Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How to Read & Adjust Rod style Traction Devices (X4/Size Genetics/JES/Similar)

Originally Posted by misterlebowski

Some info for people looking at this product:
I have regular and wide LeLuv Sliders. The threads on the regular are too close to my penis causing pinching and threatening to cut me. The wide’s base is very uncomfortable (the size increase should have been mostly left-right rather than equally enlarged up-down), but it is much safer to use. An old pump seal split on the inner opening, so I cut out the inside large enough to pull my penis through and put it on the base of the wide slider. The base no longer hurts.

Hey, I just posted this in another thread - I had the same issues with the base and came up with a fix:

What I did was take a piece of 1/4” thick pvc board (around 8x8 or 9x9 inches square), drill a hole dead center using a hole saw (I think it was a 2” hole saw) and I’m now using that as a buffer to prevent the issue. It also seems to really help & improve the use of the extender as it keeps it somewhat rigid and “held up” as then the base can’t push on testicles/surrounding skin as much. You can feel the stretch better.

Just to be clear - the 1/4” board with hole goes over your penis (while sitting with feet up/level works best), then the extender on top thereafter you attach/strap into the stretcher. As I said, it’s a little cumbersome but really seems to improve the stretch and definitely improves any discomfort to the testicles or surrounding pubic pad.

jibbityjaw - I bought a proextender in Aliexpress

Can't get the pistons to change traction level

I can’t get the pistons on my Jes extender to move on the marks to change traction.

If you hold it between your hands can you compress them?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Pistons On Extender

Originally Posted by 32quarters
If you hold it between your hands can you compress them?

Yes they compress, but will not stay.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Well, extender theory is discussed in several threads but I’ll touch on it as I understand it here. No question is a stupid question unless it remains unsaid.

You know it is working when your PIs and your flaccid hang increase. In my days with an extender this is how I figured it out.

However, taking it to maximum tension doesn’t actually increase the rate of gains for most men. It is time under tension that really matters with extenders. Even relatively light forces do a lot of work over time.

“Barely feeling a tug” is actually still a very productive way to use the extender. Because, if you leave your extender set the same way every time (which I did) when you feel no tug anymore? That means you’re bigger and you have to adjust it outwards further. So it’s a matter of how you want to apply the extender.

Taking it to your physical maximum each time also has the added risk of making your penis resist the outside stimuli. Like, you tug too hard and your penis retreats into you. This is “turtling” which is the archenemy of any effective Penis Enlargement devices or techniques. So weigh your options. Comfort and a light tug with the extender over time guarantees a reward. More tension and discomfort *can* get you a reward but it *can* get you injured and *can* toughen your penis so that you see no rewards.

Toughening your penis, with too much training, is something that’s hard to tell. It only comes clear if you go an entire long period with zero gains and your Physiological Indicators are trending middle ground or negative. But.that’s a mouthful for here. Hopefully this gives you a starting point.

Hello new here not even sure if I’m doing this right. But this is by far the best explanation I’ve read on how much tension to apply. My only question is is what does “barely feeling a tug mean”? I know what it means but how tight exactly should the skin on the shaft be? Should it be firm but still move-able say side to side or firm and barely any wiggle room at all or right in between.? Thanks!

I'm Trying A New Extender

I just ordered the screw penis extender looks good wish me luck

I bought an extender made in china, similar to a screwed leluv. It does not seem possible to wear this device in trousers that work while sitting. Can you use it for a long time like this?

Start 01.07.2022 ----7.5 - 6.2

My goal 9,5 - 8

Originally Posted by asrin43
I bought an extender made in china, similar to a screwed leluv. It does not seem possible to wear this device in trousers that work while sitting. Can you use it for a long time like this?

Depends on the pants. I sit for work remotely and use a blanket over my lap for privacy from others in the home and because it is often on the cooler side. I usually wear sweatpants but sometimes pajama pants or shorts. If the waist is loose, I have my pants down on my thighs, otherwise, my pants are at my ankles. The device increases my need to spread my legs, especially when pointing down.
Sometimes, I need to go around the house or outside while extending and it is possible, but then I need a long shirt because the device is visible through the pants (lower crotch helps).
I need to pull my dick out of the device every 30 min so, even when my pants fit the device comfortably, it is easier to keep them down at least a little for access.
As for a long time, my extender limit is about two hours from circulation and discomfort issues. I think I have the discomfort sorted out and am trying lower tension which might increase my time. Clothing has never limited my time.
Just an aside, I don’t know how anyone could go to work in an office with an extender, even with a sit down job. I guess today men could try self identifying as a cyborg with a robotic device in his pants. Maybe MC Hammer parachute pants would work.

