Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Extender gains poll

View Poll Results:

Gains with extender

1000-1500 hours used and gain little than 0.5 inch or nothing


1000-1500 hours used and gain 0.5 to 1 inch


1000-1500 hours used and gain more than an inch


1500-2000 hours used and gain little than 0.5 or nothing


1500-2000 hours used and gain 0.5 to 1 inch


1500-2000 hours used and gain more than an inch


+2000 hours used and gain little than 0.5 inch or nothing


+2000 hours used and gain 0.5 to 1 inch


+2000 hours used and gain more than an inch

Total Votes: 116. You may not vote on this poll

I’ve gained over a inch in 1,200 hr put in. I believe the reason most isn’t gaining is because most don’t put enough hours in, in a day. 3/4 hours a day that most put in is not enough hours. Even the company’s will tell you this. but it seems most think as long as they put in 4hrs a day and still hit there 1,500hr mark that is all that matters. Well it isnt! You need to put in at the least 6hrs or more a day! It should be 8hrs or more a day! I believe this is why most don’t get any results. And how is everyone claiming flaccid gains but no erect gains is beyond me also.. I’ve made great solid gains using my stretcher and know plenty others as well. And to the ones claiming they use a stretcher and us the of, I wouldn’t count that as a stretcher..

Originally Posted by 2 short
I’ve gained over a inch in 1,200 hr put in. I believe the reason most isn’t gaining is because most don’t put enough hours in, in a day. 3/4 hours a day that most put in is not enough hours. Even the company’s will tell you this. but it seems most think as long as they put in 4hrs a day and still hit there 1,500hr mark that is all that matters. Well it isnt! You need to put in at the least 6hrs or more a day! It should be 8hrs or more a day! I believe this is why most don’t get any results. And how is everyone claiming flaccid gains but no erect gains is beyond me also.. I’ve made great solid gains using my stretcher and know plenty others as well. And to the ones claiming they use a stretcher and us the of, I wouldn’t count that as a stretcher..

pf is utter crap. 350$ just to stretch the skin in my case, threw it in the garbage.

Originally Posted by JayGains
Currently using Phallosan Forte ADS. About 8 hours a day for now. Will increase to 12 when I feel conditioned enough.

My current length is right around 7.5 and I am hoping to get to 9 within the year.

I have high hopes but the stretch I am feeling with this extender is unlike any stretch I have felt yet, and it is unbelievably comfortable.

I will update with results as soon as I hit 1000 hours!

If you look at research and statistics, extenders and the PF have shown to give better results upto wearing it for 11.25hrs a day, once that barrier is broken, the gains seem to be less. Of course that statistic is only using supplied data from PE users so the legitimacy is only as true as the data people supplied and going 12 hrs is only slightly above that so you might be fine. I personally use my PF 10hrs 6 days a week while doing other manual PE (heat, stretch, jelq, heat and sometimes edging) 4 days a week.
Do you do any additional PE aside fron using the PF?

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"

Hey guys,

I’ve been using a Jes Extender gold for ~4 hours a day for the last 6 weeks (Ramped up as per manufacturer recommendations).. So far I’m pretty shocked with the results, I’m up 18mm in just 6 weeks! I’ve estimated about 100 hours so far, with stretch strength generally between 800-1200 grams. I’ve done no supplementary exercises to boost the results but I plan on introducing some later on (mostly to improve girth, which I am seeing next to no gains in with the extender) but for now I’m happy with how it’s going.

Size started at 147mm (I measured 144mm BPEL at the time but I’ve previously measured 148 so I increased it to 147 to be fair to the results).. Currently at 165mm. Target is 180mm but I’ll be pretty bloody happy to even see 175mm. Sadly due to medications I take I’ve got FUPA (even thought I’m not overweight) so it takes away from the visual effect of the gains a bit but the wife has definitely noticed!

The Jes gold comes with the comfort strap to wear while sleeping but I’m stuffed if I can get the damn thing to stay on.. The tube is great in ~1 hour bursts with gauze and the foam pad, but the comfort strap just draws the blood out of my head and slips through within 20 minutes or so every time. Probably wouldn’t have dumped the extra $$$ into the gold model had I known that.

I’ve recently ordered the Phallosan Forte, and I am just waiting on its arrival. I hope to be able to contribute to this poll. I am in the process of getting a weekly routine down, and hopefully I will be able to reach 1000 hours within 6 months. I’ve done a lot of reading, and I had some mixed feelings about the PF initially. However, it seemed to me that many people complaining about the results had not used it consistently for a long enough period of time. Supposedly they have improved their design some, but I’m committed to using this to enhance my overall routine even if I have to pick up extra sleeves/condoms. I own a Size Genetics noose-style extender. Due to it being so uncomfortable, I don’t think it has helped me much in my gains. That is why PF’s comfort level is such a selling point to me. Anyway, hopefully I can contribute to this poll and provide a review of the updated PF.


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