Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Fastsize extender for sale $45 shipped

Fastsize extender for sale $45 shipped

Mods if this is not allowed I apologize and please delete it. I have a fastsize extender that I barely used. I got it about 3 years ago and used it for about a month until I realized that I dont have the patience for it. Its been sitting in the case ever since. I always sanitized and cleaned it after every use and just recleaned and sanitized. Everything I received with it is there except the measuring tape. $45 shipped via pay pal to the CONUS to verified address. If you have an x40 or x30 pump I’m willing to work something out.

$25 shipped? I’ll throw in brand new cable clamp and a stack of of porn DVDs if you wish.

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