Start: 6.3" BPEL x 5" MEG. Now: 7.25" BPEL x 5.375 MEG. Goal: 7.5x5.5

I'm new and I'm still getting to know the forum.

My friends, I am new to penis enlargement and there are things here that I cannot understand, they are acronyms MSEG what is it? Another thing you do not measure by centimeters but inches? What is BEG? BPELIT? What is it? For now these are my beginner questions the writing preference here in the forum is inglês?

Originally Posted by Chrisfort
My friends, I am new to penis enlargement and there are things here that I cannot understand, they are acronyms MSEG what is it? Another thing you do not measure by centimeters but inches? What is BEG? BPELIT? What is it? For now these are my beginner questions the writing preference here in the forum is inglês?

Hi Chrisfort
at the top right of the page setting is FAQ, click it and it takes you to the general explanations of the forum. For English speaking countries they use measurements in inches, in other languages in centimeters however it is not a problem the conversion is simple. Good start and good work with caution and ask no problem we are all here to learn especially from veterans, bye see you soon.

Originally Posted by Dosso
Hi Chrisfort
At the top right of the page setting is FAQ, click it and it takes you to the general explanations of the forum. For English speaking countries they use measurements in inches, in other languages in centimeters however it is not a problem the conversion is simple. Good start and good work with caution and ask no problem we are all here to learn especially from veterans, bye see you soon.

Thanks for the comment the forum has a lot of content to consume. I’ve been using an extender for 4 months, I’ve already had a small increase in my erection. I’ll learn more and clear up my doubts over time.

Originally Posted by Chrisfort

Thanks for the comment the forum has a lot of content to consume. I’ve been using an extender for 4 months, I’ve already had a small increase in my erection. I’ll learn more and clear up my doubts over time.

Hi friend

surely the forum is a source of learning and brotherhood that helps us all to improve. What extender do you use and how do you use it? Greetings.


Hi all,
I went thru 3 of the smaller, thinner extenders and the dealing with adding rods, and actually tossed them.
I found one of the same LeLu extender, and that is the shiznit, for extenders. Worlds better ! Much stronger, no more bending the adjuster ends and trying to re straighten them. No more adding rods, and nearly getting punctured !
I use a wrap of lens cleaner cloth, a length of ace type bandage and a piece of the stretchers from my plantar fasciitis days.
I have been using a large plastic jar lid for the same thing as the pvc board. Cut the appropriate hole and then added padding on the pelvis side. Game changer.

Originally Posted by jibbityjaw
Hey, I just posted this in another thread - I had the same issues with the base and came up with a fix:

What I did was take a piece of 1/4” thick pvc board (around 8x8 or 9x9 inches square), drill a hole dead center using a hole saw (I think it was a 2” hole saw) and I’m now using that as a buffer to prevent the issue. It also seems to really help & improve the use of the extender as it keeps it somewhat rigid and “held up” as then the base can’t push on testicles/surrounding skin as much. You can feel the stretch better.

Just to be clear - the 1/4” board with hole goes over your penis (while sitting with feet up/level works best), then the extender on top thereafter you attach/strap into the stretcher. As I said, it’s a little cumbersome but really seems to improve the stretch and definitely improves any discomfort to the testicles or surrounding pubic pad.

jibbityjaw - I bought a proextender in Aliexpress

Hey guys just purchased the andromedical extender but it’s a bit strange to me. How do you guys it? I’m using the wide band with the cushion over it and the sillicone band on my penis but on a video on how to use it I see the normal band without the cushion or anything. What is the recommended use for this device? I can’t really find anything on this also I can extend 1 inch more but with the cushion its too loose or I either tighten it too much and my penishead gete blue after 45m or its too loose and slips out

Last edited by MrViking : 07-12-2023 at .

Originally Posted by MrViking

Hey guys just purchased the andromedical extender but it’s a bit strange to me. How do you guys it? I’m using the wide band with the cushion over it and the sillicone band on my penis but on a video on how to use it I see the normal band without the cushion or anything. What is the recommended use for this device? I can’t really find anything on this also I can extend 1 inch more but with the cushion its too loose or I either tighten it too much and my penishead gete blue after 45m or its too loose and slips out

This is how I’m wearing it now. I can stretch it a bit further but when I fasten it, my dick pulls back and it gets in this uncomfortable state. It feels like I’m doing something wrong



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