But I don’t mind either way.

3. Something else?

I’m a healthy young guy, plenty of protein to help it grow, and have tried the manual route with no gains, so am looking for a device. I also tried hanging weights a few times but again it just slipped off and I think I need longer ‘time’ under tension.

My only fear is I don’t want my flaccid dick to become really long and erect to stay the same. So please let me know what is best. :)


Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up


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