Thunder's Place

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Need help with JES - Loss of circulation.

Need help with JES - Loss of circulation.

Hello everybody!

I have been away from PE for a while but would like to get back into it. I have been around Thunder’s for a couple years now, and it never ceases to entertain me. When I first started PE I did mainly jelqathons for months and little to no stretching, but had great gains. 1.5” EL and around .5” EG (didn’t track girth as much). Anyhow, I purchased a JES Extender a while ago and I really haven’t seen any gains from it, but mainly because I haven’t worn it all that much. I know a lot of people don’t think the “noose” type of stretcher is the way to go, but having read so much about “little force over long-time” theories and owning the JES, I have confidence it will work.

My problem: I don’t find wearing the JES all that uncomfortable at all, except trying to hide it under clothing. I’ll deal with that. I have a problem when approaching the recommended traction force of 1200-1500 grams. No matter how good I have the the thing attached, after 15-25 minutes the ridge around the head of my penis starts to turn white. When I take it off it’s almost like it’s lymph fluid or something building up in there or, my main concern, that the area isn’t receiving any blood at all. The JES came with a pad that I haven’t tried wearing yet. I was just wondering if there was anyone out there that has found a nifty solution to this problem? Or if anyone is even experiencing the same kind of event?

As always it’s a pleasure to be a part of the community.


You are correct that the noose-type all day stretch devices aren’t well liked, and now you know why. There’s just no way to make that kind of strap not do some damage. There’s a network of veins in the corona of the glans that are the main way for blood to leave the glans. I’m not surprised you’re seeing some congestion there. Perhaps the pad that came with it will help, but I’ll bet it will make keeping the noose in place more difficult. I don’t know of any other solution except a light wrap with some fluffy, soft gauze (not the kind that appears woven, that will just irritate the skin). Good luck!

I read somewhere here an explanation of how to use ace wrap and sports tape instead of the noose. There was no illustration, but I understood it as wrapping around the shaft with ace, making a loop with tape from one side of the wrap over the glans (taking care to back it with wrap or something to avoid it sticking to glans) to the other side, and then taping around the shaft, over the wrap and tape to keep the looped tape in place. This is all done just below the head, and then the loop was attached to the extender itself. Basically a very slim taped version of the Captains Wench, as I pictured it.

I have not tried this myself, I don’t have an extender. Anybody out there who has?

Is there anybody who has constructed anything else that is reusable and easily attached for an ADS?


Thanks, anybody have experience from using the noose down on the shaft?

I picture some flexible plastic lip + velcro across the top to avoid crunching the dorsal vein/nerves; the plastic would go from the stretcher underneath the glans, down along the shaft a bit and the have “wings” that fold up on the side of the shaft. It would look like an upside-down “T”. The the “wings” would be held together with velcro (?) to make sure the brunt of the squeeze was along the side of the shaft (see PIETs stretcher). The “wings” would likely be fitted with hose or similar to avoid a sharp edge eating it’s way into the skin when pulled up against the glans (see thread about Frenchy’s hanger). This rig would not be sufficient for hanging, but it seems that it should be able to hold the moderate pull from a ADS, considering the noose works.

Anybody tried something along this line? I’m thinking it could be part of a hip-hugger ADS á la penis-plus.



neat clamp, but not very unobstrusive, unfortunately. Looks comfy, though.


Originally Posted by mgus

neat clamp, but not very unobstrusive, unfortunately. Looks comfy, though.


Baggy pants maybe the only solution for unobtrusiveness. :(

Is the pad a tubular sponge thing? If it is then this does allow you to fasten the loop fairly tightly without loss of circulation - provided it’s worn with the foreskin retracted (if you’re uncut that is). I can manage two daily sessions of 2.5 hrs like this. Also, make sure you have the correct length of side bars in place. If you have these too long you’ll have great difficulty fastening the penis into the loop and when you increase traction you can generate a lot of pain! If you get the bar length right the normal traction from this should be enough to give you the ‘light but long’ traction you need without tightening the traction rings.

Thanks for all the helpful replys everyone. The video was helpful, as I had thought that wrapping might help. I’ll give that a try and see how it goes. I guess it’ll have to do, because although the Autoextender looks like it might grip better, I don’t think I’ll be shelling out any more dough for another extender. Maybe a modification is in the near future. Who knows.

Thanks again.


I’ve been using the JES for 2 years now. I use Hypafix tape just below the coronal ridge and find that the noose will easily hold about a half inch below the ridge. This takes much of the pressure off of that area. Still, I note that the coronal ridge area will turn a clear or white color from lack of blood. This has not been a problem to me so far. I only wear the JES for an hour or so at a time and then allow time for recovery. I don’t think that the JES alone will do much (nor will anything else alone). You’ve got to used it with a combination of hanging, stretching etc.

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