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How to change my vac-extender to "normal"?

How to change my vac-extender to "normal"?


I have a vac-extender that I bought from several years ago. It works pretty good but I want to try to extend without vacuum to see how it works for me.

I have a newer version but it’s similar to this one, point is I already have the base for the extender. I think it was called “Kr-Extender”.

So what are my options? I am thinking about something like this

In fact it’s the only option I have found so far. How do I know it will fit my base extender? Or are they all pretty universal?

So long!

On second thoughts, this onewill fit better - http://www.alie … 2350236100.html

It fits a proextender which is similar to a JES and I understand the KR that Monkeybar sells.

Suspect the link in my previous post is designed for a different type of extender - my apologies.


Originally Posted by austfred
On second thoughts, this onewill fit better - http://www.alie … 2350236100.html

It fits a proextender which is similar to a JES and I understand the KR that Monkeybar sells.

Suspect the link in my previous post is designed for a different type of extender - my apologies.


Yeah I thought the same. It’s very cheap on aliexpress, but I don’t how how safe it is to buy from there, I have never done it before.

Anyway thank you


Originally Posted by John_J
Yeah I thought the same. It’s very cheap on aliexpress, but I don’t how how safe it is to buy from there, I have never done it before.

Anyway thank you

I have bought quite a few items from there by credit card. Found aliexpress itself reliable though I never received one item. However aliexpress work on an escrow basis so if you alert them that you have not received the item within the specified time ( about a month from memory) you get a refund onto your card. I get most items after about 2 weeks.


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