Originally Posted by Gurks
The studies typically only use BPFSL, because that is as close to a constant as one can achieve anatomically. Erect length is not valid way to compare before/after, due to the variance in erection quality. I have very good, consistent EQ, yet there’s a good half inch difference between a poorer erection and a super erection for me. Even between my typical and my best, there’s around a quarter inch difference. Not so with flaccid stretched length. You may apply the same tension, and barring temperature extremes, you should come up with reliable accurate measurements.Also, BPFSL does correlate with erection size. Not always at a precise 1 to 1, but given adequate EQ, an increase to one should always yield an increase to the other.
The studies out there are not perfect. Keep in mind that most of them are quite small in scope, and involve wearing the devices for significantly less time daily than recommended by the manufacturer, and I don’t know if a single one that lasted longer than six months. There are, however, a multitude of guys here that claim to have made significant gains with extenders as part of their routine. Take that anecdotal evidence along side the available clinicals, and give it a shot if you are interested.