Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Extender (How-to use)


Force like no other

It’s been 3 days since I started using my screw-type extender and each time I use it the feel becomes unbearable after 1 hour max and I’m supposed to wear this thing for 4-8 hours depending on how much I can tolerate it. I don’t want to lower the tension otherwise my gains won’t appear as fast.

Any reccommendations?

Some of it is conditioning. Or maybe you’re using too much force for long duration traction. And you should take breaks every hour or so.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

> unbearable

“Base burn” from the part of the extender that goes up against your body, or sore glans from the gripping end?

Either way, it takes some people a while to get used to an extender. Wear it until it gets uncomfortable, then back off the tension or take it off. You’ll probably get used to it in a week or two.

Trying to rush it will just cause you needless discomfort; you’re going to spend months strapped in. A week or two either way doesn’t matter.

Bruh… traction force is only important in the beginning of the day. Do a 20 minute set at high tension, then the rest of the hour at lower, since you already stretched to the max and the lower pull will keep it elongated at less traction. It’ll save a lot of skin irritation. Do the high tension just once every 2 hours of stretching. It should yield better results at a lower sacrifice.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

I had the same problem when I first started using a noose type extender. It just takes a few weeks of conditioning and your penis will adapt. Also, it’s recommended you start with low tension and build to higher tensions as your penis becomes accustomed. I typically start stretching around 900 grams and move up to 1200 during the day. I’ve added over an inch to my BPFSL in 6 weeks. My wife commented last night that she thought I was an inch longer while erect. She has no clue I’m extending. So. Patience and persistence.

How To Extend Without Hurting Your Balls

I got this screw-type extender from aliexpress a while back and I could only use it for a few times, my nuts turned bright red almost everytime I used it after almost 30-40 minutes. If my nuts aren’t hanging low then it’s a no-go. Dunno if it’s the same for you guys but everytime I extend I can feel some sort of circulation getting cut from my nuts and my scrotum feels sort of numb

just pull the nutsack skin all towards your body and out of the extender ring, pull it till it’s tense under the ring, but not skin-stretching. That’ll keep the burning sensation in off mode for a longer period. However skin might be pulled back in because of movement so check it every now and then.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

Originally Posted by redmorsilla
just pull the nutsack skin all towards your body and out of the extender ring, pull it till it’s tense under the ring, but not skin-stretching. That’ll keep the burning sensation in off mode for a longer period. However skin might be pulled back in because of movement so check it every now and then.

I don’t get it, I can only get my penis through the ring. Even if I were to fit my skin through it somehow my balls would be in an awkward position. FYI my penis sticks out rather than hanging low

Lubricate your scrotum to allow it to be supple and also allow some slippage. Ball burn is caused by stretching the skin. With an extender you want to stretch your dick and want the skin to stretch at the same rate.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

I'm tired of extenders, help needed

I tried extending on at least 5 different occasions and my balls went numb and turned red no matter how I did it and gained one fifth of an inch.

Before I give myself some sort of circulatory system disorder concerning my balls (my nuts were shrunk everytime I took the extender off from blood being cut off, it was a screw-type extender not the tension type with springs like phallosan) I need you to link me to a hanger that’s hung from the body of the penis (NOT the glans with the vacuum, very important) preferably from aliexpress.

My budget is 30 bucks with shipping, I can do more if the extra is worth it but we’re talking about a hanger that goes on a penis which I can attach iron plates to, shouldn’t be that complex

Aliexpress has some good knock off extenders. That’s where I got mine, and it works well. Under $30.

Originally Posted by Mr Inbetween

Aliexpress has some good knock off extenders. That’s where I got mine, and it works well. Under $30.

Hi which one… Please share

Sounds like the particular extender(s) you’ve used don’t agree with your scrotum.

My guess is that you’ll have to save up and go with a higher budget item to get something comfortable.

I, personally, have an X4 product. After using it for months, I was able to get to a point where I could tolerate up to 90minutes.

Ball burn is a problem, no matter what extender you get. The trick seems to be pulling the scrotum down, so less skin is inside the extender, chancing position when it becomes uncomfortable, and adding lubricant if needed.

For noose padding, I use and recommend ResQTape or a knockoff.

I put the noose as far to the end as I can. When I was doing less tension, I could secure it IN the sulcus under the glans. Now, at higher tension, I’m securing the noose at the same place as you’ve shown in the photos.

Try to extend for 2+ hours each day, broken up into shorter sessions. If you can manage 4 sessions a day that are 30min or longer each, you’ll see gains within 3-6 months.

My extender routine

I have cheap LeLuv extenders that look like the one you posted. One is regular size like yours and the other is the large size. Any deformation after using the device should not last very long (say 30min). I do not notice much deformation, but the noose does cause discomfort on the dorsal mucosa where the noose contacts. I have minimized discomfort with a short silicone sleeve. LeLuv’s “deluxe” includes sleeves, but silicone sleeves are available all over. They are about 1” long. I use a thin strip of cloth (3/8” wide) under the sleeve just behind my glans to improve grip. The noose has a sleeve that bunches up. I had to shorten the noose’s sleeve a great deal to stop the bunching.

The device would hurt my scrotum (mainly the large) which I fixed (on the large) with a pump seal over the base (center seal cut out leaving opening large enough to pull unlubed dick through).

I can only do up to about four hours in this extender each day. If I do more than two hours, I typically need a day off. I will be fine using it the next day, but I will be sore on the third or fourth day of consecutive use. I use this extender as part of a larger routine.

I relieve tension and the noose every thirty minutes and squeeze my penis for circulation.

I have attached an instruction page from LeLuv that shows the noose in relation to the glans.

I have a longer write up on my experience with this extender design that I could post if there is not a thread on it already.

Persistence is good to figure these things out, but you may find that you can’t make this extender work for you. I found that no one method works for me. I made the extender work, but my time is limited. Similarly for the Phallosan Forte. I prefer manual exercises, but do not have the time to do them regularly. I ended up combining all these and other tools into an adaptable regimen that works for my body and schedule. It takes a lot of effort just to figure out how you can fit PE into your life.

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Last edited by misterlebowski : 10-24-2022 at .

By the way, I include creativity in persistence. I do not mean pigheaded determination to force something that obviously is not working. Your issues may be matters of conditioning such that you need to dial back a whole lot, as has been suggested, followed by building up slowly over time. You may, however, find that no amount of conditioning works. You need to be creative to identify problems and find solutions that you can achieve (and be ready to cut your losses on a device/technique that does not work for you). Persistence is a difficult art.


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