Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gains from extenders?

I am currently wearing the Penis master or maybe now they call it the PeniMaster, not sure, but anyways I have been wearing it 4-6 hours a day for 2 months now. The first few weeks were really uncomfortable but after that I think my dick got conditioned from the consistent stretch. In those 2 months, I think (not at home to look at my logs) I have gained a 1/4” in in length. Girth I have gained 1/4” as well, but I don’t see how that is possible since I hear girth is the hardest to gain, but I have been measuring correctly so it must be true.

Stock Cock: BPEL 6.187" EG 5.25"

Current: BPEL 7.00" EG 5.5"

Goal: BPEL 8 EG 6 My new goal is now 9" BPEL X 6" EG So I can blow my wife's pussy walls out!

I just stated this in another thread last week but I will repeat here.

I used a home made vac. ADS. I gained close to 1/2 inch over 4 months. Over the 4 months I averaged 110 hours a month of ADS stretching and 100 hours of manual stretching where I was pulling harder. For 3 of those months I did the ADS, the manual stretching, and some edging. During the 4th month I incorporated clamping.

This 1/2 inch gain was after I had already gained 1 inch previously through jelqing and stretching so it was not newbie gains. The first 1 gain was more than a year earlier. This ADS and stretching routine was the approach I took in coming back to a more dedicated routine after a year of just doing low maintenance.

At the end of the 4th month my gains were slowing down and I was having to wear the ADS longer to try to get gains. I got tired of the routine so I stopped doing it.

Originally Posted by marinera
There are simply too many threads on this topic. Instead than starting a new thread, why don’t you people do a search and see if there is another on the same topic already going on?

I agree with this… Like on some forums , there is an “Official _______ Thread”, so there should be like an Official ADS/ANS Thread where anything ADS is discussed.

August 2008: NBPEL 4"

I second that comment

I third that!

Starting stats: 7" EL x 5" EG Current stats: 7.1" EL x 5.125" EG Goal : 7.5" x 5.75"

Please guys, whatever you do avoid eBay extenders.. They cost like $50 but the quality SUCKS!

I might be picking up a SizeGenetics Extender unit sometime soon, a bit pricey IMO but they quality seems nice.

Originally Posted by longdong_72
…might be picking up a SizeGenetics Extender unit sometime soon, a bit pricey IMO but they quality seems nice.

Might I suggest getting Monkeybar’s VAC extender. High quality metal, I’m allergic to cheap-o grade metals. The Vac style end I’m certain is more comfortable than the “Comfort noose” SizeGenetics seems to have. I may be bias however as I own a Monkeybar VAC, but I’ll stand behind it and not only when it’s in front of me.

Doing what genetics didn't since two-thousand and ten. Starting goal, a total volume of 300.

Originally Posted by Laeh
I just stated this in another thread last week but I will repeat here.

I used a home made vac. ADS. I gained close to 1/2 inch over 4 months. Over the 4 months I averaged 110 hours a month of ADS stretching and 100 hours of manual stretching where I was pulling harder. For 3 of those months I did the ADS, the manual stretching, and some edging. During the 4th month I incorporated clamping.

This 1/2 inch gain was after I had already gained 1 inch previously through jelqing and stretching so it was not newbie gains. The first 1 gain was more than a year earlier. This ADS and stretching routine was the approach I took in coming back to a more dedicated routine after a year of just doing low maintenance.

At the end of the 4th month my gains were slowing down and I was having to wear the ADS longer to try to get gains. I got tired of the routine so I stopped doing it.

You manually stretched for 3 hrs. A day?? Wow.

Maybe you will have to do it for yourself then tell us your results.

Here is an article I found on the use of extenders over a 6 month period of time. I can’t follow the money on this article, but the article claims the study was done by the British Journal of Urology. It also refers to a study done at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. I’ve Googled extenders, and found tons of articles like this. I’m sure some or even most of them were sponsored by extender manufacturers, but the shear number of articles alone is pretty convincing. I just bought A Size Doctor Gold Edition on eBay for $50 including shipping, so I wouldn’t necessarily go blow $200 - $300 on a Size Genetics or something like that. I have been using my extender for about a week now. I’ll try to come back month to month with personal gains. Thanks for reading!

Starting Measurements: BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 5.5" EG: 5.25"

Current Measurements: BPEL: 7.5" NBPEL: 6.5" EG: 5.3125"

Long Term Goal: BPEL: 9.125" NBPEL: 8.125" EG: 6.0"

Originally Posted by mikew0124
Here is an article I found on the use of extenders over a 6 month period of time. I can’t follow the money on this article, but the article claims the study was done by the British Journal of Urology. It also refers to a study done at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. I’ve Googled extenders, and found tons of articles like this. I’m sure some or even most of them were sponsored by extender manufacturers, but the shear number of articles alone is pretty convincing. I just bought A Size Doctor Gold Edition on eBay for $50 including shipping, so I wouldn’t necessarily go blow $200 - $300 on a Size Genetics or something like that. I have been using my extender for about a week now. I’ll try to come back month to month with personal gains. Thanks for reading!

Where is this article?

Sorry man. I was too busy ranting to paste the URL. :P Here you go: Truth-in-spam-shock: penis enlargement possible - ScienceAGoGo

Starting Measurements: BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 5.5" EG: 5.25"

Current Measurements: BPEL: 7.5" NBPEL: 6.5" EG: 5.3125"

Long Term Goal: BPEL: 9.125" NBPEL: 8.125" EG: 6.0"

Which one is better to use or does it not matter. Making a homemade extender or just a commercial one. I see that a unit has a homemade one and gain a inch that crazy but am not very good with building or making anything, so can I expect the same or maybe just half of the result if I just buy one.


Originally Posted by herewego
Which one is better to use or does it not matter. Making a homemade extender or just a commercial one. I see that a unit has a homemade one and gain a inch that crazy but am not very good with building or making anything, so can I expect the same or maybe just half of the result if I just buy one.

Here is a generic guide to Extender shopping/buying: http://www.pegy … der-buying-tips
It matters, like are you cut/uncut, do you want to set your extender length by "grams" of pull or simply inserting rod lengths & adjusting the turnbuckles. Need spare parts ? How about a support forum, an 800 number for help?
Do your homework, for your own good.


Do you think just manually stretching for 30 or 40 mins a day would help. Wouldn’t it be like wearing an extender in a way?


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