Thunder's Place

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Noose Strap vs. Vacuum Glans Attachment for Extenders?

Noose Strap vs. Vacuum Glans Attachment for Extenders?

Hey fellow PE enthusiasts,

I’m looking to get some insights into the best attachment method for extenders. I’m currently torn between using a noose strap and a vacuum glans attachment. Here are a few points I’m considering:

1. **Comfort:** Which attachment method is more comfortable for extended wear?

2. **Effectiveness:** Have you noticed any differences in the effectiveness of your PE routine with either method?

3. **Safety:** Any concerns or issues (e.g., slippage, constriction, blisters) that you’ve encountered with either the noose strap or vacuum glans attachment?

4. **Ease of Use:** Which attachment do you find easier to use and adjust throughout your sessions?

I’d really appreciate hearing your experiences and recommendations to help me make an informed decision. Thanks in advance for sharing your insights!



21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

I have used vacuum devices in the past. They are very comfortable but high risk of glans trauma which takes months to heal.

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